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ECFW CYBER CARNAGE V 5.6.06 Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, here to sing ‘America the Beautiful,’ Rena Summers! Crowd applauds. Rena Summers is in the ring, microphone in-hand, in a gorgeous dress. She begins to sing and the crowd stands to their feet and put their right hand over their heart: Rena Summers: “O beautiful for spacious skies, Crowd cheers Rena is smiling as the audience applauds for her. ________________________________________________________________________ “It only comes once a year.” (Shows J-Dogg and Raptor face-to-face from Cyber Carnage I) “Its where lives are changed forever…” (Shows Bracken Powerbombing Hard Stone off the top of the Hell in the Cell from Cyber Carnage III) “And where men become immortal.” (Shows Andre Lacriox, tears in his eyes, celebrating with the ECFW World Title after his match at Cyber Carnage II) “That night is tonight.” (Shows Madison Square Garden) “Cyber Carnage.” (The last image we see is Aric Hart and Kelly Gorgeous celebrating with the ECFW Title after the Cyber Carnage IV main event.) (All goes black when suddenly…)
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The following words are shown (not spoken) on a black background: “Fasten your seatbelts…” (The music continues) “You’re in for a bumpy ride.” (The music continues) “Are you ready?” (The music begins to slow down as Kurt Cobain’s voice can now be heard.) “Load up on guns, and bring your friends.
“Hello, hello, hello, how low? “With the lights out, ITS LESS DANGEROUS!
“A mulatto,
“YAY! “I’m worse at what I do best,
“Hello, hello, hello, how low? “With the lights out, ITS LESS DANGEROUS! (The action speeds up, showing both men’s attacks on one another) “A mulatto, “YAY! -The bridge of the song is now playing and we see random shots of all involved with tonight’s event. From Steeve Sinister to Alexis Knight, Slade Craven to Max McCants- “And I forget just why I taste,
“Hello, hello, hello, how low? “With the lights out, ITS LESS DANGEROUS! “A mulatto,
“A DENIAL! (Shows Kitten and Alexis face-to-face)
_____________________________________________________________ “And now, Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling proudly presents the biggest event of the year, Cyber Carnage V.” _____________________________________________________________ We go inside the huge arena where the massive audience is going crazy and the biggest set of pyros you’ve ever seen are shooting off everywhere. The inside of the arena features a giant platform for the stage, with a long ramp way that goes all the way down to ringside. The stage set is a huge silver upside down “V” that is at least 75-125 feet tall in height, and it takes up about half of the platform (stage), it being in the middle. The “V” is upside down, and the wrestlers come out through the opening to come out onto the stage platform. There are giant screens throughout the arena for the action to be shown on, the ‘Cyber Carnage V’ logo wrapped around the many screens. There are several ‘Cyber Carnage V’ banners throughout the arena as well. At the bottom of the long ramp is the ringside area, featuring the ring. The ring is in the center of a blocked off area from the fans, featuring black ring ropes with black ring posts and silver turnbuckle pads with the ‘Cyber Carnage V’ logo printed on them. The ring aprons are black as well with the silver ‘Cyber Carnage V’ logo on each side of the ring apron. Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is playing in the background. The camera pans around all of this arena until we finally find our place to ringside where we have the English and Spanish announce tables. At the English announce table we see a smiling Owen Nelson and Ben Little, both in tuxedos. The pyros finally start to finish off and the yelling audience is now even more audible than before. Owen Nelson: Its been a long time coming, but it is finally here, ladies and gentlemen! It’s the grandest stage of em all, THE biggest event of the year, and to date, the biggest event of all-time! This is the greatest extravaganza in sports, and its history in the making as we speak! Its Cyber Carnage V. I’m Owen Nelson, along with “Big” Ben Little here at ringside, and we will be calling all of the monumental action for you here tonight from the world’s most famous arena! “Big” Ben Little: And that is the sold-out Madison Square Garden here in the heart of New York City! There are 30,000 fans from all over the world jam-packed into this famous arena and they’re all here to see the biggest event of the year, Cyber Carnage V! Owen Nelson: We are LIVE on pay-per-view all over the world, and folks, you couldn’t be doing anything better on your Saturday night then what you are doing right now. We want to thank you for being apart of history, and Ben, this has got to be the biggest night in sports, and especially wrestling, history. “Big” Ben Little: That goes without question. I am so excited about tonight, its gonna be huge! This only comes one time a year, and what an honor for the men and women participating in tonight’s historic event. Owen Nelson: Ben, I don’t want to waste anymore time! This is the biggest event of the year, and it has finally come! The biggest matches and moments in wrestling history are about to take place here tonight in this building, and its going to start right…NOW!… ECFW WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH KITTEN CHARRINGTON VS. ALEXIS KNIGHT Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is for one fall and it's for the ECFW Women's Championship! (the crowd pops with some cheers) The cheers from the crowd changes to boos, as “Celebrity Skin” by Hole hits. Kitten Charrington walks out on stage with the ECFW Women's Championship belt on her shoulder. Kitten raises the title in the air, as the crowd responds with boos. The Women's Champion smiles, brings the championship back on her shoulder and begins to walk down the ramp towards the square circle. Sam Jenkans: Making her way to the ring, from London, England, ....representing The Foundation of Success, .....the ECFW Women's Champion, .....Kitten Charrington!!! The crowd erupts with boos, as Kitten makes her way up the steel stairs and into the square circle. She stands in the middle of the ring in front a booing crowd and once again raises the Women's title belt high in the air, as the boos coming from the sold out crowd in Madison Square Garden grows. Owen Nelson: This crowd doesn't think to good of the Women's Champion. "Big" Ben Little: If you ask me, this crowd has absolutely no respect. It wouldn't shock me if they don't have any for themselves as well. Meanwhile the British-born Kitten Charrington stands in one corner of the square circle, as her theme music by Celebrity Skin fades, she hands the belt over to referee Nathan Greenland. "Headstrong" by Trapt hits and the crowd erupts with cheers as an energetic and well focus Alexis Knight makes her way out on the impressive looking Cyber Carnage stage. Alexis quickly makes her way down the ramp to the square circle. Sam Jenkans: And the challenger, on her way to the ring, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, .....Alexis Knight!!! The cheers from the crowd grows, as Alexis slides into the square circle. Her theme music quickly fades, as she and Kitten are face to face in the middle of the ring. The crowd is cheering, as the two ladies is not taking their eyes off each other. Owen Nelson: Neither the champion or the challenger is backing down. "Big" Ben Little: For the guys out there who's looking for bra and panties in this match, this is not going to be a cat fight. This is going to be a real wrestling match for the Women's Championship, you can count on that one. At the moment inside the square circle, the Women's Champion begins to back down, as the referee stands in front of Kitten and raises the championship in the air while Alexis now carries her focus on the championship belt. This is when Kitten Charrington, suddenly grabs the championship belt away from the referee and slams the championship gold right into the face of the challenger Alexis Knight. And the crowd quickly begins to boo as Kitten Charrington drops the championship belt. "Big" Ben Little: Championship gold to the face of Alexis Knight. Nathan Greenland quickly calls for the bell for the official start of the Women's Championship match. ((DING DING)) Same time as the bell ring, Kitten Charrington covers a down and out Alexis Knight, as the referee quickly gets in position to make the count. .....1......2......Just as the referee goes for the three, Alexis kicks out by barely getting her shoulder up. (the booing crowd erupts with cheers) Owen Nelson: Alexis kicks after being hit with the Women's Title. "Big" Ben Little: This was almost the shortest match in Cyber Carnage history. Kitten stands back up and begins to viciously attack Alexis with kick to the rib cage. With the crowd booing, the champion drops to her knees and continues the assault with hard right elbows to the back of the head. After a few rights to the head, Kitten applies a rear neck old on the challenger Alexis Knight. The challenger begins to fade fast, as the crowd begins to chant "Let's Go ALexis" over and over for Alexis Knight. Kitten tightens the rear neck hold and raps her legs around the waist of the challenger, as the crowd continues to show their support for the challenger Alexis Knight. "Big" Ben Little: All the support, cannot save Alexis Knight right here right now. Owen Nelson: Kitten now has the upper hand, because of what she done at the start of the match, using the championship belt to take out Alexis Knight. "Big" Ben Little: Hey, just remember it all went down before the bell even sounded. Kitten tightens the hold a little more as the referee begins to check Alexis arm for response. Greenland, lifts Alexis arm high in the air and leaves it go. The challengers arms drops to the canvas. As the referee counts "One.” Owen Nelson: Just tomorrow and the champion retains here tonight. The referee lifts Alexis arm once again in the air and leaves it go. It falls once again to the canvas as the referee counts "Two.” "Big" Ben Little: Come on, Kitten, just one more and you're the winner. With the crowd cheering on Alexis Knight, once again the referee lifts Alexis arm in the air and leaves it go. This time it does not hits the canvas, as Alexis shows some response and that she is still in the match. Owen Nelson: Yes! This match is not over, matter of fact I think it is just getting started. Kitten is trying to tighten the hold, but Alexis begins to smash some elbows of her on into the rib area of Kitten Charrington. Charrington quickly lets and moves back to her knees. She screams at Alexis to stand up. As Alexis gets back on one knee, Kitten bounces off the ropes and return with a clothesline, Alexis lifts the champion in the air and slams her back down to the canvas, with a bone crushing spine buster. The crowd erupts with cheers as Alexis immediately goes for the pinfall. ....1......2......Kitten kicks out of the cover and the crowd reacts with a few boos. Owen Nelson: What a spine buster by the challenger Alexis Knight. Alexis reaches back to her feet and brings Kitten to hers and sets her up for a suplex. Alexis lifts Kitten in the air and instead of the common suplex, Alexis drops the champion face and stomach first into the canvas. Once again the challenger covers Kitten and hooks the leg as well as Nathan Greenland makes the count yet again. .....1......2.....Kitten Charrington kicks out once again. Again Alexis Knight stands to her feet, brings Kitten up as well and takes her down with a hard European uppercut. Once again, Alexis brings Kitten to her feet and hits yet another European uppercut as the champion hits the canvas again. Alexis looks down at the champion and suddenly gets down to one knee and begins to pummel away with rights hands to the champion as the crowd cheers for the challenger. Owen Nelson: And now Alexis is in the drivers seat in this match. "Big" Ben Little: Very true, but that can change pretty easy as Kitten is a certified two time ECFW Women's Champion. She is more experienced than Alexis Knight. A fired up Alexis gets off of Kitten, bounces off the ropes and drops a elbow right to the chest area of the Women's Champion Kitten Charrington. The crowd is cheering on Alexis Knight as she now brings back Kitten to her feet. Alexis Irish-whips Kitten into the ropes, as she returns Alexis executes a back body drop, sending Kitten high in the air and crashing into the canvas. Kitten gets up and is quickly taken down back by a clothesline. She gets back up again and is taken down by yet another clothesline by the challenger. Quickly Kitten Charrington moves back to her feet and for a third time, Alexis takes her down with a clothesline. Kitten begins to get up slowly with spaghetti legs, as Alexis grabs her and tosses her into the ropes, as Kitten returns Alexis Knight executes a modify type of arm drag and the crowd erupts with cheers. Owen Nelson: Man Alexis Knight is on fire here at Cyber Carnage V. "Big" Ben Little: I agree and unfortunately if Kitten to start to fire back, this match may be over pretty darn soon. Alexis Knight begins to stalk the ECFW Women's Champion as she pulls herself up with the help of the ropes. Alexis rush towards the champion, but the Kitten ducks, with a back body drop, sending Alexis Knight to the outside area on the apron. Alexis quickly recovers from the champion's counter, grabs Kitten and sets her up for another suplex as Knight stands on the apron and Kitten is in the ring. Alexis lifts Kitten up and Kitten lands right on the outside of the ring on the apron along with the challenger Alexis. Kitten quickly hits Alexis with a forearm of her own and Alexis returns the favor with a forearm of hers. This goes back and fort, when Alexis block about the fifth forearm of the champion and delivers another European uppercut. Kitten moves backwards on the apron. Alexis runs towards the dazed champion, locks her head and jumps off the apron, with a DDT. Both ECFW Divas lands to the outside, but Kitten Charrington is not moving after the DDT, Alexis have just done. The crowd is cheering and chanting Holy Sh*t over and over again. "Big" Ben Little: Oh my gosh, Kitten may need to take a trip to the hospital downtown after impact. Owen Nelson: I think so too. That was just amazing. "Big" Ben Little: Amazing? That was sick by Alexis Knight. She has no rights and the referee should disqualify her for that move she just pulled. Alexis gets up still daze from the DDT off the apron she executed on Kitten Charrington, as the referee begins the outside count. ......1......2......3...Alexis looks at Kitten who is not moving. ......4.....5....She drags the champion back to her feet and rolls the motionless Kitten Charrington back into the square circle. Alexis follows right behind and quickly goes for the cover as Greenland makes the count. .....1......2.....Kitten Charrington somehow kicks out. The crowd is all excited. Alexis holds her head as she can't believe, Kitten just kicked out. A still shocked Alexis Knight gets back up and brings Charrington to her feet. She puts her head between her legs and lifts her up for the Good Knight (crowd cheers), but Kitten slips out from behind. Kitten quickly grabs lifts Knight in a Belly to Back Suplex (crowd boos), but Knight slips out from the suplex (crowd cheers again) and lifts up Kitten for a Belly to Back Suplex, but in the air, Kitten Charrington counters and comes back down with the CAT SCRATCH FEVER, hitting Alexis Knight face first into the canvas. As the crowd erupts with boos towards the Women's Champion. Owen Nelson: Cat Scratch Fever by the champion! This match has to be over. Kitten crawls over Alexis as she makes the cover in front a booing sold out crowd in Madison Square Garden and referee Nathan Greenland makes the cover. .....1.......2......Alexis Knight barely kicks out before the three count. .....Kitten can't believe it as she hits the canvas, showing some frustration. "Big" Ben Little: I can't believe Alexis kicked out of the Cat Scratch Fever. Owen Nelson: What a way to start off things here tonight at the biggest event in Sports Entertainment, ....Cyber Carnage V. A frustrated Kitten Charrington gets back to her feet, brings Alexis Knight and lifts her up and delivers a side backbreaker, but doesn't let go of the challenger and delivers a second side backbreaker and again does not leave go Alexis Knight. Kitten hits a third side backbreaker, dropping Alexis to the canvas as Kitten makes the cover over Alexis Knight. .....1.....2....And Alexis kicks out yet again. Kitten shakes her head in disbelief. The Champion, moves back to her feet and begins to climb the turnbuckle. Just as she makes it to the top, Alexis bounces on the ropes, making Kitten lose her balance and falls on to the turnbuckle. (The crowd cheers) A hurting Alexis Knight begins to climb the turnbuckle. As she makes it to the second. Kitten Charrington begins to fight back with some hard rights, easily costing Alexis to lose balance and crash into the canvas from the second rope. Kitten now sets herself up to jump off the top rope. Just as Alexis stands back up with her head turned towards Kitten. The Champion jumps off and hits the CAT SCRATCH FEVER off the top rope. "Big" Ben Little: Ha this match is over. Kitten makes the cover and hooks the leg as the referee immediately begins to count the pinfall. .....1......2......As the referee hands moves down for the three, Alexis Knight gets her shoulder up. The crowd erupts as a shock Kitten signals to the referee three, but referee replies it was a two count. Owen Nelson: I, I can't believe my eyes here tonight. That was the move that won Kitten Charrington her second ECFW Women's Championship and Alexis has just kicked out of that. "Big" Ben Little: No kidding, Owen, and what the hell does it take for Kitten Charrington to walk out of Madison Square Garden still the ECFW Women's Champion? Kitten gets up and storms to the outside of the ring. She grabs her championship belt from Sam Jenkans and enters the ring. The referee is warning Kitten not to use the championship belt or else she would be disqualified, but the champion ignores Nathan Greenland. She stalks Alexis Knight from behind, just as Alexis turns around, Kitten swings with the title belt, but Alexis ducks. As soon as Kitten turns back around looking to knock out Alexis with the championship gold, she is kicked in the gut by Alexis. Kitten drops the championship belt and Alexis brings her head right between her legs lifts her up and hits the GOOD KNIGHT. Alexis turns over Kitten Charrington on to her back and makes the cover in front a cheering crowd. .......1........2......Kitten Charrington kicks out! The crowd is excited as they are in shock the match is not over. Alexis sits on the canvas moving her hands through her hair. "Big" Ben Little: It's not a Good Knight for Alexis Knight. Owen Nelson: How in the world did Kitten kicked out of that? I don't believe there is anybody until now, that kicked out of the Good Knight. "Big" Ben Little: Look at these people, they can't believe it neither. Alexis Knight, who now looks frustrated, slowly brings Kitten back to her feet. Kitten Charrington, suddenly pokes Alexis in the eyes and lifts Alexis into a modified type of the Most Valuable Slam (Angle Slam). The crowd erupts with boos, as Kitten goes for the cover. ......1.......2.....Once again Alexis kicks out as the crowd cheer her own. Owen Nelson: And not even the Most Valuable Slam, Stephan Silverstone thought her can end this match here tonight. "Big" Ben Little: I wonder what will. Kitten moves back to her feet and brings her opponent back to her feet. She trash talks Alexis, then bounces off the ropes as she comes back with a clothesline, Alexis counters and locks in the KNIGHT OF RETRIBUTION submission hold! The crowd erupts with cheers, as Kitten is screaming in pain from the cross face move. Owen Nelson: I think Kitten is going to tap out. A desperate champion who is in pain, begins to slowly pulls herself towards the ropes. But doing so, Alexis Knight, tightens the submission hold, costing Kitten to scream some more. Kitten continues to pull herself towards the ropes, as Alexis continue to tighten. "Big" Ben Little: Come on Kitten, make it to those ropes. Owen Nelson: And the champion is in desperate need of those ropes. Kitten Charrington begins to reach out to the ropes, but Alexis pulls back delivering more pain towards the champion. The crowd is cheering as some fans is signaling the tap out pose. Kitten pulls yet again towards the ropes as Alexis continue tighten the submission hold with all she got. As Kitten Charrington reaches out to the ropes one last time, she cannot reach. Kitten begins to fade. Alexis keeps the Knight of Retribution locked in as the referee now begins to check the arm of Kitten for any response. He lifts it in the air and the arm drops to the canvas. ....1..... The referee does it yet again and Kitten hand drops yet again to the canvas. ......2....... Alexis tightens the hold in front pro-Alexis crowd. Nathan Greenland lifts the arm one last time and leaves it go, it drops, but before it hit the canvas Kitten Charrington holds up her hand in the air. As the crowd and Alexis Knight can't believe the champion is still in this match. Kitten Charrington stretches one last time and this time grabs on to the bottom rope. Alexis Knight quickly leaves go the hold as both ladies are totally out of it. Owen Nelson: My God, neither Diva wants to lose this match. What a great match and it's our first for the night. Alexis begins to make it back to her feet before the champion. Alexis moves to the turnbuckle and begins to climb it. She reaches the third turnbuckle as stalks and waits from the champion to stand up. As Kitten finally get back to her feet, Alexis Knights jumps with a cross body, but Kitten counters and she leaps in the air with a drop kick, striking the challenger right into the stomach in mid-air. The crowd grasp as Alexis is on the canvas, rolling around with her arm holding her stomach. Kitten Charrington cannot capitalize for the cover as the referee begins the ten count. .....1.....2.....3.... Owen Nelson: Both ladies are down! .....4......5.....6....Kitten gets back up on one knee as the referee stops the count. Kitten sees Alexis still on the canvas and begins to smile. Kitten stalks Alexis from behind, who is slowly making her way to her feet. Just then Kitten goes for yet another Cat Scratch Fever (bulldog), but Alexis counters, by rolling the champion up with a quick School Boy. The crowd cheers. .....1......2.....Kitten Charrington kicks out of the School Boy. "Big" Ben Little: That was close! Both Charrington and Knight quickly make it back to their feet and both Divas take each other out with a clothesline of their own. The stands and begins to clap as the referee begins the ten count once again. ......1......2.....3, At the is time, both Kitten and Alexis are showing signs of movements. .....4......5.....6, ....Alexis and Kitten begins to slowly make it back to their feet. .....7.....8....The referee stops the ten count as both the challenger and the champion is back to their feet. The two begins striking each other with some stiff right hands in the middle of the square circle as the crowd like every moment of this match. Alexis begins to get the upper hand, as Kitten stumbles backwards every time Alexis lands a right. This is when Kitten stops Alexis with a knee to the gut. Kitten looks to Irish-whip Alexis, but Alexis turns it around sending Kitten into the ropes. As the champion Kitten Charrington of the Foundation of Success bounces off the ropes and returns, Alexis jumps on to Kitten with a Lou Thesz Press. She begins to pummel away on Kitten Charrington as the sold out crowd of Madison Square Garden erupts with cheers. Alexis gets off of Kitten, bring Kitten back to her feet, scoops her up and slams her with a Body Slam. The crowd cheers as Alexis Knight points towards the turnbuckles. She looks at Kitten who is down and out. Knight begins to climb the turn buckle with her back turned towards her opponent. As she reaches the third turnbuckle, Knight keeps her balance and jumps in the air with a Moonsault, but crashes in the canvas as Kitten Charrington has moved out of the way. Owen Nelson: And nobody home, as Alexis took a chance and that chance cost her. "Big" Ben Little: I think Kitten was playing possum all along. Kitten Charrington moves to her feet and sees Alexis still on the canvas, now on one knee holding her stomach. From behind Kitten Charrington applies and locks in a Sleeper Hold on Alexis. The challenger begins to fight, but Kitten is keeping her away from the ropes. The excited crowd is cheering on Alexis, as she quickly fades. "Big" Ben Little: That's right Kitten, be the first to make The Foundation happy here tonight. Owen Nelson: Alexis Knight is fading and fading very fast. Kitten tightens the hold as Alexis drops to both her knees, as there is barely any struggle from the challenger. Kitten tightens the Sleeper Hold a little more, as the referee begins to check Alexis' arm. With the crowd chanting "Let's Go Alexis" over and over again, referee Nathan Greenland lifts Knight's arm in the air and leave it go as it drops to the canvas. ......1..... Kitten Charrington is smiling as she tightens the Sleeper Hold again and the referee checks on Alexis' arm once again, but this time Alexis keeps her arm up in the air. The crowd erupts with cheers as Alexis begins to get back up. She hits Charrington with an elbow to the side, costing the champion to break the sleeper hold. “Big” Ben Little: The hold is broken. Kitten quickly knocks Alexis behind the head and once again applies the Sleeper Hold, nearer to the turnbuckle now. A struggling challenger Alexis Knight, uses her feet to push off the ropes. Alexis falls back onto the Women's Champion Kitten, who still has the Sleeper Lock in. The referee notices Kitten Charrington shoulders is down on the canvas. Nathan Greenland starts the count in front a cheering crowd. .......1.......2.......THREE!!! The crowd erupts with cheers. "Big" Ben Little: Hey, wait a minute. Kitten breaks the hold, and Alexis falls to the canvas as the referee calls for the bell. ((DING DING DING)) Owen Nelson: I'm somewhat confuse here. The referee tells Sam Jenkans something, as Sam makes the announcement. Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match and new ECFW Women's Champion, .....Alexis Knight! (crowd cheers) "Headstrong" by Trapt hits and the crowd continues to cheer, as a disappointed and tired Kitten Charrington rolls out of the square circle. The referee hands the championship belt to Alexis Knight, who now begins to celebrate with her newly won ECFW Women's Champion. Owen Nelson: This is not a good start for The Foundation of Success. "Big" Ben Little: Definitely not! They've just lost the Women's Championship. Owen Nelson: Over all this was an awesome opener, which I think these two ladies, ECFW Divas, was evenly matched for each other here in New York City tonight. Kitten Charrington is on her knees at ringside, tears in her eyes as she screams with anger and frustration as she looks into the ring at Alexis Knight, standing on the middle rope and holding up her newly won Title Belt. “Big” Ben Little: We have a new Women’s Champion here tonight at Cyber Carnage V, and I don’t think this night is starting off exactly how The Foundation ad envisioned it. Kitten is backing up the ramp way, looking into the ring at Alexis Knight who has now laid the Belt out in the center of the ring and she is kneeling down before it and kissing it on the mat. Owen Nelson: It’s a dream come true for young Alexis Knight, and one must wonder if this is a sign of things to come… Backstage Segment We go backstage to J-Dogg’s locker room, and we see him pull on his referee’s shirt. Just as he does that, the door swings open and in steps Bryan Fury and Natasha Omega (holding Bryan’s Belt). J-Dogg: What in the hell… Bryan Fury: Just shut up, J-Dogg, okay? We’ll do all of the talking here. J-Dogg: Why don’t you get the hell out of my dressing room…how’s that? Natasha Omega: We’ve got something we want to say to you Mr. Special Guest Referee. Bryan Fury: J-Dogg, I know that you are just like all of these moronic people in this arena here tonight, you’re jealous of me. You are going to try and cost me MY ECFW Championship tonight on the biggest stage of them all! This is Cyber Carnage, J-Dogg, this is the biggest night of my life! And I don’t need you getting in the way of Mental Abuse’s plans. J-Dogg: Bryan, first of all, after what you did to me last week I should just kick your ass right now. But I’m not going to do that, because I want to see Sam Wilde do it, and I want to be there to count your shoulders to the mat. Bryan Fury: See! You’re going to try and screw me over here tonight! J-Dogg: Look, Bryan, I don’t like you and you don’t like me. But to be quite honest, I don’t really like Sam Wilde either. What I am trying to say is that I am going to call the main event match right down the middle tonight, unless… Natasha Omega: …Unless what? J-Dogg: …If either one of you so much as lay a finger on me, I swear t God you won’t
only lose the match, I will create one more Cyber Carnage moment and I will beat your ass all over Madison Square Garden! The crowd can be heard cheering from inside the arena as Bryan rolls his eyes. Bryan Fury: Just do your damn job, J-Dogg, and spare yourself from the beating of a life time. You wouldn’t want to be remembered at the biggest event of the year for getting your neck broken now, would ya? J-Dogg: I dare you. Bryan Fury: I’ll see you out there, J-Dogg, and I’ll show you how its done in the ring. I am the longest0reigning ECFW Champion in history, longer than even YOU, and tonight after I beat Sam Wilde…I will STILL be the longest-reigning ECFW Champion in history, and YOU’RE going to be the one to raise my hand. J-Dogg: You better hope you win then, don’t you? Bryan Fury: …Don’t make any mistakes, J-Dogg. It may be the last thing you ever do…c’mon, Natasha. Bryan and Natasha leave the dressing room as J-Dogg stares them down. Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: There is certainly a whole lot of tension there, and its going to be an extremely interesting main event tonight: Bryan Fury vs. Sam Wilde for the ECFW Title with J-Dogg as the Special Guest Referee. But coming up next… Suddenly, “Bodies” interrupts Owen Nelson as the crowd stands to their feet and cheers as Nick (in suit and tie) appears on the stage, microphone in-hand. “Big” Ben Little: There’s Nick, the Owner of ECFW, but he’s not dressed to compete and his match isn’t for a while…what’s he doing out here now? On the stage, Nick smiles and raises the mic up to his lips. Nick: Are you all enjoying Cyber Carnage V so far tonight?! Crowd erupts with cheers as Nick nods with a smile on. Owen Nelson: I know I am. Nick: I’m glad. And its only just getting started…believe me. I have come out here simply to, first of all, congratulate Alexis Knight on her Title victory here tonight…
Nick: …Secondly, to say thank you to all of you fans for making Cyber Carnage and ECFW what it is today, and most importantly of all…what would Cyber Carnage be without a shocking announcement, huh? “Big” Ben Little: Oh, goody… Nick nods as the fans look eager to hear Nick’s announcement now. Nick: That’s right, ladies and gents. I have a very major announcement to make, and I know that a lot of people never thought they’d see this day, but it has come. Owen Nelson: Let’s hear it…wonder what it could be. Nick: Ladies and gentlemen, I have noticed over the last several months that this is becoming a harder and harder job to manage on my own. I knew I needed someone’s help, and who do I turn to, you ask? I turn to someone with experience. I turn to someone who, regardless of our personal feelings toward one another, we get the job done. “Big” Ben Little: Go on… Nick: I am here to tell you all tonight that I have officially signed a brand new General Manager for ECFW! Owen Nelson: Whoa! Who the hell is it, Nick? Nick: And his name is… Nick looks around the arena. “Big” Ben Little: Out with it already! Nick: …KURT EVANS! Owen Nelson: Say WHAT?! The crowd is shocked as “Nothing Left to Lose” hits and KURT EVANS (in suit and tie) comes out onto the stage with a big grin on beside Nick. “Big” Ben Little: I can’t believe what I am seeing! We haven’t seen Kurt Evans in about six months since he and TNG were ousted from wrestling! Kurt and Nick shake hands, the fans shocked. Owen Nelson: The most shocking part about all of this is that we thought Kurt Evans and Nick were sworn enemies…but now they look like best friends! Nick: I know a lot of you can’t believe what you are seeing, but believe it. Kurt and I have set aside our personal differences to make this company even better than it already is. Kurt and I have buried the hatchet, so to speak, and now, together, ECFW will only grow even more. Kurt… Nick hands the mic over to Kurt Evans. “Big” Ben Little: Kurt Evans is GM once again! I never thought I’d see the day… Kurt Evans (smiling): I’m going to keep this short and sweet…I am here to be a team player, and I am here to make ECFW better than it already is! Crowd cheers as Nick claps for Kurt. Kurt Evans: Its great to be back, and I won’t waste anymore of your time. I am your new General Manager, and as your new General Manager, I am telling you simply…enjoy the rest of the show! The crowd cheers again as “Nothing Left to Lose” begins to sound throughout the arena again as Kurt and Nick shake hands again, smiling, and Nick and Kurt raise each other’s arms up high as the sold-out audience cheers and applauds. Owen Nelson: well, as shocking and surprising as it is, after a 6-month hiatus, Kurt Evans is back in the ECFW, and he’s the General Manager once again. I guess its true what they say…never say never in this business. Nick and Kurt exit the arena via the curtain as Kurt’s music dies down. “Big” Ben Little: Man…what an announcement. You never know what to expect at Cyber Carnage…but Kurt Evans, our new GM, told us to enjoy the rest of the show, and that is exactly what we’re going to do, because up next, it’s the Triple Threat Match for the ECFW Intercontinental Championship!… TRIPLE THREAT INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH KYVE HART VS. STEEVE SINISTER VS. ROB BLACK Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the Triple Threat Match and it's for the ECFW Intercontinental Championship. (crowd cheers) Introducing first, weighing in at 318 pounds, from Quebec City, Canada, representing The Shadows of Agony ....STEEVE SINISTER!!! The crowd erupts with cheers as Steeve Sinister's theme music "Til I Die" by Group Stemm begins to play. The six-foot-nine monster, walks out on stage to a cheering welcome from a sold out Madison Square Garden. Steeve takes his time heading down the ramp towards the ring, as his music continues to play. "Big" Ben Little: Man look at the size of this guy, it's scary Owen. Owen Nelson: Steeve Sinister is a scary man. He is towering at six-nine, that is the second tallest guy in Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling, I believe. "Big" Ben Little: You are absolutely right Owen, first tallest is Alistair Duma. Owen Nelson: And we will see him in action later tonight. "Big" Ben Little: Got that right! At this time, Steeve Sinister is up on the apron, as he steps over the top rope into the ring. Inside the ring, he raises one arm in the air and gets a loud reaction of cheers from the crowd. The music begins to fade as the former Tag Team Champion stands in one of the four corners of the ring, waiting for his two other opponents, including The Intercontinental Champion. This is when "Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold begins to play and once again the sold out crowd erupts with cheers. Rob Black walks out and cheers from the fans, increased even more. Sam Jenkans: And making his way to the ring, weighing in at 290 pounds, he is from Devant, .....ROB BLACK!!! The cheers from the sold-out crowd gets louder as Rob Black continue to make his way down the ramp towards the ring. Owen Nelson: He may not be as tall as Steeve Sinister, but 290 pounds makes up for it. "Big" Ben Little: No kidding, Owen. Rob Black is a big man and on many occasions that size of his proved it's not for nothing. Owen Nelson: Rob Black is a former Hardcore Champion, United States Champion, Tag Team Champion, and ECFW Intercontinental Champion. I'll say, Ben, he has the most experience going into this match. "Big" Ben Little: Of course he does, Owen. Rob Black has won every major ECFW championship except the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. It's foolish for one to say, an athlete with such accomplishments does not have the ability to walk out of this match as the new champion. That, Owen, is what you call underestimating your opponent. At this time Rob Black is already standing on top of the apron, looking right at Steeve Sinister, who is staring a hole right through the former Intercontinental Champion Rob Black. With the crowd cheers beginning to slow down and Rob Black's music begins to fade. Rob Black steps through the second rope and enters the ring. Now both he and Steeve steps into the middle of the square circle, where both guys are now standing face to face with each other as the crowd looks on with excitement. Owen Nelson: You can feel the tension and electricity. "Big" Ben Little: But Owen, there is still one part of the puzzle missing. Are they really going to go at it without the champion Kyve Hart? Owen Nelson: Who knows, Ben? This is Cyber Carnage V, anything can and will happen on the biggest stage of them all…we just saw an example of that a few moments ago with the announcement that Kurt Evans, Nick’s former arch nemesis, is the new General Manager of ECFW. Rob Black who is actually looking up at Steeve Sinister begins to exchange a few words to the Shadow of Agony member. This is when Steeve begins to talk back trash to Rob Black. As the two begins to nod their head getting ready to fight, in front a cheering crowd, they are interrupted by "End of a Heartache" by Killswitch Engage. The cheers from the crowd quickly change to boos, as the lights begins to flash and flicker. "Big" Big Little: Ha! And here comes the reigning Intercontinental Champion Kyve Hart. I knew he couldn't leave these two Goliaths steal his rightful spot light on the biggest event in Sports-Entertainment. After all he is "The 5 Star Superstar" and them two aren't. Owen Nelson: Personally I think he is jealous. "Big" Ben Little: Why in the world, would Kyve Hart be jealous for? He is the Intercontinental Champion you know. The music continues to play, as Kyve Hart wearing a black Foundation of Success and the Intercontinental Championship strapped to his waist walks out on stage to a deafening sound of boos. Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the ECFW Intercontinental Champion and representing The Foundation of Success, weighing in at 224 pounds, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, .....KYVE HART!!! As Jenkans announces the name of the champion, the boos from the sold out Madison Square Garden in New York City grows even louder. The Intercontinental Champion has made his way to the ring and he takes his time, as he arrogantly walks up the steel stairs and up on the apron. With his music still playing, he releases the championship belt from around his waist and raise it in the air holding it with both hands, only to get booed by the crowd. "Big" Ben Little: What a great champion! Owen Nelson: What the hell do you mean, what a great champion? This is Kyve's first title defense since becoming champion on April 4th last month. Kyve Hart in my book have not proved anything yet. "Big" Ben Little: Well unfortunately that is in your book. My book says, Kyve Hart is a great Intercontinental Champion and predict Ben, he'll retain. Owen Nelson: Official prediction, eh? Well that is yet to be seen here tonight. Meanwhile, both Rob Black and Steeve Sinister are back at it staring each other in the eyes. After posing with his championship belt to the crowd, he turns around and sees his two opponents standing in the middle of the ring. Kyve Hart enters the square circle, hands the Intercontinental Championship over to referee Johnny Smith. The flashing lights return to normal and "End of Heartache" begins to fade as Kyve Hart now takes off his t-shirt and tosses it in to the crowd and the referee Johnny Smith calls for the bell, officially starting the Triple Treat Match. ((DING DING)) Owen Nelson: And here we go, it's on! Still at the moment, Steeve Sinister and Rob Black is in each other face staring each other down, while Kyve Hart looks on. This is when Rob Black moves back and pushes Steeve Sinister backwards. Sinister takes two steps back and quickly moves back right in Rob Black face, wasting no time pushing Rob Black a little harder. Black takes about four steps backwards and quickly steps up in front of Steeve Sinister in the middle of the square circle. "Big" Ben Little: Stand back and enjoy the show, Kyve. Leave these two destroy each other and then go for the easy victory. The two challengers now begin to trash talk each other once again, when Kyve Hart decide that he has seen enough. Steps up in the middle of the square circle and attempts to get his two opponents attention. However the Steeve and Rob ignores Kyve and continue to talk trash to each other. "Big" Ben Little: Hey look, they are ignoring the champ. Owen Nelson: Yeah so what? "Big" Ben Little: You don't ignore the Intercontinental Champion. Kyve Hart looks annoyed, when he uses his right hand and push Steeve Sinister, getting his attention. For a quick moment Steeve looks at Kyve and then carries his focus back on Rob Black, annoying The Hart Brother even more. This time Kyve pushes Rob Black, getting his attention. Rob looks at Steeve and both guys nod in agreement. With out warning, Rob Black knocks Kyve down with a right hand, along with Steeve knocking him down with a left. The crowd erupts with cheers. "Big" Ben Little: Hey that is a cheap shot! The two pick up Kyve Hart, who is dazed and tosses him right over the top rope to the out side of the ring. Crowd cheers again. "Big" Ben Little: Look at that, nothing but disrespect for the champion. The two laugh at Kyve Hart who is slowly making it back to his feet. In the ring, Rob Black and Steeve Sinister begins to pummel away at each other with hard rights to each other. The crowd is cheering for both superstars. As they going at it, on the outside Kyve Hart gets up a little dazed. He shakes it off, slides back into the ring and rushes both Steeve Sinister and Rob Black, who see him coming and simply step aside and with Kyve's own speed tosses him right out on the other side of the ring. Kyve Hart hits the outside hard, as the crowd erupts with cheers. Owen Nelson: And right out goes the Intercontinental Champion. "Big" Ben Little: They can't do that to the champ! Owen Nelson: News flash, Ben. Right after that, before Black could do anything, Sinister quickly takes him down with a hard clothes line. Which Steeve Sinister fans cheer for and the Rob Black fans begins to. Steeve Sinister brings Rob Black to his feet, picks him up into a side slam and slams him in to the canvas. Steeve Sinister goes for the pinfall, but before the referee could even get on his knees to make the count, Rob Black kicks out. Steeve gets back to his feet, once again bringing Rob Black to his feet. Steeve Irish-whips Rob into the ropes, the former IC champion bounces off the ropes and on return Steeve Sinister goes for a clothesline, Rob Black ducks and bounces off the other side of the ropes. This is when Steeve looks for a back-body drop, but he bends down to early, Rob Black sees this coming and delivers a hard kick to Steeve Sinister. Sinister turns around holding his chest, Rob Black bounces off the ropes, same time as Steeve Sinister turns around Rob Black leaps in the air with a flying lariat, taking down the six-foot-nine Steeve Sinister to the canvas. Owen Nelson: Down goes Steeve Sinister and Rob Black fans likes this. "Big" Ben Little: Yeah! Can't say the same for Steeve's fans. The Rob Black fans erupts with cheers as Rob Black gets back to his feet. He brings dazed Steeve to his feet, delivers a couple knees to his abdominal area and brings his head between his legs setting him up for a Powerbomb. Meanwhile from behind Kyve Hart climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off with a missile drop kick, hitting Rob Black from the back, which gives Steeve the opportunity to deliver a big back-body drop on the 290 pound Rob Black. Kyve Hart uses the ropes to, he notices Rob Black is down and Steeve has his back turned to him. Kyve quickly capitalize on the situation and rolls Steeve Sinister with a school boy, while holding the rope for illegal leverage. The crowd begins to boo as referee Johnny Smith makes the count. ....1....2....Steeve Sinister kicks out, as the crowd boos change to cheers. "Big" Ben Little: Come on referee count a little faster would you. Owen Nelson: Kyve tried to cheat his way to victory, but Steeve Sinister kicks out. Kyve has a shocked look on his face and sees Steeve now on one knee, slowly making it back to his feet. Once again Kyve Hart capitalize on the situation with a quick drop kick, knocking Steeve Sinister through the second rope to the out side. Kyve quickly gets back up bounces off the ropes and deliver a swinging neck breaker to Rob Black who were making it back to his feet in the middle of the square circle. Kyve Hart quickly goes for the cover as the referee once again goes for the count. ....1.....2....Rob Black pushes Kyve Hart off of him, breaking the three count. The crowd cheers! Owen Nelson: What amazing power by Rob Black. Hart, who is on his knees, is still in shock, as a more hyped Rob Black begins to make it to his feet. Kyve quickly goes on the attack, delivering hard rights to Rob Black, but there is no effect. Kyve Hart attempts to Irish-whip Black into the turnbuckles but Rob turns it around and it's Kyve who ends up into the turnbuckles. Rob follows up with a successful clothesline in the turnbuckles. Kyve Hart is totally dazed at the moment. Rob picks up Kyve and places him on the top turnbuckle. With the crowd cheering and Steeve Sinister already on the apron, getting ready to enter the square circle once again. Rob Black begins to climb the turnbuckle. As he begins to set up Kyve for a Superplex off the third rope, he is set up in a electric chair position. The crowd is already on their feet. "Big" Ben Little: Look at the strength of Steeve Sinister. He has a 290 pound man on his shoulder, which is surely not good for Rob Black. Before Steeve Sinister can hit the electric chair on Rob Black. The reigning Intercontinental Champion leaps off the top turnbuckle with a cross body splash, connecting with Rob Black, as Steeve Sinister hits the electric chair. The crowd erupts with cheers. Owen Nelson: Oh my God, what a move. With Kyve laying on top of Rob Black from the cross body splash, the referee begins to make the count. ....1....2....The cover by the champion is broken up just in time by the challenger Steeve Sinister. As a really dazed and shaken up Rob Black rolls to the outside, Steeve brings Kyve to his feet and delivers a hard right upper cut, taking Kyve Hart down. Kyve quickly gets back up and is taken down by the next. Once again Steeve brings Kyve to his feet, Irish-whips him into the ropes on return, Steeve picks Kyve up and hits a very devastating flap jack. The crowd cheers for this, is Kyve Hart is on the ground holding his stomach area. Steeve Sinister looks around and sees Rob Black getting to his feet on the apron. With Kyve still on the canvas, Steeve walks over to Rob Black and sets him up for a suplex. He attempts for the move, but cannot execute as Rob Black is blocking the suplex. Rob pulls out of the suplex situation and drops Steeve neck on the ropes. Steeve stumbles back and a desperate Kyve Hart rolls him up from behind with another school boy pin. .....1.....2....Steeve kicks out! As Kyve Hart slowly makes his way to his feet, he is picked up from behind and Rob Black drops him with a high belly to back suplex. As Rob Black gets back up and turns around Steeve Sinister is standing right in front of him. The crowd begins to cheer as they want to see the two go at it. Rob Black hits the first right hand and Steeve Sinister answers back with one of his own. The two begins a brawl, hitting each other hit for hit with right after right as the crowd cheers own both superstars. "Big" Ben Little: This is out of control! Owen Nelson: This is Cyber Carnage, it's all for the Intercontinental Championship here tonight. Steeve suddenly lands a knee to the gut of Rob Black tosses him into the ropes, Steeve runs and bounces off the other side of the ropes. On return both guys hit each other hard with their own respectful clothesline. The cheering crowd reacts to this, as the two superstars are now laying out on the canvas. Kyve Hart stumbles back to his feet and see both guys slowly getting back up. Kyve Hart smiles, exits the ring to the apron. Kyve is now shouting at them to get up. As Black and Sinister make their way to their feet, Kyve Hart leaps from the apron to the top rope and jumps with a high flying cross body, but both challengers caught the Intercontinental Champion in mid air and wasting no time hits a powerful fall away slam to Kyve Hart. And Kyve Hart is out cold. Crowd cheers! "Big" Ben Little: Oh no, that was not what David had planned for Goliath. Steeve Sinister goes for the pinfall over Kyve Hart and Johnny Smith begins the three count. .....1.....2....And Rob Black pulls Steeve Sinister off of downed and out champion. The Rob Black fans cheer, while the Steeve Sinister fans shows their disapproval. Rob Black goes for the pin and the referee makes the count. ....1...2....Steeve pulls Rob off of Kyve Hart breaking the three count. Now the Steeve fans are cheering and Black fans are booing. Owen Nelson: It's a mixed crowd here tonight. "Big" Ben Little: Ha they can't make up their mind. Owen Nelson: If there is one thing they all agree with is Kyve Hart not retaining here tonight. "Big" Ben Little: Well guess what, I think The 5 Star Superstar will pull off the victory. The two comes face to face once again and begins to trash talk each other. This is when Rob Black picks up Kyve Hart and scoops him up and slams him hard into the canvas. Kyve is moving around holding his back. Steeve Sinister nods with a smile on his face, picks up Kyve Hart who is still hurting from the slam and delivers an even harder body slam on Kyve Hart. The crowd is cheering back and fort for the two challengers in this match. "Big" Ben Little: This ain't right. They are using Kyve Hart like a punching bag. Rob Black Irish-whips Kyve into as Kyve Hart returns, Black hits a shattering spine buster. Steeve is nodding his head as he looks impressed. He now brings Kyve to his feet once again, tosses him into the ropes, but Kyve Hart holds on to the ropes and slides out to the outside. Kyve Hart is talking trash to both guys, as Steeve Sinister and Rob Black looks on and the crowd is booing. Kyve walks towards the announcers table, pushes Sam Jenkans out of his way and grabs the ECFW Intercontinental Championship. Owen Nelson: Where the hell is Kyve going with the title belt. "Big" Ben Little: The Champ has had enough. Kyve Hart makes his way around the ring and begins to head up the ramp, as both Rob and Steeve looks on with questionable looks on their faces, while the crowd boos at the champion. Owen Nelson: Is Kyve walking out of this match? "Big" Ben Little: He’s leaving in protest. This is more like a damn Handicap Match than a Triple Treat Match. I totally agree with The 5 Star Superstar. With the referee looking on as well, the crowd is booing like crazy as The Foundation of Success member Kyve Hart continue to make his way up the ramp. Owen Nelson: I can't believe the champion is leaving. This is when "Nothing Left to Lose" hits (the crowd erupts with cheers) and KURT EVANS dressed up in his suit makes his way out on stage. “Big” Ben Little: Its our new General Manager, Kurt Evans. Kyve Hart turns around and sees Kurt Evans standing a couple feet away from him with a microphone in hand, as "Nothing Left to Lose" begins to fade. Kurt Evans: I'm out here to say two things. First of all, it's been a great Triple Treat Match thus far. The crowd cheers, while a sweaty and angry Kyve Hart is talking trash to Kurt Evans. Kurt Evans: Second, Kyve Hart you can walk out of this match as you wish. The crowd begins to boo, as Kyve Hart begins to smile. Kyve Hart begins to walk up the ramp towards the stage area. Kurt Evans: However Kyve, this match will continue with or with out you and there will be a winner and there will be a new champion. That is if of course, you put your tail between your legs and abandon ship. The crowd erupts with cheers Kurt’s announcement. While Kyve Hart looks real pissed off. Kurt turns around and heads off stage to the backstage area. Leaving Kyve standing on the ramp with his championship belt in his hand. "Big" Ben Little: Kurt Evans is abusing his power just to impress Nick! Meanwhile in the ring, both Rob Black and Steeve Sinister exits the ring and heads up the ramp for Kyve Hart, who still got his back turned, looking up at the stage are. The crowd is cheering as Kyve Hart decides to turn around. First Rob Black hits a right, followed by a right from Steeve Sinister. As Kyve is going to fall, both Steeve Sinister and Rob Black holds up the champion into a standing position. Both challengers now sets him up for a double suplex. The lifts their much smaller opponent up in the air and hits the double suplex on Kyve Hart. The 5 Star Superstar Kyve Hart hits the steel ramp hard as the crowd is cheering. Kyve is rolling around holding his back in pain. As both Rob Black and Steeve Sinister gets up, the two begins to duel it out with rights and lefts. They slowly heads down the hitting each other with some rights and lefts. Just as Steeve and Rob reaches at ringside, Steeve Sinister hits Rob Black with a knee in the stomach area and then tosses him right in to the steel stairs. On impact, Rob Black flips to the other side of the steel stairs, while the stairs stays in contact. Owen Nelson: Gosh, that had to hurt. As Steeve Sinister walks over to Rob Black, is up on his feet, but limping around. From behind, Steeve Sinister turns Rob Black around lifts him up and drops him chest first into the barricades. As Rob roles around on the ground, Steeve Sinister takes off the protection padding from the barricades, exposing the steel barricade. As Steeve carries his focus back on Rob Black who is still struggling to stand up, he is attacked from behind with a hard right forearm by the champion. This is when Kyve Hart jumps onto Steeve Sinister’s back and applies a sleeper hold. Steeve is struggling with Kyve as the champion hangs on still holding Steeve Sinister with the sleeper hold. Some how Steeve gets hold of Kyve's upper body pulls him over his shoulder, slamming him on to the padding outside of the ring. Steeve brings Kyve to his feet, lifts him up in a military press slam position and drops him chest first into the unprotected steel barricade. Which causes Kyve Hart to flip over into the crowd. (the crowd continues to cheer) "Big" Ben Little: Oh no! There goes the champion. This is not good for the Intercontinental Champion. Just as Steeve turns around to deal with Rob, he is speared right into the steel stairs (hitting his lower back) by the former Intercontinental Champion Rob Black. Rob's fan base begins to cheer out loud for the offensive move done by Rob Black. Steeve is holding his back as Rob moves back to his feet and rolls Steeve into the square circle and follows right behind. Black brings Sinister to his feet and lifts him up into a belly to back suplex. Rob follows up quickly by making the cover. Referee Johnny Smith makes the count. .....1.....2....Steve Sinister gets his shoulder up. Meanwhile on the outside Kyve Hart has just got over the barricade to the ringside area. Back in the ring Rob Black moves back to his feet, brings Steeve to his feet and lifts him up the big guy and hits a suplex on him. Once again Black makes the cover. .....1....2....Steeve Sinister kicks out once again. Rob Black gets back up and brings Steeve to his feet for the third time. He Irish whips him into the ropes, which was turned around by Steeve Sinister. Rob Black bounces off the ropes, on return Steeve ducks to look for a body back drop, but Black counters with a running DDT. Owen Nelson: What a DDT by Rob Black and Steeve Sinister fans disapprove of this. "Big" Ben Little: Well check it out, Owen, Kyve Hart is on the top rope. He’s ready to make the kill. As Black makes it back to his feet, he turns around and suddenly Kyve Hart leaps off the top rope with a double axe handle, but Rob Black grabs him by the throat area. The crowd erupts with cheers as they stand on their feet. Rob Black lifts the champion in the area and slams him down with the END OF DAYZ. The crowd erupts even more. "Big" Ben Little: No! Not the End of Dayz! Owen Nelson: My gosh, it's about to be over right here... Black drops to his knees and makes the cover by hooking the leg as Johnny Smith makes the count. .....1....2....Steeve Sinister saves the match as his knocks Black off of the champion, breaking up the three count. Both Steeve and Rob moves back to their feet and start attacking each other with some hard rights. As both of them goes at it, Steeve Sinister strikes Rob with a chop as the crowd reacts to the chop. Sinister hits a second and a third and even a fourth chop to the chest as he goes on the offense, as his fan base in the sold out MSG cheer him on. Owen Nelson: And Steeve Sinister has totally gone on the offensive. The six-nine Steeve Sinister takes a couple steps backwards then rushes the dazed Rob Black who is leaning on the ropes. As Steeve rushes Rob, Rob Black ducks and pulls down the top rope, sending Steeve Sinister with his own momentum right over the top rope. Now Rob's fans begin to cheer him on. Steeve falls to the apron on the outside. As Steeve pulls himself back up, Rob Black hits him with a elbow, sending Steeve crashing to the outside, on the steel barricade, he exposed earlier. "Big" Ben Little: Ha, that’s what you get for making a dangerous environment even more dangerous. Owen Nelson: Exposing that barricade, has come to haunt Steeve Sinister. In the ring, just as Rob Black turns around, Kyve jumps off the top rope and takes him down after hitting a flying forearm. Both Black and Hart is down on the canvas, suddenly Kyve Hart springs right back to his feet with a smile on his face, as he taunts the booing crowd. As soon as Kyve turns around, he gets take down by a hard clothesline by the challenger Rob Black. The booing crowd, quickly changes to cheers. Rob Black stands to his feet, brings Kyve Hart back up and tosses him into the turnbuckles. Black takes the opportunity rushes Kyve who stands in the corner of the turnbuckles. As Black runs towards Kyve, he leaps in the air with a big body splash, but Kyve moves and pulls referee Johnny Smith into the corner. Rob Black lands hard on Johnny Smith. Kyve quickly drops kicks Rob Black to the back, bumping him once again in to the referee. Johnny Smith falls to the canvas out cold. Owen Nelson: Oh my God, thanks to Kyve Hart, the referee is down and out. Kyve drops to his knees and hits a hard low blow on Rob Black, the booing crowd begins to boo even louder. Owen Nelson: Typical of the so called “5 Star Superstar.” "Big" Ben Little: Hey what the referee don't see don't cost Kyve the match. Kyve Hart turns Rob Black around, put his head between his legs, hooks his arms and hit THE HEART OF HARTS. The crowd is booing like crazy. "Big" Ben Little: Yes! The Heart of Harts, it's all over. Owen Nelson: But thanks to Kyve Hart there is no referee. Kyve makes the cover, but quickly realizes the referee Johnny Smith is still knocked out. Kyve shakes his head, get off of Rob Black and exits the ring. He walks over to the announcers table, pushes Sam Jenkans out of his way and grabs a steel chair. The crowd boos and chant "Kyve Hart Sucks" as they see Kyve with the weapon. Owen Nelson: And what the hell is he going to do with that? "Big" Ben Little: Make his job a little easier, I'll say. Kyve heads over to the other and gets ready to slide in to the ring, when he sees Steeve Sinister on the other side, climbing back to his feet. A smirk comes on Kyve's face as he begins to walk over towards Steeve Sinister. From a few feet away, Kyve stands back and watches Steeve slowly makes it back to his feet. He then rushes Steeve with the steel chair in hand, as he comes closer and gets ready to use to chair on Steeve. Steeve Sinister suddenly lifts his foot up in a big boot and kicks the chair right into the face of the champion. Kyve Hart drops the chair and turns around as he stumbles to his knees, as the cheer and begins to chant "Let's Go Sinister". Owen Nelson: The easier way back fired. "Big" Ben Little: Definitely not good! Steeve Sinister grabs Kyve from behind and tosses him right into the steel post. Kyve hits face first into the steel post. Kyve Hart is on the ground holding his head. Steeve brings Kyve Hart back to his feet and slams him face first yet again into the steel post. Kyve Hart falls to the ground, as his red blood begins to flow from his forehead down his face on to his chest, while the crowd continues to cheer. "Big" Ben Little: Oh no the champion Kyve Hart is now busted open, not a good sign for things to come. Owen Nelson: Two shots to the steel post and, yes Kyve Hart is now bleeding buckets of blood. Barely able to stand, a bloody Kyve stumbles to his feet and begins to head over towards the ramp area at ring side, when he is grabbed from the back by Steeve Sinister. Sinister picks him up on his shoulder, runs towards the steel pole and once again Kyve hits face first into the steel post. Steeve drops Kyve Hart down on to the floor as the crowd cheers him on. Owen Nelson: My God and a third time into the steel post. Shattering the champion's skull. Sick! "Big" Ben Little: What is even more sickening is this sold out crowd likes what they see. They are blood thirsty fans, Owen. Steeve looks in the ring and sees Rob Black finally starts to slowly make it back to his feet, while the referee is still out in the corner. Steeve enters the square circle and stalks Rob Black as he makes it to his feet. Just as Rob Black turns around, he is kicked into the gut and is lifted up into a pump handle slam position. Steeve changes the hold into a Piledriver situation and hits THE DRIVE OF SINS as he gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. Owen Nelson: And got to be all. "Big" Ben Little: No kidding, did you here sound of impact? With the crowd still cheering, Steeve covers Rob and hooks the leg, but Johnny Smith is still knocked. "Big" Ben Little: No referee, Steeve. This is when referee Greg Petty, runs out on stage, down the ramp and slides into the ring as he begins the count. Owen Nelson: There is referee Greg Petty! .....1.....2.....A bloody Kyve Hart suddenly pulls out Greg Petty out of the ring, preventing him from making the three count as the crowd begins to boo. Kyve Hart takes down Greg Petty with a hard right and then tosses him into the steel stairs, knocking the referee out cold. Owen Nelson: What the hell is that?!? "Big" Ben Little: Greg Petty has no business out here. This is not his match to officiate, it's Johnny Smith. Owen Nelson: Greg Petty was just trying to do his job, Ben. "Big" Ben Little: And Kyve Hart was just protecting his Intercontinental Championship reign. Greg Petty had no business sticking his nose where it does not belong. A bloody and shaky Kyve Hart climbs up on the apron and up the turn buckle. As Steeve Sinister tries to bring Rob back to his feet, Kyve leaps from the top turn buckle hits a flipping neck breaker (throw back) on the big man. The crowd boos, as Kyve uses the ropes to pull himself up. With out hesitating, Kyve Hart climbs up the turn buckle once again with his back turned on his opponents. As he gets ready execute a moonsault, Rob Black hits the ropes, and an already shaky Kyve Hart easily loses balance. Kyve now sits on the top turnbuckle dazed, as Rob Black begins to climb to the top. With the crowd cheering, Rob Black grabs Kyve from behind and hands around the waste, as it seems to be in a German Suplex position. Owen Nelson: What in the world is Rob Black thinking? With all this going on, Steeve Sinister joins in and grabs Rob from between the legs in a Powerbomb situation. "Big" Ben Little: I don't like the look of this... Steeve Sinister pulls on Rob Black who falls into the Powerbomb, who was still holding the Intercontinental Champion, he fell in a top rope German Suplex. The crowd jumps out of their seats, as Kyve hits the canvas hard from a top rope German suplex, Rob Black from a Powerbomb and Steeve slowly making his way back to his feet. The crowd is now chanting. (holy sh*t) The impact of the move finally wakes up the referee, who is slowly moving around. "Big" Ben Little: I have to agree with the crowd, I have never seen anything like that. Owen Nelson: From a Powerbomb, to a German suplex. That is, simply put, amazing. Steeve is now standing and looks at the two ECFW Superstars who is out on the canvas. He signals to the crowd that it's over. He picks up the bloody Kyve Hart, who isn't moving and dripping blood all over the canvas and lifts him up in a Powerbomb situation. Owen Nelson: I think he is going for the Sinister Drop. "Big" Ben Little: Why does it have to be Kyve Hart. As Steeve Sinister goes for the Sinister Drop, Kyve Hart slips out from behind and lands on the ropes, that is holding the champion up. Steeve quickly turns around and goes for a big boot, but the bloody Kyve Hart moves out the way, that leaves Sinister sitting on the ropes. Kyve quickly leaps on the 2nd turnbuckle and leaps off with a drop kick sending Steeve Sinister to the outside of the square circle. Kyve Hart is back down on the canvas, not moving. Owen Nelson: I think that was pure instinct by the Intercontinental Champion. "Big" Ben Little: I think that was the last he had in his tank. About thirty seconds or so goes by as Rob Black begins to move around and start to get back to his feet. Same goes for Kyve Hart. Rob Black who is back on his feet first, moves towards Kyve, helps him get back to his feet and Irish-whips him into the ropes. As Kyve Hart returns, Rob goes for the clothesline, but Kyve ducks under as soon as Rob turns back around, Kyve Hart successfully hits a spinning-wheel kick taking down Rob Black. Kyve Hart gets back up and signals that it's over. A smiling Kyve climbs the climbs the turn buckle, jumps off and hits the KYVE DYVE on Rob Black's chest. Kyve makes the cover, but is quickly pulled off by Steeve Sinister as the crowd is now cheering. Steeve sets him up in the Powerbomb situation, lifts him up and quickly hits the SINISTER DROP on Kyve Hart. The crowd erupts with cheers, as Steeve makes the cover and Johnny Smith slowly gets in position and begins a long count as he is still feeling the effects of Black bumping into him earlier. ......1..........2.......As the referee hand comes down for the three count, Rob Black hits Steeve off of Kyve. The Rob Black fans begins to cheer, while Steeve fans boo. "Big" Ben Little: Just in the nick of time. The mixed and lively crowd begins to chant "LETS GO SINISTER", while the other half are cheering "LETS GO ROB BLACK". Owen Nelson: This crowd is fifty-fifty in this Triple Treat Match. Rob Black and Steeve Sinister who is now on their feet begins to fight each other with a few jabs. Black begins to get the upper hand as he kicks Steeve Sinister in the gut. Steeve stumble backward then suddenly rushes Rob Black, who grabs him by the throat. Sinister quickly break the choke hold, then follows it up with a hard elbow. Rob Black turns for just a second and quickly turns back around to see Sinister getting ready to hit him with a double axe handle. Black stops that with a kick above the belt area, then hooks his head under his arm and lifts him up and hits the FADE TO BLACK. Black's fans erupts with cheers. Owen Nelson: There it is, the Fade to Black! With the crowd still giving a mixed reaction, Rob Black makes the cover as the referee begins to make the count. ....1.....2.....Kyve Hart breaks up the pinfall. As the Rob Black fans begins to boo at the champion. "Big" Ben Little: Kyve Hart has saved the match again here tonight. Before Black could fully get back to his feet, Kyve Hart leaps up and hits THE 5 STAR DESTROYER on his opponent Rob Black. Owen Nelson: Oh my God, the Five Star Destroyer by the champion on Rob Black. Kyve Hart makes the cover as a more a waked referee makes the count, in front a very loud booing crowd. ......1.......2.....Rob Black barely gets his shoulder up. The crowd erupts with cheers, as the bloody Kyve Hart cannot believe it and sits up with a shock and awe look on his face. Owen Nelson: Rob Black kick out! Rob Black just kicked out of the 5 Star Destroyer and Kyve Hart surely cannot believe this. "Big" Ben Little: I can't believe it! Owen Nelson: My gosh Kyve Hart is in a bloody mess and I doubt he knows what to do next. "Big" Ben Little: What are you going to do now, Kyve? Think of something… anything. Kyve Hart stands up and begins to hold his head as he think of what to do. As both the challengers Steeve Sinister (behind Kyve) and Rob Black (in front of Kyve) begins to make it up to their feet. Kyve Hart looks at Rob Black and drops on one knee as he stalks Rob Black, however he has no idea that Steeve Sinister is making it back to his feet. As Rob Black stands up, Kyve leaps again and looks for the 5 Star Destroyer, but Black quickly counters and pushes him hard off, Kyve bumps right into Steeve Sinister who was on one knee, Steeve falls out to the apron outside the ropes. Owen Nelson: Failure for a second 5 Star Destroyer. A totally dazed Kyve Hart turns around and is grabbed by the throat by Rob Black. Rob Black lifts him up to hit the End of Dayz, but Kyve counters in mid-air, turns it around and hits a devastating 5 STAR DESTROYER. "Big" Ben Little: Look at that! It's the 5 Star Destroyer. Owen Nelson: A second one! A busted open and bloody Kyve Hart makes the cover and hooks the leg as referee Johnny Smith makes the count. ......1......2........THREE!!! Johnny Smith calls for the bell. ((DING DING DING)) And "The End of Heartache" begins to play through out the arena. As Kyve Hart rolls off of Rob Black. Sam Jenkans: The winner of this match, .....and still the ECFW Intercontinental Champion. ....KYVE HART!!! The crowd begins to boo, as Sam Jenkans hands the championship belt to Johnny Smith, as the referee drops it on the chest of Kyve Hart. This is when Stephan Silverstone wearing the newest white t-shirt of The Foundation of Success. He pulls the bloody Kyve Hart out of the ring and grabs the Intercontinental Championship. Meanwhile the EMTS is checking on referee Greg Petty who is still out. Owen Nelson: Finally, help has reached for referee Greg petty. "Big" Ben Little: Petty is not important. What is important, is tonight David has over come to Goliaths. Tonight, Kyve Hart retains the Intercontinental Championship, by himself. Owen Nelson: Seriously, I cannot believe it. "Big" Ben Little: Leave the reality sink in, Owen, Kyve Hart is still the Intercontinental Champion. Meanwhile Stephan is helping Kyve up the ramp as his theme music continues to play. Up on the stage area, both Kyve and Stephan turns around. The MVP raises the 5 Star Superstar hand in the air with the Intercontinental Championship. The crowd boos. As John Davis walks out on stage with a microphone in hand. John Davis: Hey Kyve, congratulation on you victory. Any comments on your win here tonight? Stephan Silverstone: Let me say this for Kyve Hart. Kyve just proved that there is nobody that can take his championship away from him. He has just beaten two guys that way bigger and more experienced than him and he defeated them by himself. Once again proving the damn critics wrong. Now get out of our face! Stephan pushes Kyve back and he raises the bloody Kyve Hart’s arm up again as Kyve holds up the Intercontinental Title Belt. Owen Nelson: What a match as The Foundation redeems themselves for their earlier Women’s Championship loss. The Title reign of Kyve Hart continues. Backstage Segment We go backstage and we see The Assassin walking through the hallway on his way to the curtain, taping his hands and wrists as he goes. The 325-pound Assassin turns the corner and he bumps into his former tag team partner, Slade Craven. The two are standing face-to-face, eye-to-eye, the crowd yelling and cheering inside the arena. Owen Nelson: Now this is interesting…these two men are former partners, former friends, and most recently, former enemies. Assassin and “The Main Man” look each other up and down before meeting eyes again. Assassin: Slade. Slade Craven: Assassin. Assassin throws the tape to the ground and spits. Assassin: Long time no see. Slade Craven: I believe the last time we were this close to each other I was pinning you in the middle of the ring. Assassin: Same ole Slade. Slade Craven: How intriguing is it, Assassin, that tonight here at the biggest event in wrestling history, both you and I, former tag team partners, have the chance to earn the biggest win of our careers. Assassin: Ya know, Slade, when I brought you into this company last August, you and I were the greatest tag team of the day. We took on and beat all comers, and then you got jealous of my success and you turned on me. I wonder what life would be like now if you never turned on me… Slade Craven: Jealous? Please. And you know what, I’m glad I turned on you because look at us both now: I have the opportunity to earn a World Title shot within the next 6 months, and trust me, I will win the “Golden Ticket” TLC Match tonight and then I will do something not even you have done, and I will win the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. Assassin: Well good luck with that, because there are no guarantees for you, Slade. Even if you do somehow pull off a victory tonight, you’re still not guaranteed to win the ECFW World Heavyweight Title. Unlike me, because tonight, I am guaranteed to become the new United States Champion when I force Max McCants into submission. Slade Craven: We’ll see. Assassin: Yes we will. We’ll see who the true better man of A.K.A. is. Assassin offers his hand for “The Main Man” to shake it. Slade looks his former tag team partner up and down and then shakes Assassin’s hand. Assassin smirks. Assassin: See you around, Main Man. The two release hands and Assassin walks past his former partner as Slade looks at his hand and the Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Man, what an interesting moment backstage here in Madison Square Garden. The two former friends/partners/enemies just shook hands and wished each other luck tonight. “Big” Ben Little: And Assassin is going to need all of the luck in the world tonight because up next, its Assassin vs. Max McCants in a Submission Match for the U.S. Championship!… UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP SUBMISSION MATCH MAX MCCANTS VS. ASSASSIN Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and will go to a finish. This match is for the ECFW United States Championship Title. In this contest the winner must force his opponent into submission. The crowd then start to go wild. Sam Jenkans: Now introducing first to you all tonight is the challenger, from Dallas, Texas. Weighing in at 325 lbs, Assassin!!! The noise in the arena is buzzing with cheers as the music starts and Assassin appears at the top of the ramp. Assassin then proceeds to walk down to ringside with a look of determination in his eyes. As he approaches ringside, Assassin climbs the steel steps and enters the ring. Sam Jenkans: And now, for his opponent. From St Paul, Minnesota. Weighing in at 295 lbs. The current United States Champion and member of Mental Abuse, Max McCants! Max McCants starts to play as he appears at the top of the ramp, with the noise in the crowd changing from cheers to boo's Max McCants with US title belt wrapped around his waist walks down to ringside and enters the ring. Max then takes the title from around his waist and hands it to referee Bob Spano. Bob Spano then holds the US title above his head to show that the title is on the line in this match. He then passes it through the middle rope to someone on the outside of the ring and in turn they take it over to the time keepers table. Bob Spano then signals outside of the ring for the bell. Bell Rings!!! Assassin and Max McCants meet each other in the center of the ring and start trash talking to each other. Max McCants then appears to turn away before shoving Assassin in the chest, causing Assassin to have to take a few steps back to stop from falling to the mat. Assassin once regaining his balance walks back to where Max McCants is standing and shoves him also, causing Max McCants to stumble backwards. Owen Wilson: Well here we go Ben. It's time to see who here is indeed the better man? "Big" Ben Little: Don't be a fool Owen, we already know that Max is the better man. We don't need a match to decide it. Again Max McCants shoves Assassin. Then Assassin shoves Max McCants back. The two men then meet again in the center of the ring and Max McCants starts to trash talk to Assassin and starts to poke his finger into the chest of Assassin. Assassin slaps Max's finger away. The two men then out of nowhere break into exchanging lefts and rights to the head and face. "Big" Ben Little: This is more like it..... Max McCants then gets the upper hand with a knee to the stomach. Max McCants then hits Assassin with a short clothesline and Assassin hits the mat. Max McCants then begins to pose around the ring as Assassin slowly pulls himself up. Assassin gets back to his feet. Max McCants runs at him trying for a clothesline but Assassin catches him first with a Powerslam. Assassin then gets to his feet and starts laying the boot into Max McCants. Assassin then pulls Max McCants back to his feet and picks him up to execute a backbreaker. Assassin then turns a laid out Max McCants onto his front and drops a knee to the lower back area. Max McCants rolls around the canvas holding his back in pain. Assassin then pulls Max McCants to his feet and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle. Assassin then quickly follows him and hits him with a clothesline. Max McCants slides down the turnbuckle and lands on the canvas on his backside. Assassin goes to grab Max McCants, but Max McCants catches Assassin with a thumb to the eye. Assassin stumbles away as Max McCants gets back to his feet. Max McCants then goes up behind Assassin and executes a back suplex. Max McCants gets up and drops a fist into the face of Assassin. Max McCants is up again and drops another fist. Max McCants is up and pulls Assassin to his feet. Max McCants body slam's Assassin to the mat. Assassin is up and Max McCants kicks Assassin in the stomach and performs a suplex. Max McCants is up and lays the boot into Assassin's chest and head. Max McCants then drops down and begins to choke Assassin. The ref counts.... 1.....2.....3.....4..... Max McCants releases the hold. Max McCants again goes for the choke. The ref counts.... 1.....2.....3.....4 Max McCants again releases the hold. Owen Wilson: Come on referee!!!! Max McCants then drags Assassin to his feet and rams him head first into the top turnbuckle. Then again. And again. Max McCants then lifts Assassin up and sits him on the top turnbuckle. Max McCants climbs the turnbuckles and executes a back drop. "Big" Ben Little: Oh that just had to hurt. I can see Max finishing this off soon. Max McCants then gets up dragging Assassin up with him. Max McCants locks a side headlock onto Assassin. Assassin counters with a backdrop. Max McCants and Assassin are back up. Max McCants catches Assassin with a belly-to-belly suplex. Assassin gets up feeling groggy, Max McCants is standing behind him and locks in the sleeper hold. Assassin starts to struggle around trying to escape. Max McCants adds more pressure. Assassin starts to weaken. Max McCants adds even more pressure. Assassin's body starts to look lifeless. Max McCants calls for the referee to check his opponent. The referee checks Assassin and then lifts his right arm and lets it drop. 1..... The referee lifts his arm again and lets it drop. 2..... The referee picks it up for the third and final time and lets it drop. Assassin's arm drops half way down, but the strength left keeps it from falling the rest of the way down. Max McCants shakes his head unbelieving. Assassin then rams his elbow into the stomach of Max McCants. Max McCants keeps the sleeper locked in. Assassin rams the elbow again..... and again..... Max McCants finally releases the hold. Assassin then catches Max McCants with a clothesline. Max McCants gets back up. Assassin hits him with a right hand. Max McCants stumbles back but stays on his feet. Assassin DDT's Max McCants. Owen Wilson: Assassin is back in this match Ben. "Big" Ben Little: Oh no, come on Max. Assassin is back to his feet. Moments later Max McCants is back up as well. Assassin goes for the clothesline, but Max McCants ducks and connects with a neckbreaker! "Big" Ben Little: Great thinking there by the champion!!! The crowd boos. Max McCants is up and pulls Assassin up with him. Max sets up for a Piledriver. Max McCants executes the Piledriver. Max is back up. Max then climbs out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from ringside. Max then slides into the ring with the chair as Assassin gets back to his feet. Max McCants lifts the chair high as he reaches Assassin. Assassin kicks him in the stomach before Max can connect with the chair. Max drops the chair as he stands doubled over. Assassin picks up the chair and...... CRACK!!!! Assassin swings the chair down across the back of Max McCants. The crowd cheers. Assassin again slams the chair into the back of Max. "Big" Ben Little: Come on referee, do something. Assassin then drops a knee into the back of Max McCants. Assassin then sets Max on his behind. Assassin forces his left knee into Max's back and pulls his arms back. Max is obviously in pain. Assassin pulls harder. The referee asks Max if he wants to give up. But Max shakes his head no. Max tries to stretch his legs out to reach the ropes but fails. "Big" Ben Little: Come on Max, you can make it. Max then throws out his legs again and this time catches the ropes. Assassin releases the hold. Assassin then drops a knee in Max's face. Assassin drags Max McCants back up to his feet, and suplexes him. Assassin locks in an arm wrench. Max McCants is in pain. Crowd cheers. Owen Wilson: Another submission hold by the challenger Assassin. Assassin wrenches Max's arm even tighter. Max is able to reach for the ropes. Assassin releases the hold. Assassin pulls Max McCants to his feet. Assassin connects wit a right hand to the face of Max. And again. Assassin goes for another but Max kicks out at Assassin's left knee. Assassin hits the mat. Max lifts up Assassin's leg and crushes his elbow down in Assassin's knee. He does it again......... and again. He turns Assassin onto his stomach and does a knee breaker to Assassin. He does it again. "Big" Ben Little: He's going to work here on the left leg of Assassin. Max McCants drags Assassin to his feet and does a shin breaker to Assassin's left leg. Assassin hits the mat. Max picks up Assassin's leg and crushes his elbow down once more. He then locks in a leg lock. "Big" Ben Little: Come on Assassin, tap out. Owen Wilson: Well he may just do so. That knee can only take so much. Assassin screams out in pain. The referee asks Assassin if he wants to quit. Assassin shakes his head. Max tightens the hold. Assassin reaches for the ropes but is unable to reach them. Max McCants tightens the hold some more. Assassin tries to fight the hold off, but the pain stops him from getting Max off him. Assassin again reaches for the ropes, this time he reaches them. Crowd cheers Max eventually releases the hold. Max is back to his feet. Assassin is holding his now injured left knee. Max McCants goes over and picks the steel chair up. Max swings the steel chair and connects with Assassin's left leg. The crowd boo out. Max hits the left leg of Assassin once more. Assassin is rolling around in pain. Owen Wilson: Oh no Ben, the way this is going we may be witnessing here the end of Assassin. That leg could be shattered. Max McCants rams the chair into the back of Assassin's knee. Max then applies the single-leg Boston crab to the injured left knee of Assassin. Assassin shows the agony he is in. The referee asks Assassin is he wishes to quit. Assassin shakes his head no. Assassin reaches for the ropes but is unable to get to them. Max McCants tightens the hold. Assassin reaches out again. This time just managing to reach the bottom rope. Crowd cheers. Max releases the hold. Max is up and drags Assassin with him. Max goes for the suplex, but Assassin slides down Max's back and lunges forward and connects with a bulldog. Assassin gets back to his feet, leaning against the ropes trying to get some circulation into his left leg. Max gets up and charges at Assassin. Assassin back body drops Max McCants out of the ring to the arena floor. Assassin drops down onto the mat and slides out of the ring. Assassin continues to shake his leg trying to get circulation while he pulls Max to his feet. Assassin then Irish whips Max into the steel ring steps. Crowd cheers. "Big" Ben Little: Is that allowed Owen? Owen Wilson: Anything goes here Ben, until someone forces there opponent into submission. Assassin then pulls Max up and rams him back first into the barricade. Max McCants arc's his back in pain. Assassin then picks Max up and drops him head first onto the barricade. Max rolls around holding his face. Max McCants gingerly gets back to his face. Suplex onto the thin matting by Assassin on Max. Assassin then goes over to the announce table and grabs a chair. He then hobbles back over to Max, and as Max reaches his feet, Assassin brings the chair down across the top of his head. Max crashes to the floor. Assassin drops the chair and pulls Max back to his feet. Assassin then Irish whips Max McCants into the ring post. Max on connecting double's up in pain. Assassin picks up the chair and as he reaches Max, swings the chair, but Max ducks causing Assassin to connect the swinging chair to the ring post. Assassin then drops the chair. Max and Assassin then start exchanging left's and right's on each other. Assassin starts to get the upper hand. Max McCants then kicks at Assassin's left leg. Assassin collapses to the ground. Max shakes the cobwebs clear from his head. Max then drags up Assassin and throws him into the ring. He then slides in afterwards. Both Max and Assassin then charge at each other and Assassin shoulder blocks Max to the mat. Max gets up to his feet and Assassin shoulder blocks him to the mat again. Assassin drags Max back to his feet and swings a right fist at him and Max ducks the fist and as Assassin spins around Max McCants locks Assassin into the MAXED OUT submission hold! "Big" Ben Little: This match is all over Owen if Max has this connected right. Assassin fighting to get free mule kicks Max in the groin. Max releases the hold and crashes down to the mat doubled over holding his groin. Assassin stumbles away. Assassin get stands above McCants and reaches down and sets McCants up for a camel clutch. Owen Wilson: We could be seeing a new champion any minute now. Assassin locks in the camel clutch. McCants starts to wave his arms about in pain. Assassin sits lower and pulls back on Max's chin some more. The referee ask McCants if he wants to quit. The crowd cheers McCants screams out, “no!” Assassin pulls back more. McCants reaches out with his swinging arm trying to reach the ropes, but fails. "Big" Ben Little: Come on Max your nearly there. Max screams out in pain some more. Assassin applies more pressure. Again Max reaches for the ropes but fails. Owen Wilson: McCants isn't going to be able to take much more of this. McCants then battles back so that he is on his knees. Assassin tries to apply more pressure. The referee again asks Max if he wants to quit. But McCants says no. Max then somehow manages to get up to his feet with Assassin on his back and falls backwards so that Assassin goes crashing back first into the turnbuckle. Assassin then releases the hold. “Big” Ben Little: McCants breaks the hold. A few moments later, both men are up to their feet, both dazed and fatigued. Max McCants drives his knee into the mid-section of the 325-pound challenger and McCants then Irish whips Assassin into the ropes. Assassin bounces back into a big boot to the face from The Secret Weapon, but Assassin stays standing, staggering. Max sees this and runs back and bounces off the ropes, coming back for a big clothesline but Assassin ducks down and SPINEBUSTERS the 295-pound United States Champion! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh, man! What a Spinebuster by Assassin! Assassin gets up and looks down at Max McCants and then up at the sold-out audience and Assassin says, “its over.” The Assassin reaches down and pulls Max McCants to his feet, McCants holding his back in pain. Assassin kicks Max in the gut and then sticks his head in-between his legs for The Assassination, but before Assassin can even attempt to lift The Secret Weapon up into the air, Max McCants drops to his knees and low blows The Assassin! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: McCants saves himself with a low blow! Its all legal in this Submission Match. Assassin is crouched over, clutching his groin in pain, and Max McCants stands up and he gets behind Assassin and locks him into the MAXED OUT submission hold! The crowd is booing and standing on their feet. Owen Nelson: Max has got it in! The Maxed Out is locked in, and Assassin is in big trouble now, folks. Assassin is yelling out in pain. Max McCants is handling Assassin like a rag doll, shaking him around as with his arms as he applies the hold. Assassin tries to kick the ropes but he is in the center of the ring. The referee asks Assassin if he wants to give it up, and Assassin yells back, “no!” “Big” Ben Little: You’ve got nowhere to go, Assassin. Just make it easy on yourself and give up. As he applies the hold, Max yells “give up!” to his helpless opponent. Assassin is gritting his teeth as he tries to break the hold with pure strength, but its not happening, as Max McCants tightens the hold even more. Owen Nelson: I don’t know how much longer even The Assassin can hang on here. The ref asks Assassin again if he wants to give it up, and Assassin doesn’t answer, as he appears to be losing consciousness. Max McCants tightens the hold again and Assassin is now motionless, the hold still applied. “Big” Ben Little: Assassin is out…ring the bell. The ref sees this and he raises Assassin’s limp right arm…it falls. Owen Nelson: There’s one… Max is beginning to smile as he sees victory within his grasp. The ref raises Assassin’s limp arm for the second time…it drops. The crowd is yelling and standing. “Big” Ben Little: Just one more, and McCants will retain his Title… Max yells at the ref to “raise it again!” and the referee raises Assassin’s limp arm for the third and final time, and… Assassin keeps it up! Crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: Yes! Assassin is still in this thing! Max McCants is shocked as Assassin starts to shake his hands as he tries to will the audience in his corner. The crowd is cheering. “Big” Ben Little: Man, what the hell! This match should be over! Max is doing his best to keep the hold applied but Assassin leans back and backs McCants into the corner, causing McCants to release the hold! Crowd cheers again Owen Nelson; Assassin is free! I can’t believe it! Max McCants comes out of the corner and he walks into a kick to the gut by Assassin, who then uses all of his strength to lift the 295-pound “Secret Weapon” up into THE ASSASSINATION! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Good Lord! A 295-pound Assassination! How is Assassin still in this thing?! Assassin takes a second to regain his composure. Assassin looks down at Max McCants, who is not moving on the mat. Assassin smiles and he pulls the U.S. Champion up to his feet and he talks trash in his face, before spinning Max around and Assassin locks Max McCants into his own MAXED OUT submission hold (on McCants himself)! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Assassin has got Max McCants locked in his own old, the Maxed Out! Max McCants is yelling out in pain as Assassin shakes McCants around like a rag doll in the hold. Max is doing his best to try and break free but the hold is too powerful. “Big” Ben Little: This can’t be happening! The referee is watching the hold closely as Assassin tightens the hold again, and Max looks like he is about to pass out when he finally yells at the ref to ring the bell. BELL RINGS!!! Owen Nelson: Yes! He gave up! Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and your NEW ECFW United States Champion, Assassin! The crowd’s cheers grow even louder. “Big” Ben Little: This isn’t right! Assassin used McCants’ own hold against him. Assassin finally breaks the hold and the unconscious Max McCants collapses down to the canvas as the referee grabs Assassin’s arm and raises it up high. Owen Nelson: Max McCants gave up to his own Maxed Out, and we have a new United States Champion here tonight at Cyber Carnage V. The referee is handed the U.S. Title Belt and he hands it over to The Assassin, who looks at the Gold and smiles. Assassin kisses his newly won Belt and he then raises it up high as the fans erupt with cheers. “Big” Ben Little: Ugh… Assassin looks down at Max McCants on the mat and he laughs. Assassin walks over to the corner and climbs up to the second rope and he holds the U.S. Title Belt high above his head again, the fans applauding their new Champion. Owen Nelson: Against all odds, Assassin has slayed The Secret Weapon and beat him at his own game, and now Assassin can finally say he has a Cyber Carnage moment. Backstage Segment We see Hard Stone arriving at the arena in the parking lot. His limo pulls up and the driver gets out and opens the door and out steps “Da Man” himself. The crowd can be heard cheering from inside the arena. Owen Nelson: Hard Stone has arrived to Madison Square Garden. The limo driver grabs Hard Stone’s bags and carries them into the arena, Hard Stone with his Tag Team Title Belt over his shoulder. Hard Stone looks to be in a fairly good mood as he walks through the parking lot and enters the doors into the arena. In the arena, Hard Stone looks around at everyone and then continues on. Hard Stone walks through a hallway and he comes to his locker room door and he opens the door and turns on the light and there stands J-Dogg (in his referee’s shirt) staring back at Hard Stone. The fans can be heard erupting with cheers inside the arena as Hard Stone looks shocked. “Big” Ben Little: Oh, man…if you thought Assassin and Slade Craven’s confrontation was something earlier, wait until you see this… Hard Stone, confused, steps into his dressing room and steps right up to his former tag team partner/enemy. Owen Nelson: This is a moment right here. These men are former Tag Team Champions, and they have battled over the ECFW Championship in the past. I haven’t seen them in the same room in ages. Hard Stone and J-Dogg are face-to-face, eye-to-eye in the center of the room, the fans yelling and cheering inside the arena. “Big” Ben Little: You could cut this tension with a knife. Hard Stone and J-Dogg have a dead serious look on their faces as they stare each other down. Hard Stone takes his Tag Title Belt and tosses it over onto the couch and then locks eyes again with his former partner. Owen Nelson: What’s going to happen here??? Suddenly, J-Dogg smiles and chuckles. Hard Stone: Something funny? J-Dogg takes a step back. J-Dogg: Its been a while…just wanted to stop by and wish you luck tonight. Hard Stone looks J-Dogg up and down. Hard Stone: I don’t need luck. J-Dogg: Of course not. Hard Stone: I think you need to be concerned with calling the main event tonight right down the middle. J-Dogg: And I think you should be a bit more concerned with your career likely being ended in the type of match you’re in tonight. Hard Stone: Ya know, once I defended the World Championship in a Ladder Match…guess what? That was against YOU, and I beat you. J-Dogg looks down and laughs. The former ECFW Champion looks back up and locks eyes with his former tag team championship partner once again. J-Dogg: …Good luck tonight, my friend. Hard Stone: Good luck to you. The two stare each other down for a moment longer before J-Dogg walks past Hard Stone and exit’s the locker room. Hard Stone watches him leave and the door shut and the Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: What a tense moment… “Big” Ben Little: However true either man meant it to be, they both wished each other luck tonight, and honestly, I think both men are going to need it. Owen Nelson: There is a lot fragment over the years as to who is truly the greatest in ECFW history, and there is a lot of argument to be made in both Hard Stone’s and J-Dogg’s favor, but we may never know…but what we will know in a matter of moments is who is the superior family in ECFW. “Big” Ben Little: You’re damn right, Owen, because up next, folks, its Family vs. Family… FAMILY VS. FAMILY THE CAINE’S VS. THE DUMA’S Sam Jenkans: The following is a six man tag match set for one fall. Making there way down to the ring at this time from Austin Texas at a combined weight of 1,130 pounds Christopher, Mark, & Alistair Duma….The Brothers Duma!!! All three men make their way down the ramp as we hear the boos from the crowd in Madison Square Garden. All three men have now made there way to the ring waiting for there opponents for this match Sam Jenkans: And there opponents for this match. Hailing from Santa Cruz California at a combined weight of 652 pounds Danny, Marko, & Scottie Caine….The Caine Brothers!!! All three of the Caine brothers have made there way out to the ramp to a huge ovation from the crowd. All three of the Caine brothers have now made there way down to the ring where they stand face to face with the Brothers Duma as all six men go at one another before the bell sounds to start the match The bell sounds as we see Danny & Marko outside the ring with Chris & Mark fighting around the ring. While inside the ring we have Scottie & Alistair beating on one another in a corner. Alistair who uses his size over powers Scottie into the corner where he lays in a hard chop across the chest of the smallest Caine. The crowd can hear the sounds of each chop Alistair lays across the chest of Scottie as the ref tries to get them to break things up. But Alistair chases the referee from the ring as we hear the crowd booing Owen Nelson: Well this match isn’t going the way of the Caine’s so far. As a matter of fact as I look around me I’m seeing almost every Caine laid out. We see Danny & Marko laid against the barricade at ringside as Christopher & Mark have now climbed onto the apron of the ring to join there brother in this match. Alistair turns his attention back to Scottie who catches him with a boot to the midsection. Alistair takes a few steps backwards allowing Scottie the chance the climb to the top rope but he’s quickly cut off by Christopher & Mark who shove him off and down to the mat as Scottie lands chest first as the crowd can be heard booing what they’ve just seen Ben Little: Now that’s how you keep a guy like Scottie grounded. Owen Nelson: Ben, you suck, you know that. Alistair gathers himself picking up Scottie off the mat as we see Danny & Marko finally on the apron pleading for the tag from there brother. Alistair taunts the two men before power slamming Scottie to the mat as we can hear Scottie screaming in pain as Alistair makes the cover 1..2.. Danny makes the save. Danny Caine keeps pounding on Alistair in the ring until the referee finally gets Danny outside allowing Alistair to tag in Mark who whips Scottie across the ring into another corner. Mark charges at Scottie who avoids the contact dropping to the floor before tagging in Marko to the match as the crowd can be heard cheering as we see Marko climb to the top rope as he delivers a missile dropkick to Mark Duma putting him on the mat as we see Marko making a quick cover 1..2.. Mark powers out Owen Nelson: Damn that was close but Mark Duma managed to kick out. Ben Little: Kick out? He powered out Owen. Marko is in trouble you mark my words. Mark Duma tags in Christopher who comes into the ring but is taken down by Marko with a drop toe hold. Danny enters the ring and delivers a basement dropkick to Christopher’s head rocking the big man on the mat. Finally all three Caine’s enter the ring as each of them grab Christopher Duma lifting him high into the air as they release him as he comes crashing down to the mat Owen Nelson: Wow talk about strength. Ben Little: Oh please they won’t be able to do it again. Again all three Caine’s grab Christopher looking to again deliver more pain to him but they are quickly cut off by Mark & Alistair who deliver big boots to both Danny & Marko Caine. Scottie jumps on the back of Mark Duma trying to apply a sleeper but I doesn’t last as Alistair Duma hit’s a big boot to the face of Scottie Caine who crashes to the mat as the crowd is in a frenzy over what’s taken place Ben Little: Well we knew this was going to break down into a fight but I didn’t think it was going to be like this. Owen Nelson: Tell me about it. All six men are in the ring or around the ring for that matter. Mark & Alistair Duma leave the ring as they grab Danny & Marko Caine throwing them against the barricade. They quickly follow this up by tossing both Caine brothers onto the announce table. Meanwhile in the ring we see Scottie Caine on the top rope as Christopher Duma is slow to get to his feet. Scottie dives off the top rope looking for the Hurricane Scottie only to have Christopher counter it into a massive Powerbomb as the crowd reacts Ben Little: Damn now that hurt. Christopher slowly makes his way out of the ring as we see Danny & Marko still fighting with Alistair & Mark Duma near the announce table. Both Marko & Danny have gotten the upper hand that is until Christopher delivers hard shots the head of each of them. Alistair then follows it up by giving Marko the LAST RITES ONTO THE BODY OF DANNY CAINE as now all three of the brothers Duma look down at the Caine bodies Owen Nelson: This is mayhem, Ben, plain and simple. Ben Little: You’re not lying there, Owen. The Duma’s turn their attention towards the ring as we see Scottie Caine getting to his feet. Scottie bounces off the ropes and comes diving over the ropes with a flip dive on top of all three Duma brothers as the crowd goes nuts Owen Nelson: Holy shit, Ben, did you see that? Ben Little: Of course I did you fool after all they did that right in front of us. Owen Nelson: That was one hell of a dive by Caine and the crowd is going nuts because of it. Everyone is down at ringside. A few moments later, Scottie Caine climbs up to his feet and he grabs Mark Duma and brings him back into the ring with him. In the ring, “The Pocket Rocket” kicks Mark Duma in the gut and he take shim by the head and runs off the top rope and comes off with the SPIN CYCLE on Mark Duma! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: There’s the Spin Cycle by Scottie Caine! Scottie Caine then has the motionless Mark Duma pinned, but the referee is being distracted by Alistair Duma, who is now on the ring apron, arguing with the referee. The crowd’s cheers turn into boos. Owen Nelson: Alistair Duma is distracting the ref, damnit! The crowd is booing as the referee has his back turned, arguing with Alistair Duma on the ring apron. Scottie Caine, upset, stands up and is immediately nailed in the face with the hard covered Bible by Christopher Duma (the ref didn’t see it ‘cause of Alistair’s distraction)! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Bible shot right to the face! Scottie Caine is down and out and The Path of Light is about to steal one when CANDY CAINE runs down to ringside, reaches up, and low blows Alistair Duma on the ring apron, causing Alistair to fall off onto the floor at ringside! Crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: Oh! Look at this! it’s the fourth Caine sibling, Candy, and she just low blowed Alistair Duma on the ring apron! Alistair Duma is down on the floor at ringside and Christopher Duma sees what has happened and he goes out to ringside with the Bible in his hands. Out at ringside, Christopher Duma swings the Bible for Candy Caine’s face but Candy ducks and Christopher Duma walks right into the FKASHBACK BY DANNY CAINE!!! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Flashback by Danny Caine! Alistair Duma makes it back up to his feet, holding his groin in pain, and Candy tells him to turn around. Alistair does so and he gets kicked in the stomach by Marko Caine and then hit with the CYCLONATRAUMA on the thin ringside padding at ringside by Marko Caine! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: The Cyclonatrauma right on the floor! The crowd is going wild as Candy helps Marko up and sends her brothers back into the ring. In the ring, Marko and Danny help up their little brother Scottie Caine (holding his head in pain) and the three Caine brothers look over and see Mark Duma using the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. “Big” Ben Little: There’s only one Duma left, and he’s got no one to save him now… Mark Duma staggers around a bit and then turns around and bumps right into all three Caine’s, standing side-by-side and staring down the lead Duma brother with smiles on their faces. Owen Nelson: Mark Duma is about to get what he deserves! Candy Caine is cheering on her brothers from ringside as Mark Duma slowly starts to back away form the three Caine men but Scottie Caine knocks Mark Duma off his feet with a punch to the face and now with M. Duma down on the mat, all three Caine’s start to stomp away on Mark! The crowd is on their feet, cheering like crazy! “Big” Ben Little: Mark Duma is being triple-teamed! Mark Duma crawls over to the corner to get away and Scottie Caine pulls him up and dropkicks him in the face, knocking Mark Duma into Marko Caine who hits Mark Duma with the TWISTED TORMENT! Owen Nelson: Twisted Torment by Marko! Marko and Scottie pull Mark Duma up again and push him right into Danny Caine who hits Mark with the DROP-SHADOW! “Big” Ben Little: And now the Drop-Shadow from Danny! Mark Duma is getting the beating of a lifetime here tonight in New York City! From ringside, Candy Caine picks up The Duma’s Bible and she slides it into the ring to her brothers. Candy then jumps up onto the ring apron and distracts the referee, arguing with him. This allows Marko and Danny Caine to pull the helpless Mark Duma up to his feet and hold him in place while Scottie Caine takes a step back and then WHAM! “The Pocket Rocket” swings The Path of Light’s own hard covered Bible across the face of Mark Duma, knocking him unconscious and out of Marko and Danny’s hands to the mat (the ref didn’t see it due to Candy’s distraction)! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: The shot heard ‘round the world! The crowd is cheering as Scottie Caine tosses the Bible to the corner and all three Caine’s then get down and cover the motionless Mark Duma as Candy Caine jumps off the ring apron and the referee turns around and sees the pin cover and quickly gets down to count the fall…1...2...3! Bell Rings!!! “Big” Ben Little: Its over. Sam Jenkans: Here are your winners, Marko, Danny, and Scottie…The Caine Brothers! Crowd cheers again Owen Nelson: Justice prevails here tonight on the grandest stage of em all. The three Caine’s stand up and Candy Caine slides into the ring and hugs her three brothers. The crowd is on their feet, applauding. “Big” Ben Little: All three Duma brothers were taken out here tonight. And Mark Duma, the leader of The Path of Light, got the worst of it. The ref raises all three Caine Brother arms and then Marko, Danny, Scottie, and Candy look around at the Duma carnage, smile, and raise each other’s arms up high. Owen Nelson: I think its safe to say, on this night at least, The Caine’s are the superior family in ECFW. All three Duma’s are down and out in and out of the ring as the four Caine siblings raise each other’s arms up high. Interview Interveiwer Rena Summers is standing by backstage with KT Morris. Rena Summers: Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing backstage now with one of the six brave men that will take part in tonight’s first-ever “Golden Ticket” Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match, KT Morris. The crowd can be heard cheering form inside the arena. Rena Summers: KT, you were the one that Nick originally made this announcement to several weeks ago, and tonight, you have the opportunity to redeem yourself after your loss at last year’s Cyber Carnage, as well as prove your critics wrong who have said that you can’t win the big one. KT, tonight you step into the ring with five men you know very well, and the winner will earn a World Title shot for anytime within the next 6 months…what must be going through your mind right now? KT Morris: Tonight is my night, Rena, plain and simple. I know that seems to be a common thing to say around here these days, but it never rings more true than right now. I am the future of this company, everyone knows it, including the five victims that I step into the ring with tonight. This is the biggest night on the wrestling calendar, Rena, and I won’t let this be a repeat of last year. Tonight, I will use tables, ladders, chairs, and whatever else I have to to ensure that I leave Madison Square Garden with the “Golden Ticket.” Rena Summers: This is an extremely dangerous match, KT. Any concerns? KT Morris: The only thing that anybody needs to be concerned with tonight is the health of my five opponents once I am through with them tonight in that ring. This is the begets night of all of our lives, its Cyber Carnage V, the grandest stage of em all. I will NOT let this opportunity slip through my fingers, Rena. I have never been more focused than I am here tonight, and tonight, I give you my word that I will climb that ladder and I will grab the “Golden Ticket,” and within the next 6 months, I will become, FINALLY, the ECFW World Heavyweight Champion. KT walks off. Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: KT Morris certainly has that chance later on tonight in the first-ever “Golden Ticket” TLC Match, but so do the other five involved with that history-making contest. Its gonna be brutal, and its later on here tonight at the biggest event of the year, Cyber Carnage V. “Big” Ben Little: Did you say, brutal, Owen? Because I think you did, and if you want brutal…just watch this next match… TAG TEAM STEEL CAGE MATCH SUDDEN IMPACT VS. THE ENFORCERS Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the Tag Team Steel Cage Match! The crowd cheers as the Steel Cage begins to lower from the ceiling. Sam Jenkans: This contest has not time limit. To win this match, BOTH members of one team must escape the cage, either by the door or by climbing over the top, OR one man can pin another member of the opposing team. Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Brianna Hilton, Tiny Tim and Wasted Youth…SUDDEN IMPACT! (Crowd boos) Sudden Impact’s theme music hits as Tiny Tim, Wasted Youth, and Brianna Hilton make their way down the ramp way. Owen Nelson: These two men know what its like to be in the spotlight here at Cyber Carnage. Tiny Tim even main evented Cyber Carnage III two years ago. But tonight, along with Brianna Hilton, they have never been in anything quite like this. Sudden Impact reach ringside where they look the 15-foot high Steel Cage up and down. Brianna wishes her men luck as they walk up the ring steps and enter the cage/ring through the cage door, Brianna staying out at ringside. Sam Jenkans: Their opponents: they are Bracken and Raptor, together known as…THE ENFORCERS! (Crowd cheers) The two Hall-of-Famers make their way down to the ring. “Big” Ben Little: Here come their opponents: two of their arch rivals, the legendary Bracken and Raptor. Bracken and Raptor walk past Brianna Hilton and they walk up the ring steps and enter the cage/ring through the cage door. A referee at ringside shuts the cage door and inside the ring/cage, referee Stanley Harrison calls for the bell. BELL RINGS!!! Tiny Tim and Wasted Youth immediately pounce on Bracken and Raptor, pounding on them in the corner. Owen Nelson: This dream match is under way and Sudden Impact start out as the aggressors here in the early-going. Tiny Tim is stomping on Raptor in one corner, and in the opposite corner, Wasted Youth is giving the cornered Bracken some body shots. Tim and Youth grab their men and whip them into the corner, causing them to bump into each other and fall down. “Big” Ben Little: Haha. Tiny Tim and Wasted Youth come to the center of the ring, smiling, and they slap hands, the crowd booing and Brianna Hilton clapping for her men from ringside. Bracken is back up and The Tiny One kicks him in the stomach and throws him face-first into the steel cage wall! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh! Right into the steel. Raptor is back up and Wasted Youth grabs him by his head and tries to do the same thing to him but raptor side-steps his fellow Hall-of-Famer and Raptor sends Wasted Youth face-first into the cage wall instead! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: Raptor reversed it! Raptor turns around and Tiny Tim is there, and Tim punches his arch nemesis in the face repeatedly. The Tiny One has Raptor backed into the corner and he goes for a final big punch to the jaw but Raptor ducks and sends Tim into the corner, turning the tables, as Raptor is now punching the hell out of Tiny Tim in the corner! The crowd is cheering Owen Nelson: The first-ever ECFW Champion turns the tables on Tiny Tim! Tiny Tim staggers out of the corner and Raptor gives him the sidewalk slam! “Big” Ben Little: Nice sidewalk slam there by Raptor. Raptor stands up and Wasted Youth knocks him down from behind and then slams his face into the cage wall, knocking Raptor down to the mat. Owen Nelson: Wasted Youth came from behind and Raptor gets a taste of that cold, hard steel. Wasted Youth turns around and Bracken is there, lifting Youth up for the Bracket. But before Bracken can drop Wasted Youth with his finishing maneuver, Tiny Tim comes from behind and low blows Bracken, causing Bracken to drop wasted Youth to the mat and fall to his knees, holding his groin in pain. Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Its all legal inside the cage. Tiny Tim then kicks Bracken in the head, knocking Bracken all the way down to the mat. Tiny Tim turns around and he is nearly beheaded by Raptor’s clothesline! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: What a clothesline by Raptor! Raptor gets down and mounts The Tiny One on the mat with rights and lefts to the head and face. Raptor is really taking it to Tim when Wasted Youth comes and kicks Raptor off of his tag team partner. “Big” Ben Little: Wasted Youth makes the save. Raptor stands up and Wasted Youth goes for a clothesline but Raptor ducks and kicks Youth in the mid-section. Raptor then scoops Wasted Youth up into the body slam position and he runs and rams Youth back-first into the cage wall! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Right into the cage wall! Man. Raptor backs up and does this a second time, Wasted Youth yelling out in pain as his back smacks the steel. “Big” Ben Little: Put him down! Raptor drops Wasted Youth to the mat and he looks over and helps Bracken to his feet. The Enforcers look at their fallen opponents and then look at each other and nod, and both men begin to climb the cage. Owen Nelson: The Enforcers are climbing the cage…they’re going to try and win this thing right here, right now. The two legends reach about half-way up the cage when Tiny Tim and Wasted Youth make it back up to their feet, and they both start shaking the cage wall, causing Raptor to fall from the cage and crash down onto the mat below! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Raptor will be feeling that one in the morning. But Bracken is hanging on, not falling from the cage. Tiny Tim sees this and he climbs up beside Bracken and punches him in the ribcage. Half-way up the cage, Tiny Tim then sets Bracken up and falls back with the SIDE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP FROM HALF-WAY UP THE CAGE!!! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh! Side Russian Legsweep off the side of the cage! Both men are down and out as Wasted Youth tries to revive his tag team partner. The crowd is still buzzing over what they’ve just seen. “Big” Ben Little: What a fall. Wasted Youth stands up, giving up, and he turns around and is kneed in the gut by Raptor who then sets Youth up for the Demon’s Drop, but Wasted Youth reverses Raptor into a double leg pickup and Wasted Youth catapults Raptor face-first into the steel cage! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Now that’s a counter for ya! Raptor has bounced off of the cage and crashed back down to the canvas. Wasted Youth then starts to climb up the cage wall. “Big” Ben Little: With everyone down, Wasted Youth is going to try and escape the cage right here. Remember, BOTH men of one team must escape the cage to win this match. Waste4d Youth reaches about half-way up the cage, Brianna Hilton cheering him on from outside the cage, when Bracken is back up and he goes under Wasted Youth’s legs and pulls him down with the POWERBOMB FROM HALF-WAY UP THE CAGE!!! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: God! What impact! Wasted Youth is not moving on the mat and Bracken is suddenly lifted up from behind by Tiny Tim for the Shady Slam but Bracken comes down on his feet and lifts The Tiny One up for the Bracken but Tim comes down on his feet behind Bracken and pushes Bracken face-first into the cage wall! “Big” Ben Little: Bracken gets another taste of that steel. Tiny Tim then walks over and starts to help Wasted Youth back up to his feet when Tim is suddenly turned around by raptor, who then kicks Tim in the stomach and lifts him up into the DEMON’S DROP! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Demon’s Drop by Raptor! Raptor covers Tiny Tim as the referee counts…1...2...Wasted Youth barely breaks up the count in time! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. “Big” Ben Little: Wasted Youth breaks it up just in the nick of time! Whew! Wasted Youth staggers up to his feet, holding the back of his head in pain. Raptor, upset with Youth, goes for a clothesline but Wasted Youth ducks and drop toe holds Raptor face-first into the cage! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: How innovative! Wasted Youth stands back up and Brianna Hilton, form ringside, slips a pair of Brass Knuckles into the ring. Wasted Youth picks them up and slides them over his fingers. The crowd is booing. “Big” Ben Little: Brianna Hilton just gave Wasted Youth some brass knucks! Bracken is back up and Wasted Youth winds up, and…BAM! Wasted Youth knocks Bracken out cold with the Brass Knucks! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Bracken is out! The crowd is booing as Wasted Youth drops the Brass Knucks and then begins to climb up the cage. “Big” Ben Little: Wasted Youth is going to do it right here! The crowd is on their feet, booing like crazy as Wasted Youth climbs up the cage wall step-by-step. Owen Nelson: Thanks to Brianna Hilton and those damn Brass Knucks, Wasted Youth is going to escape the cage. Wasted Youth makes it to the top but instead of putting his leg over the top of the cage, he stands up on the cage. The crowd, standing, gasps as they watch in anticipation. “Big” Ben Little: Youth, what the hell are you doing, man?! From ringside, Brianna Hilton is yelling up at Wasted Youth, “don’t be stupid!” Wasted Youth looks down at his manager and then back down inside the ring at the motionless Bracken. Wasted Youth takes a deep breath and he turns around on the cage and jumps off with the MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE, BUT BRACKENR OLLS OUT OF THE WAY AND YOUTH CRASHES GUT-FIRST ON THE CANVAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Crowd: OOOOOHHHH!!! Owen Nelson: UNBELIEVABLE! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: Wasted Youth just back flipped off the top of the cage, 15 feet below, and Bracken moved…Youth just crashed and burned from 15 feet high! Amazing! Everyone is down and out on the mat, Brianna standing in shock outside the cage at ringside. The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” Owen Nelson: That was unlike anything I’ve ever seen! A replay is shown of the incredible move. “Big” Ben Little: Wasted Youth went for it all, and got nothing. Tiny Tim is back up and he looks over at the motionless, broken Wasted Youth and before he can even check on his longtime tag team partner he is knocked down from behind by Raptor. Raptor brings Tiny Tim up again and he sets him up for a suplex into the cage but Tiny Tim reverses Bracken into a regular vertical suplex onto the canvas! Owen Nelson: Tim hit’s a suplex on Bracken. Tiny Tim looks over and grabs the Brass Knucks. “Big” Ben Little: Tim’s got those Brass Knucks that Youth used to knock out Bracken earlier. Raptor is moving up to his feet and Tiny Tim kisses the Brass Knucks on his hand and then takes a swing at Raptor’s face but Raptor ducks and pokes Tim in the eyes and Tim then grabs his eyes and staggers around until being lifted up and dropped with the BRACKET BY BRACKEN!!! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Bracket by Bracken! What a move! And now both members of Sudden Impact are down and out, and both members of The Enforcers are up. Bracken and Raptor head over to the cage door and the ref outside the cage opens the door and Bracken starts to step through when WHAM! From ringside, BRIANNA HILTON throws the cage door into Bracken’s skull! Knocking him out cold in the ring! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Bracken tried to escape through the cage door but Brianna Hilton threw that door into Bracken’s head! Raptor, upset, steps through the cage doorway before Brianna can do the same thing to him and Raptor has escaped the cage! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Raptor is out! But it takes BOTH men to escape to win this match. Out at ringside, Raptor grabs Brianna Hilton by her hair and he shoves her down to the floor. “Big” Ben Little: Raptor is attacking a woman! While Raptor is preoccupied with Brianna outside the cage, in the cage, Bracken is using the cage wall to pull himself up to his feet, dazed and holding his head in pain, and Bracken, staggering, backs into the schoolboy pin from Tiny Tim, who has a handful of Bracken’s tights as he pins him!…1...2...3! BELL RINGS!!! Owen Nelson: Oh, c’mon! Sam Jenkans: Here are your winners, Sudden Impact! Crowd boos loudly. “Big” Ben Little: What a win for Sudden Impact here tonight at Cyber Carnage! Raptor hears the bell and the announcement from ringside and he turns away from Brianna Hilton and looks into the cage with a confused/pissed look on his face. Owen Nelson: The Enforcers were screwed here tonight, plain and simple. Raptor, upset, walks up the ring steps and steps through the cage door again and he is back in the cage. With Raptor back inside the ring, the steel cage begins to raise back up to the ceiling. Raptor grabs Tiny Tim and he starts punching him in the face, when Wasted Youth knocks Raptor
down from behind, enabling Tiny Tim to hit the SHADY SLAM on Raptor! The crowd’s boos grow even louder. “Big” Ben Little: Raptor tried to avenge his team’s loss but Wasted Youth helped Tiny Tim hit Raptor with the Shady Slam. With Raptor out cold, the cage raised back up to the ceiling, Bracken is back up and Wasted Youth grabs the Brass Knucks and BAM! Wasted Youth knocks Raptor out cold again with the Brass Knucks! Owen Nelson: This is just uncalled for now. Brianna Hilton is back up at ringside and she slides into the ring and she raises Tim’s and Youth’s arms in the air. “Big” Ben Little: This is just the win that Sudden Impact was looking for. Here tonight at the biggest event of the year, Sudden Impact as proved its dominance over Raptor and Bracken. The three members of Sudden Impact stand tall over the fallen bodies of The Enforcers, raising each other’s arms up high as the sold-out audience boos. Owen Nelson: Ben, the only thing that Sudden Impact proved here tonight is that they still know how to cheat after all these years. Backstage Segment We see Nick and Kurt Evans backstage in Nick’s office. Kurt is watching the show from Nick’s desk as Nick is now in his wrestling gear, and his is finishing up taping his wrists on the couch. Kurt Evans: You ready, Nick? Nick finishes up and stands up from the couch. Nick: When it comes to teaching Stephan Silverstone a lesson in respect…I was born ready. At that moment, Jason Blade enters the office in his wrestling gear and a ‘Jason Blade’ t-shirt. The Blademeister has a dead serious look on his face as the fans can be heard cheering from inside the sold-out arena. Nick: Jason… Jason Blade: Nick, I just wanted to come in here and let you know that tonight after you rid this planet of Stephan Silverstone, and thank you, God, for that, I am going to finish off what’s left of The Foundation when I destroy Gladiator limb from limb. Nick: Jason, where’s your Sledge Hammer? Jason Blade: I left it back at the hotel…I decided I don’t need any hammers to beat Gladiator tonight. I will send a message to the self-proclaimed “Icon” here tonight when I end his career with my bare hands. Nick: Whatever it takes. Jason looks over and sees Kurt Evans sitting at Nick’s desk. Jason Blade (to Nick): So, uh…what’s the deal with Kurt and all? Nick: Don’t worry, Jason. We buried the hatchet and he’s with us now, and he’s going to make a great General Manager. Kurt stands up from behind Nick’s desk and offers his hand for “The Loose Cannon” to shake it. Jason stares at Kurt’s hand, look at Nick, and then into Kurt’s eyes, and Blade shakes Evans’ hand. Kurt Evans: Don’t worry, Jason. You can trust me. I know I was against you with the whole ECFW/TNG thing last year, but I am a changed man. I am now doing what’s right for business. Jason Blade: Well you came back at the right time because this is the biggest event of the year, Kurt, and tonight you will bare-witness the demise of The Foundation of Success. Nick: And speaking of which, up next, I am going to take Stephan Silverstone to school and I am going to beat him at my own creation…Cyber Carnage. Watch and learn, my friends. Jason Blade: Show em whose boss, Nick. Kurt Evans: We’ll be watching… Nick nods and takes a deep breath as he leaves the office and heads for the ring. Jason looks Kurt up and down and leaves the office after Nick. Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Nick and Stephan is up next, but how about that Jason Blade, huh? He left the Sledge Hammer at the hotel so he could rip Gladiator to shreds with his own hands…I have a very strong feeling that the Gladiator/Jason Blade match will not be a pretty sire… “Big” Ben Little: …And neither will this next match. Its personal, its NO Holds Barred, its boss vs. employee…its next!… NO HOLDS BARRED NICK VS. STEPHAN SILVERSTONE Sam Jenkans: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and will go to a finish. This contest will be contested under the No Holds Barred ruling, being there are no disqualifications or count-outs. Introducing first, he weighs 269 pounds, he hails from Foxboro, Massachusetts, he is a member of The Foundation of Success…“THE MVP” STEPHAN SILVERSTONE! (Crowd boos The Foundation’s theme music hits as the sold-out audience is on their feet and booing loudly and “The MVP” appears on the massive stage. Owen Nelson: This match is personal, Ben, and there’s no rules. Stephan Silverstone walks down the long ramp way until he reaches ringside, where he looks at the fans before walking up the ring steps and stepping into the squared circle, where Stephan raises his arms, the fans booing even louder. Sam Jenkans: And now for his opponent: he weighs in at 230 pounds, he is from Los Angeles, California, he is the Owner of Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling, this is…NICK! (Crowd cheers) “Bodies” begins to play as Nick comes out onto the stage in his wrestling gear: windbreakers and a ‘Cyber Carnage V’ t-shirt. His wrists/hands are taped as well. “Big” Ben Little: And there’s Stephan’s boss as well as our’s, Owen, Nick. Nick created Cyber Carnage, and now he’s in a No Holds Barred Match against one of his employees. The boss walks down the ramp way, eyes locked with “The MVP,” who is standing in the ring, just watching his boss come down the ramp. Owen Nelson: Earlier tonight here at Cyber Carnage, Nick made the shocking announcement that Kurt Evans, Nick’s former arch rival, is the new General Manager of ECFW once again. That was one hell of a shocking moment, but what other shocking moments will Nick deliver here tonight at the biggest event of the year, as he seems to do each year? Nick enters the ring. On the other side of the ring stands “The Most Valuable Player,” just staring at Nick. The two stand on opposite sides of the squared circle, eyes locked, hatred in their eyes, as referee Leonard Fisher looks at both men and calls for the bell. BELL RINGS!!! The two don’t move a muscle, eyes locked. Owen Nelson: You can just feel the tension and hatred in that ring right now. This match, this feud, has been building for many months now, and now, for the first time ever, we have Nick vs. Stephan Silverstone, one-on-one, No Holds Barred, at the grandest stage of em all, the fifth annual Cyber Carnage. “The MVP” and Nick finally start moving toward the center of the ring, neither man blinking. “Big” Ben Little: Nick is not backing down, and I am quite surprised about that. In the center of the ring, the two bitter enemies are now face-to-face, eye-to-eye, and Stephan begins the trash talking, Nick not saying a word or taking his eyes off of his employee. Owen Nelson: Silverstone is wasting no time in the trash talking game. Stephan is talking a whole lot of smack when Nick suddenly pulls back and slaps “The MVP” right across the face! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: What a slap! Are you going to take that, Stephan??? Stephan feels his momentarily red face and he is clearly pissed off. “The MVP” then takes a swing at his boss but Nick ducks and starts punching Stephan Silverstone in the face repeatedly. The crowd is cheering. Owen Nelson: Surprisingly enough, Nick, who is NOT a wrestler, is starting off this match as the aggressor. Nick has Stephan backed into the corner and he is hammering away at Silverstone’s face. “Big” Ben Little: Nick is taking it to “The MVP!” Nick goes for one last big right but Stephan blocks it and drives his knee hard into the mid-section of the Owner of ECFW! The crowd’s cheers turn into boos. Owen Nelson: Stephan fights back with a hard knee. Nick grabs his gut and backs off and Stephan Silverstone runs at Nick for a clothesline but Nick ducks and “The MVP” goes into the ropes and bounces back into a back elbow to the face from Nick, knocking Silverstone to the mat. “Big” Ben Little: Ouch! Nick looks great tonight, Owen. Stephan Silverstone strands back up to his feet, holding his face in pain, and Nick knocks him back down with a clothesline. Stephan gets up again, holding the back of his head in pain, and Nick runs and clotheslines “The MVP” over the top rope and out of the ring! Owen Nelson: Nick takes Silverstone out to ringside! Nick steps out as well. Out at ringside, Nick takes Stephan Silverstone’s head and he slams his face into the medal ring post, reeling “The MVP.” “Big” Ben Little: That could have very easily shattered Stephan’s nose. Nick kicks Stephan in the stomach and slams his face into the side of the ring. Owen Nelson: Nick is in complete control of this No Holds Barred Match here in the early going. Nick then goes over and grabs a steel chair and he folds it up. Nick turns back around to hit “The MVP,” but Stephan kicks Nick in the gut, causing his boss to drop the chair. “Big” Ben Little: Silverstone saves himself. With Nick crouched over, Stephan Silverstone runs and takes Nick down with a swinging neckbreaker onto the thin ringside padding! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh, man! A swinging neckbreaker right on the floor. Ouch. Nick is on his back, grabbing his head and neck in pain. Stephan Silverstone pulls his boss up to his feet and he throws him back-first into the steel ringside steps! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh, man. “The MVP” reaches down and grabs Nick by his shirt collar and he punches Nick right in the temple and then rolls him back into the ring. Stephan Silverstone slides back into the ring himself. Owen Nelson: Just like that, the momentum has changed and now it’s the former Intercontinental Champion in control. In the ring, Nick is crawling on his hands and knees. Stephan laughs as he watches Nick pull himself up to his feet. Stephan runs and takes Nick down with a vicious running clothesline! “Big” Ben Little: What a clothesline! Nick is on the mat, holding the back of his head in pain and Stephan Silverstone drops a rolling knee across the sternum of the ECFW Owner. Owen Nelson: “The MVP” has Nick right where he wants him now. Nick stands up to his feet and Stephan Silverstone whips Nick into the ropes, and Nick bounces back into a big Powerslam from Stephan Silverstone! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Picture-perfect Powerslam from Stephan Silverstone. Nick is down on the mat, and Stephan looks around. Stephan then rolls out to ringside and he grabs the steel chair and brings it back into the ring with him. Owen Nelson: Uh-oh…“The MVP” has got the chair, and its all legal in this No Holds Barred war. In the ring, Nick is pulling himself up to his feet. Nick stands straight and Stephan Silverstone swings the steel chair for Nick’s face but Nick ducks, drops to his knees, and low blows “The MVP!” Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: Hey now! Owen Nelson: Its all legal, Ben! Stephan clutches his groin and falls to his knees. “Big” Ben Little: Nick is back in this thing all of a sudden. A moment later, Nick is back up. Stephan Silverstone is in the corner. Nick goes over and starts stomping in the sternum of the cornered “MVP.” Owen Nelson: Nick is stomping a mud hole in Stephan Silverstone’s chest. Nick then pulls Stephan out of the corner and whips him across the ring to the opposite corner. Still in the original corner, Nick unties the turnbuckle pad and pulls the turnbuckle pad off, exposing the steel turnbuckle underneath. “Big” Ben Little: Uh-oh…Nick has exposed the steel under that turnbuckle pad. This is getting dangerous now, Owen. Nick turns back around and Stephan is there and Stephan runs right through Nick with a powerful clothesline! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh! Can’t take your eye off the ball, Nick. Stephan looks at the exposed turnbuckle and then back down at Nick. Stephan pulls Nick back up to his feet and he talks some trash in Nick’s face before taking Nick by the head and slamming Nick’s face into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Right into that steel, which Nick himself exposed! Nick falls back to the mat, holding his head in pain. Stephan Silverstone pulls Nick up again and he scoops him up and drops him face-first onto the exposed steel (snake eyes)! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Snake eyes right into the steel! Geez! Nick is down and out on the mat, and he is now cut open as blood runs down the Owner’s face. “Big” Ben Little: Nick is busted open! Stephan Silverstone sees the blood and he gains a sinister smile on his face. Owen Nelson: “The MVP” could probably end it right here, Ben, but unfortunately, I think he wants to take his time with Cyber Carnage’s creator here tonight in the world’s most famous arena. Stephan Silverstone pulls the bloody Nick back up to his feet and he looks into Nick’s eyes and smiles again. Stephan then knocks the boss off his feet with a big right fist to the bloody head, getting Nick’s blood on his own hand. Stephan then gets down and mounts the boss with rights and lefts to the bloody skull. The crowd is booing, and there is nothing the referee can do. “Big” Ben Little: Stephan Silverstone is like a mad man now. He is just tearing into that open wound on the Owner’s head, hammering his fist into the cut over and over and over again. Nick is completely helpless as Stephan punches Nick’s bloody head in the same open cut over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Owen Nelson: Enough, Stephan! Nick appears to be unconscious as his entire face is covered in blood. “The MVP” drills his fist into Nick’s cut one last time and then stand sup off of his boss. Stephan looks at his right hand and it is covered in Nick’s blood. Stephan laughs as he wipes Nick’s blood across his (Stephan’s) chest. The sold-out crowd is booing loudly. “Big” Ben Little: This is graphic stuff, man…and I’m sure Nick is regretting signing onto this match now, Owen. Nick is not moving on the blood-stained canvas, as referee Leonard Fisher is kneeled down next to the boss, checking up on him. “The MVP” pushes the ref out of the way and kicks Nick in the bloody head. Owen Nelson: Is this really necessary anymore? You’ve proved your point, Stephan, now pin the man and get this match over with. Stephan Silverstone drags the lifeless, bloody Owner back up to his spaghetti legs, and Stephan laughs as he slaps Nick across his bloody face. “Big” Ben Little: He’s just toying with Nick now. Sending him a message. Nick can barely stand on his own, and Stephan bounces off the ropes and comes back with a big clothesline, flipping Nick inside-out on the mat! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh! Nick was just turned inside-out with that clothesline! We’ve seen enough, Stephan, now end the damn match! The referee is trying to reason with “The MVP” but Stephan pushes the ref off again and he kicks Nick hard in the ribcage. Stephan pulls Nick up again and he drives his knee into Nick’s abdomen. “The MVP” then whips Nick back-first into the corner with the exposed steel turnbuckle, the force knocking Nick right back down to the mat. Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Man! The ref is trying to check on the boss again but again Stephan pushes the referee out of the way. Owen Nelson: Referee Leonard Fisher is trying to show some sympathy here, but Stephan Silverstone wants to do even more damage to the man that signs his checks. S on his hands and knees, blood dripping off his face onto the already-blood-stained canvas. Stephan takes a step back, and then forward, and BAM! An NFL punt right to the bloody face of Nick, knocking Nick out cold! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Jesus! What a kick, right to the face! Man. Nick is down and out on his gut on the mat as Stephan smiles again. Owen Nelson: Happy yet, Stephan? Stephan Silverstone steps out to ringside and he reaches underneath the ring. Stephan pulls his arm back out and has the LEAD PIPE in his hands. Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: It’s the Lead Pipe! The very same Lead Pipe that Nick cracked over Silverstone’s head a few weeks back, and the same Lead Pipe Stephan cracked Nick over the head with twice 11 days ago on Terror. “The MVP” looks at the Lead Pipe and smiles as he brings it back into the ring with him. In the ring, Stephan stands back and watches, Lead Pipe in-hand, he watches the bloody Nick struggling to his feet, using the ropes to pull himself up. Owen Nelson: Nick has been absolutely massacred here tonight at Cyber Carnage V. What a beat down. Nick finally makes it back up to his feet, staggering around and hanging on to the top rope to keep his balance. The ECFW Owner wipes some blood from his eyes and he turns around and WHAM! “The MVP” swings the Lead Pipe into the gut of Nick, Nick dropping to his knees and grabbing onto his gut. Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: That probably broke some of Nick’s ribs! “The MVP” laughs as he looks down at Nick, struggling to breath as he is on his knees on the mat, blood flowing from his head. Owen Nelson: This is becoming hard to watch. Stephan Silverstone takes a step back and he raises the Lead Pipe above his head, ready to strike it down over the head of Nick, but referee Leonard fisher has seen enough and he steps in front of “The MVP” and begs him to have mercy. “Big” Ben Little: Get out of the way, ref! Stephan lowers the Lead Pipe and yells at the referee to “move!” Owen Nelson: Referee Leonard Fisher doesn’t want to watch his boss be decimated anymore. “The MVP” and the referee arguing. Stephan is trying to shove past the ref to nail Nick with the Lead Pipe, but the ref is trying to talk some sense into the Foundation member. “Big” Ben Little: You can’t do anything, ref. This match is No Holds Barred, and both of these guys signed on for it so let it go. Stephan and the ref continue to argue when Stephan finally shoves the referee to the mat. Stephan then raises the Lead Pipe again but Nick suddenly reaches up and low blows “The MVP!” Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Oh! Yes! Low blow! The referee gets back up and sees Stephan Silverstone drop the Lead Pipe and fall over to the mat, clutching his groin in pain. Nick is back down as well. “Big” Ben Little: Damnit! That stupid referee distracted Stephan and allowed Nick to get yet another low blow in on “The MVP!” Both men are down, Nick a bloody mess. Owen Nelson: And just when you thought it was over, Nick is still in this thing. He still has a chance, Ben. A few moments later, Stephan Silverstone is still the first one up. He is walking a bit gingerly. Stephan looks upset and he yells at the referee. “Big” Ben Little: Nick’s still not up yet, Stephan. Just finish him off and you got this thing. “The MVP” looks over at Nick, who is using the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. Stephan cusses under his breath and he goes over and grabs Nick by his blood-stained shirt and pulls him to the center of the ring, where Stephan Silverstone yells in Nick’s crimson face, spits in it, and then turns Nick around and lifts him up from behind for The Most Valuable Slam, but Nick slips down to his feet, picks up the steel chair, and Stephan turns back around…WHACK! Nick swings the chair like a baseball bat across the face of “The MVP,” knocking Silverstone out cold! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh! Yes! Nick slipped out of The Most Valuable Slam and nailed “The MVP” in the face with that chair, and Silverstone is out like a light. The crowd is cheering as both men are down and out, Nick bleeding, the chair dented. “Big” Ben Little: I can’t believe this. It takes him a few moments, but Nick finally manages to slowly crawl over, gritting his teeth in pain, and drop down on top of Stephan Silverstone, getting blood on “The MVP”’s chest…1...2...Stephan Silverstone kicks out! Crowd boos Owen Nelson: Oh…Stephan still kicks out. This unpredictable contest will continue. A few more moments later, and Nick is back up again, nearly falling over but grabbing onto the top rope to keep his balance. Nick wipes some more blood from his eyes and he looks down at Stephan Silverstone, who is now moving and has one hand on his forehead. “Big” Ben Little: What now? Nick looks around and his eyes land on the Lead Pipe. Owen Nelson: Nick sees it….he sees the Lead Pipe. Nick limps over and he bends over and picks up the Lead Pipe, but when Nick stands back straight, he is suddenly lifted up from behind into THE MOST VALUABLE SLAM BY STEPHAN SILVERSTONE!!! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Oh! That’s what I’m talking about! Nick was picking up that Lead Pipe and Stephan jumped up and hit the boss with The Most Valuable Slam, and this bad boy has got to be over now! It takes him a second but not long, as Stephan makes the cover on his bloody boss…1...2... …Nick barely gets the shoulder up just in time! The shocked crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: Oh my God! No way! Nick, a mere promoter, just kicked out of The Most Valuable Slam! The crowd is cheering like crazy as Stephan Silverstone sits up, a shocked look on his face as he looks up at the referee, who also seems to be shocked. “Big” Ben Little: How did Nick do that? After all he’s been through in this bloody match, Nick, of all people, kicks out of The Most Valuable Slam? “The MVP” stands up and he gets in the ref’s face, holding up three fingers but only getting two in return. Owen Nelson: You got to admire the heart of Nick. Like him or not, he is showing why he is one tough son of a bitch here tonight on the grandest stage of em all. Stephan stomps his foot in frustration. Stephan turns back and looks down at Nick with a look of hatred. “Big” Ben Little: What does “The MVP” have left? Stephan walks over and aggressively brings the bloody Owner back up to his feet and he kicks him hard in the stomach and spins him around and lifts him up into a second MOST VALUABLE SLAM! Crowd boos Owen Nelson: A second one! Stephan Silverstone yells at the referee “count!” as Stephan covers Nick…1...2... …Nick kicks out just before three! CROWD ERUPTS! “Big” Ben Little: WHAT IN THE HELL?! “The MVP” throws Nick’s limp leg to the mat and jumps up and kicks the bottom rope over and over in frustration. Owen Nelson: Nick, a man whose not even a wrestler, just kicked out of TWO Most Valuable Slams from Stephan Silverstone! I am shocked! Stephan turns around and yells “Bullshit!” as he grabs the referee by his collar and demands the ref ring the bell. “Big” Ben Little: This is like last year all over again! I bet Nick has paid this referee off. Owen Nelson: I don’t think so, Ben. Amazingly enough, Nick, of all people, has done something that has never been done before in history, and that is kick out of not one but TWO Most Valuable Slams…Nick came here to win and get some revenge on “The MVP,” folks, and he is somehow hanging on. Stephan releases the referee and he turns around and yells in frustration at the motionless, bloody Nick on the canvas. Stephan Silverstone puts his hand son his hips and shakes his head in disbelief. “The MVP” looks around the sold-out arena. “Big” Ben Little: God…this is such crap. After staring down Nick’s limp, motionless body for several seconds, Stephan finally looks up again at the crowd and he holds up three fingers and says, “time to end this bullshit.” Owen Nelson: Stephan is going to go for the third Most Valuable Slam. If this doesn’t put Nick away, then nothing will. “The MVP” bends over and he grabs the lifeless ECFW Owner by his shirt collar and he drags him up to his feet, Nick not even able to stand on his own, Stephan holding him up. “Big” Ben Little: End it, Stephan. Stephan lowers his head and looks Nick square in the eye. Stephan doesn’t say a word, he just has a dead serious look on as he stares into his boss’ eyes. Owen Nelson: Stephan Silverstone is letting Nick know it’s the end. “The MVP” finally pulls his head back and he turns Nick around and is positioning Nick for the third Most Valuable Slam, when GENERAL MANAGER KURT EVANS runs down to the ring! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: Man, what is the new GM doing out here?! Its too late for Nick, Kurt, just go back to the back. Kurt Evans slides into the ring, Stephan Silverstone unaware as he has his back turned to the General Manager. Owen Nelson: “The MVP” doesn’t even realize that Kurt Evans is in the ring. Stephan lifts Nick up for The Most Valuable Slam as Kurt Evans picks up the Lead Pipe. Before Stephan can slam Nick down for the move, he sees Kurt standing there with the Lead Pipe and he drops Nick to the canvas. “Big” Ben Little: Get rid of Kurt Evans, Stephan! Kurt sees that Stephan sees him standing there, and he stands still. The two lock eyes and stare each other down. Nick is struggling up to his feet. Owen Nelson: Nick announced Kurt Evans as the new GM for ECFW earlier here tonight, burying the hatchet. Knock his head off, Kurt! Nick is back up, his face covered in blood. Stephan and Kurt both have dead serious looks on their faces when Kurt Evans suddenly turns and WHAM! Kurt knocks Nick out with the Lead Pipe to the head! Shocked crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Whoa! Hold on a second… The crowd is confused Kurt looks down at Nick and then drops the Lead Pipe to the mat. Kurt looks back up and Stephan Silverstone is smiling and Kurt smiles back and the two come to and hug in the middle of the ring! Crowd boos like crazy! Owen Nelson: Don’t tell me…Kurt Evans has just stabbed Nick in the back! This can’t be happening! Nick is down and out and Kurt Evans and “The MVP” release their hug and Kurt tells something to Stephan as trash begins to fill the ring from the upset audience. “Big” Ben Little: This is absolutely unbelievable! We all thought that Nick and Kurt had buried the hatchet earlier tonight, but now Kurt has just turned on Nick and I think Kurt Evans is the newest member to The Foundation of Success! Kurt Evans flips the booing audience off. Kurt then bends over and drags the bloody, lifeless, unconscious Owner back up to his feet, Kurt getting Nick’s blood on his suit and tie. Kurt and Stephan then set the helpless Nick up onto the top rope. “The MVP” climbs up behind Nick. Owen Nelson: I do not like where this is going… The crowd is standing as Kurt takes a step back. On the top rope, Stephan Silverstone stands Nick up, Stephan behind Nick, and Stephan sets Nick up and jumps off with THE MOST VALUABLE SLAM OFF THE TOP ROPE!!! Crowd: OOOHHH!!! “Big” Ben Little: Holy crap! The Most Valuable Slam right off the top rope! The referee can’t believe what he is seeing. Stephan is hurt from his own move so Kurt Evans pulls Stephan on top of Nick, and then orders referee Leonard Fisher to count the fall, which Leonard reluctantly does so…1...2...3! BELL RINGS!!! Owen Nelson: What a load of B.S. Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner, Stephan Silverstone! Crowd boos like crazy as trash fills the ring. “Big” Ben Little: As shocked as I am to say this, the new General Manager, Kurt Evans, is the newest member to The Foundation! Kurt Evans smiles and then pushes the ref out of the way. Kyve Hart has made his way down to the ring, a bandage on his forehead. Owen Nelson: Here’s Kyve Hart. Kyve steps into the ring and he looks at Kurt and the two smile and shake hands. Crowd boos even louder. “Big” Ben Little: Man. Just a few minutes ago we thought Kurt and Nick had made peace…guess we were wrong. Kurt Evans and Kyve Hart then pull Stephan Silverstone up to his feet and they raise his arms in victory, the crowd booing and throwing garbage into the ring. Owen Nelson: Nick has been screwed here tonight. Nick put up probably the bravest effort I have ever seen. The man is not even a trained athlete and he kicked out of two Most Valuable Slams, and it took Kurt Evans, a Lead Pipe, and a third Most Valuable Slam off the top rope to put the boss away. A great effort by the Owner of ECFW. Stephan looks down at the unconscious, bloody Nick and he spits on his broken body and smiles. “Big” Ben Little: Just when you thought you’ve seen everything, something like this happens. How ironic is it that Kurt Evans made his ECFW debut last year at Cyber Carnage IV, trying to help Nick screw over Jason Blade and Lonewolf, and now one year later at Cyber Carnage V, it would be Kurt Evans shocking the world and screwing Nick over himself. Kurt Evans, Kyve Hart, and Stephan Silverstone stand tall over Nick’s limp body, raising each other’s arms up high. EMTS and officials have made their way down to the ring with a stretcher as they begin to load Nick up, The Foundation members laughing. Owen Nelson: This makes me sick to my stomach. I thought Kurt had changed…but I was so wrong. Nick is being loaded up onto a stretcher as Stephan leads Kyve and Kurt out of the ring. “Big” Ben Little: Man. A replay is shown of the ending of the match: Kurt’s Lead Pipe shot and Stephan’s Most Valuable Slam from the top rope. Owen Nelson: Who knows when we’ll ever see Nick again. Interview Interviewer John Davis is standing by backstage with Aric and Chris Hart. John Davis: Ladies and gentlemen, just moments away from the first-ever 6-Man “Golden Ticket” TLC Match, I stand backstage now with one of the participants in that history-making matchup, “The Legendary” Aric Hart and his cousin/manager Chris Hart. The crowd can be heard cheering from inside the arena as Aric and Chris Hart smile. John Davis: Aric, this is your first ladder match in your life, and this is THE biggest event of all-time. The winner of this match gains a World Title shot for anytime he chooses within the next 6 months. You have sworn enemies in this match, and your undefeated Cyber Carnage streak is on the line…there is so much that must be going through your mind right now…how do you feel? Aric Hart: John, I feel…anxious. This is the biggest event in wrestling history to date, as you said, and Cyber Carnage is an event I have always done extraordinarily well in. Tonight will be no different because, ladder match or not, I came to New York City to win, and win is what I will do. Tonight I step into the ring with five other hungry opponents, most of which I have beaten at one time or another already, and I am going to show them why tonight is All About Aric. I will win that Golden Ticket, John, and I will once again become the ECFW World Heavyweight Champion. John Davis: Chris Hart, how do you eel about your cousin/client going into a match like this on the grandest stage of em all? Chris Hart: I feel nothing but confidence for my cousin, Aric. Sure, Aric has never been in a ladder match before, and everyone else in this match has, but its truly irrelevant because it is Aric’s destiny to climb that ladder and grab that briefcase containing the Golden Ticket, and once Aric Hart does that and goes 3-0 at Cyber Carnage, Aric Hart will cement his place in wrestling history and become the 2-Time ECFW Champion. Aric Hart: Now if you’ll excuse me, John…I’ve got five asses to kick! Aric and Chris Hart slap hands and Triple A walks off for the ring. Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: That match is up next, but folks, I am still in shock over what we have just seen with Nick, Stephan Silverstone, and the new ECFW GM, Kurt Evans. As the announcers talk, the ring crew is cleaning up the ring and ringside area as Nick has been taken away by EMTS. “Big” Ben Little: Even I will admit that I never saw that one coming. Earlier here tonight, Nick introduced Kurt Evans as the new General Manager for ECFW, and we all thought they had buried the hatchet from their past…but obviously, Nick was the only one that felt that way and Kurt Evans is the newest member of The Foundation of Success. Owen Nelson: The whole thing makes me sick to my damn stomach. The ring crew is now setting up tables, ladders, and chairs around ringside. “Big” Ben Little: Well its time to move on, Owen, because up next is the first-ever 6-Man “Golden Ticket” TLC Match…history is about to be made!… “GOLDEN TICKET” TABLES, LADDERS, & CHAIRS MATCH HARD STONE VS. KT MORRIS VS. SLADE CRAVEN VS. DONNY DOWNFALL VS. ARIC HART VS. STEF MORRUS Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the first-ever 6-Man “Golden Ticket” Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match! The fans cheer as the camera pans around the ringside area, showing tables, ladders, and chairs surrounding the squared circle. Sam Jenkans: In this contest, the first man to climb a ladder and reach the briefcase hanging above… The camera gets a shot of the brief case hanging above the ring. Sam Jenkans: …Will be declared the winner and will gain a contract for an ECFW World Heavyweight Title Match for anytime he chooses within the next 6 months. Introducing first, weighing 245 pounds, from Dallas, Texas…SLADE “MAIN MAN” CRAVEN! The crowd erupts with loud boos as “The Main Man” appears on the giant ‘Cyber Carnage V’ stage, a confident look on his face as he raises his arms up high. Owen Nelson: Here comes the man who has made more enemies in this match than probably anyone else, the 2-Time former ECFW Intercontinental Champion, Slade “Main Man” Craven. Slade Craven walks down the lengthy ramp way and he slides into the ring where he cracks his neck and prepares for battle. Sam Jenkans: Coming out next, he weighs 245 pounds, he hails from Rimouski, Quebec, Canada, he is a member of the Shadows of Agony…DONNY DOWNDFALL! (Crowd cheers) “Downfall” by Trust Company begins to sound throughout the huge, sold-out arena as the Hall-of-Famer makes his way down to the ring. “Big” Ben Little: Here comes one of two 3-Time ECFW World Heavyweight Champions in this match, the legendary Donny Downfall, who if he can win this match he has the opportunity to become the first 4-Time ECFW World Heavyweight Champion. Donny enters the ring and he and Slade get in each other’s faces. Sam Jenkans: Next, weighing 257 pounds, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada…ARIC HART! (Crowd cheers) “The Legendary” Triple A appears on the stage with a smile on his face as the sold-out audience is on their feet and cheering. Owen Nelson: This man has done it all in this business, but the one thing he has not done Is win a Ladder Match…or ever even compete in one at all, period. The Hall--of-Famer walks down the ramp and he walks up the ring steps and enters the ring where he stands up and poses for the fans on the middle turnbuckle, before stepping down and joining in the trash talking game with Downfall and Craven. Sam Jenkans: Fourth, weighing 232 pounds, from Columbia, South Carolina…KT MORRIS! (Crowd cheers) The fans are on their feet as “Mr. Top of the Charts” makes his way down the ramp way. “Big” Ben Little: He’s won the ECFW Intercontinental Title twice, but he’s never won “the big one” here in Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling. Tonight here at the grandest stage of em all in the sold-out Madison Square Garden, he has the opportunity to do that. KT walks past the tables, ladders, and chairs at ringside and slides into the ring, game face on. Sam Jenkans: Coming to the ring next, he weighs in at a 225 pounds, he is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he is a member of Mental Abuse…“MR. SHOTIME” STEF MORRUS! (Crowd boos) “Mr. Shotime” comes out onto the stage and he looks around the giant arena. Owen Nelson: This man has been a bit disturbed upstairs lately, but tonight he seems to be all business in what is probably the biggest match in this young man’s already-storied career. The Mental Abuse member walks down the ramp and he slides into the ring where Triple A immediately steps up into his face. Sam Jenkans: And finally, weighing 250 pounds, from Greenwich, Connecticut, he is one-half of
the current ECFW Tag Team Champions……HARD STONE! “Big” Ben Little: This man has competed in each and every Cyber Carnage since the beginning, and tonight he will compete again, but for the first time he will compete in a 6-Man “Golden Ticket” TLC Match. The 6-Time World Champion walks down the ramp, all men’s eyes in the ring on him. Hard Stone walks up the ring steps and enters the ring where he salutes the cheering audience. Hard Stone then looks at the other five men in the ring and then up at the lingering briefcase. Hard Stone cracks his neck and takes a deep breath. Owen Nelson: Let’s get this thing started. The six men all look around at each other. BELL RINGS!!! The six men all look up at the briefcase hanging above. “Big” Ben Little: That’s what its all about. That briefcase, containing the “Golden Ticket.” As the others are looking u at the briefcase, Slade Craven takes that opportunity to pounce on Donny Downfall and start hammering on him on the mat. Owen Nelson: “The Main Man” makes the first move. Slade and Donny are going at it on the mat. Hard Stone and KT come together and start exchanging blows to the face. Aric Hart and Stef Morrus do the same on the other side of the squared circle. The crowd is cheering. “Big” Ben Little: Here we go! Slade and Donny move to their feet and Slade Craven goes for a clothesline but Donny ducks and kicks “The Main Man” in the mid-section and the Hall-of-Famer sets Craven up for the Downfallout but Slade reverses Donny into a double leg pickup and he catapults him right over the top rope and out to ringside! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Whoa! Right over the top! Meanwhile, Hard Stone is gaining the edge over KT Morris when KT manages to block one of “Da Man”’s right fists and KT comes back with a rake to the face of “The Best There Is.” KT Morris then bounces off the ropes and takes Hard Stone off his feet with a running forearm to the face. “Big” Ben Little: A running forearm right to the face from KT Morris. Stef Morrus Irish whips Aric Hart into the ropes. Triple A bounces back to find that “Mr. Shotime” has lowered his head too early and Aric Hart takes advantage with a swinging neckbreaker on Morrus! Owen Nelson: Swinging neckbreaker from Hart! Aric Hart stands up and he is immediately knocked down from behind by Slade Craven! Slade is stomping on the downed Hall-of-Famer when he is suddenly spun around and taken off his feet with a punch to the face from KT Morris! “Big” Ben Little: This match is clearly every man for himself. Slade Craven gets up and KT Morris kicks him in the gut and hoists him up for the KT 187 but Slade comes down on his feet and KT goes for a quick clothesline but “The Main Man” ducks and CLIQ KICKS KT Morris right in the jaw, knocking Morris out cold! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: God! The Cliq Kick already! KT Morris is down and out, and Slade Craven turns around…CRACK! Donny Downfall is there and he knocks “The Main Man” out cold with a steel chair! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Good God! Donny Downfall grabbed a chair from ringside and just cracked it right over the skull of “The Main Man.” Donny looks at the dented chair and smiles. Donny turns around and he is kicked in the stomach from Hard Stone, causing Downfall to drop the chair, and Hard Stone then DDTS DONNY RIGHT INTO THE CHAIR! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: DDT right into that chair! Man! Hard Stone stands up and Aric Hart is there, kicking “Da Man” in the abdomen. Aric Hart sets Hard Stone up for the Heart of Harts but Hard Stone reverses Aric Hart into a backbody drop! As soon as Hard Stone stands straight he is lifted up and dropped with the SHOTIME SPECIAL BY STEF MORRUS!!! “Big” Ben Little: Shotime Special from out of nowhere by Mental Abuse’s “Mr. Shotime!” Stef Morrus turns around and he is clotheslined over the top rope and out of the ring by KT Morris! Owen Nelson: KT Morris is back up and he sends Stef Morrus right over the top and out to ringside. KT steps out to ringside as well. Out at ringside, KT Morris tries to whip Stef Morrus into the ring post but “Mr. Shotime” counters it and sends KT back-first into the medal post instead! “Big” Ben Little: Stef counters it! KT is down on the floor at ringside and Stef Morrus grabs a table and slides it into the ring, sliding in himself afterward. The sold-out crowd is on their feet. Owen Nelson: Stef Morrus has got a table! In the ring, Stef Morrus sets up the table in the middle of the ring. “Mr. Shotime” looks at the set-up table and nods and then turns around and is kicked
in the gut and dropped from out of nowhere with the DOWNFALLOUT BY DONNY DOWNFALL!!! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! There’s Donny Downfall with the Downfallout on “Mr. Shotime!” Donny Downfall stands up and BAM! CLIQ KICK BY SLADE CRAVEN!!! Owen Nelson: Oh! Another Cliq Kick from “The Main Man!” Slade turns around and he is picked up and HARD DROPPED THROUGH THE TABLE BY HARD STONE!!! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Right through the table! Hard Stone just Hard Dropped Slade Craven right through that table! The 6-Time World Champion rolls out of the ring and he folds up one of the many ladders surrounding the ring. Hard Stone slides the ladder into the ring and then slide sin himself. Owen Nelson: Hard Stone’s got a ladder and he’s going to try and win this thing right here, right now. In the ring, Hard Stone stands the ladder up in the center of the ring, right next to the destroyed table with Slade Craven’s destroyed body. Hard Stone begins to climb the ladder, but before he can even get anywhere at all he is pulled off, turned around, kicked in the gut and dropped with the HEART OF HARTS BY ARIC HART!!! Crowd reaction is mixed. “Big” Ben Little: Man, the action just never ends! There’s Triple A with the Heart of Harts on Hard Stone. Aric Hart stands up and he steps over Hard Stone’s motionless body and “The Legendary” former ECFW Champion begins climbing up the ladder. Owen Nelson: Aric Hart’s going to the top… Aric Hart is a few steps up the ladder when KT Morris rolls back into the ring and KT PUSHES THE LADDER OVER AND ARIC HART FALLS AND GETS HIS LEGS CAUGHT UP ON THE TOP ROPE, straddling the top rope! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Ohhh...now that’s GOT to hurt! The crowd is standing and applauding these men’s efforts as Triple A teeters off the top rope and crumbles down to the ring mat and then the floor at ringside. In the ring, KT stands the ladder back up in the center of the ring and he begins his climb to the top. Owen Nelson: Now KT Morris is going to give it a try. KT is on the second rung of the ladder. The third. KT is stepping up to the fourth, when suddenly…WHACK! Donny Downfall reaches up and swings the steel chair across the back of KT Morris, knocking Morris off the ladder and down to the canvas! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: KT goes falling off the ladder! What force behind that chair shot from Donny Downfall. KT is withering around on the mat in pain as Donny drops the chair next to KT’s body and before Donny can even think about climbing the ladder…WHAM! Stef Morrus has another ladder in the ring and he runs right through Donny Downfall’s face with the steel ladder! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh, God! Donny eats some ladder, courtesy of “Mr. Shotime.” Stef Morrus sets up the second ladder next to the first one, and he begins to climb it. “Big” Ben Little: Stef could have it here… Stef Morrus makes it up a few steps before the ladder is pushed over by Slade Craven and Stef Morrus goes crashing down to the canvas, the ladder he was climbing falling on top of him! Owen Nelson: Oh! “The Main Man” is back in this thing and he sends “Mr. Shotime” and his ladder crashing to the canvas. With one of the ladders down, one left standing, Slade Craven steps out to ringside and at ringside, Slade sets up a table (near the ramp way) “Big” Ben Little: What is Slade doing out there? Still at ringside, “The Main Man” grabs another table and he sets it up right next to his first one. The crowd is intrigued. Owen Nelson: Slade is setting up even more tables out at ringside at the bottom of the ramp way here, but we don’t know why. Slade Craven reaches underneath he ring and pulls out yet another table. He holds it up and then sets it up ON TOP of one of the other tables. “Big” Ben Little: What in the… Slade then grabs a fourth table and he stands it up ON TOP of the other one. So now we have two tables with two tables on top of them at ringside. Owen Nelson: Slade Craven has got something sick on his mind here… Slade admires his work, hand son his hips and nodding as he looks at his table tower. Slade Craven then turns around and WHACK! Aric Hart swings a steel chair like a baseball bat across the face of “The Main Man,” knocking Slade out cold and busting him wide open! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: My God! Aric Hart just swung that chair like a god damn baseball bat across Slade Craven’s face and Craven is now busted wide open. Geez. Aric Hart looks down at the crimson-faced “Main Man” and smiles as he drops his chair on the floor and then slides back into the ring. In the ring, Hard Stone is up and he is beginning to climb the ladder but Aric Hart, again, pulls “Da Man” off, spins him around, kicks him in the gut and goes for the second Heart of Harts but Hard Stone reverses “Triple A” into a double leg pickup and HARD STONE CATAPULTS ARIC HART FACE-FIRST INTO A CHAIR SHOT FROM DONNY DOWNFALL!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! Owen Nelson: Oh my God! Was that intentional? “Big” Ben Little: Intentional or not, it was brutal and it was awesome! Aric Hart is down and out as Donny drops the chair and looks over at Hard Stone, and the two give each other a nod of respect. The huge sold-out crowd is still buzzing over what they’ve just seen. Owen Nelson: Man, what a move that was. Donny and Stone are looking at each other when they see Stef Morrus moving up to his feet. Donny throws Hard Stone a chair and picks up the one he used on Aric. The two close in on the unsuspecting KT Morris and WHAM! WHAM! A CONCHAIRTO by Hard Stone and Donny Downfall! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: And now they smash KT Morris’ head in-between those two steel chairs. I thought this match was every man for himself, Owen… Hard Stone and Donny drop their chairs to the mat and then they both head for the ladder at the same time, and they realize this, and begin arguing over who will climb the ladder. Owen Nelson: This bond that these two men have could be coming to an end right here… Hard Stone and Donny Downfall are arguing when Hard Stone finally punches Downfall in the face and Donny retaliates with a right of his own and the two men are now exchanging blows to the face. “Big” Ben Little: Its on! Donny Downfall stars to get the upper hand on “The Best There Is” and he is backing him into the corner. Donny goes for a big clothesline but Hard Stone ducks and catches Downfall in the HARD DROP! Crowd reaction is mixed. Owen Nelson: Donny just felt the Hard Drop! Hard Stone stands up and he is suddenly low blowed from behind by Stef Morrus! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Oh! There’s “Mr. Shotime” Stef Morrus and he just low blowed Hard Stone from behind. Hard Stone is crouched over, holding his groin in pain, as Stef Morrus picks up the second ladder and folds it up and WHAM! Stef swings the ladder across the face of the 6-Time World Champion, knocking him out cold! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Jesus! Right across his face. Hard Stone is not moving as Stef Morrus sets the ladder up in the corner of the ring. “Mr. Shotime” then climbs up to the top rope and then looks down at Hard Stone again, to the top of the ladder, takes a deep breath and keeps climbing. The entire audience is on their feet. “Big” Ben Little: Stef Morrus has got something on his mind here, folks… Stef Morrus has reached the top of the ladder. “Mr. Shotime” looks around the sold-out world-famous arena and then down 10 feet below at Hard Stone. Owen Nelson: Think about this, Stef… Stef stands up on the top of the ladder and he dives off with the SHO STOPPER OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER ON HARD STONE!!! Crowd: OOHH!! “Big” Ben Little: he did it! Unbelievable! The Sho Stopper off the top of the ladder! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Both Hard Stone and Stef Morrus are down and out on the mat, the ladder still standing in the corner. Aric Hart is down in the opposite corner, Donny is down and holding his back at the side of the ring. KT Morris is not moving near the center of the ring. Everyone is down…except the bloody Slade Craven at ringside, who slides into the ring and sits up, looking around the ring at the carnage. Owen Nelson: They’re all down, and this is the perfect opportunity for “The Main Man” to climb the ladder and retrieve that “Golden Ticket.” Slade Craven stands and wipes some of the blood from his eyes as he limps over to the center of the ring to the standing ladder and he slowly begins to climb it. The crowd is on their feet, booing. “Big” Ben Little: I think Slade may have a concussion, and a very, very bad cut on that forehead, but he’s about to earn a World Title shot for anytime he chooses within the next 6 months!… Slade Craven is pulling himself up the ladder, blood dripping off his face onto the mat below, staining it. Owen Nelson: Man…Craven is cut open bad. Slade Craven is about half-way to the top. Slade is inching on upward, and he reaches up and can almost touch the briefcase. “Big” Ben Little: He’s almost there… Slade Craven takes one more step and he can now touch the briefcase. The crowd is antsy and booing. Owen Nelson: He’s touching it! He’s got this thing! “The Main Man” wills himself on and takes one more step and he wipes the blood from his eyes as he begins to unhook the briefcase when the ladder Is suddenly pulled out form underneath him and Slade Craven hangs n to the hook and is now hanging in mid-air on the hook holding the briefcase (the ladder was pulled away from Donny Downfall)! The crowd is now cheering. “Big” Ben Little: Oh no! Donny took that ladder away and now “The Main Man” is hanging in mid-air! Slade is hovering back and forth above the ring as Donny looks up and laughs. The 3-Time former ECFW Champion drops the ladder on the mat and he rolls out to ringside and reaches under the ring, pulling out a Table. Owen Nelson: Man, what the hell has Downfall got on that sick mind of his now??? Donny slides the table into the ring and then slides in himself, lade still hanging above the ring by that hook, blood falling from his head/face to the mat below. “Big” Ben Little: Slade Craven is very vulnerable right now. In the ring, Donny sets up the table but before he can do anything else he is spun around and CRACK! KT Morris knocks Downfall out cold with a steel chair! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: God! What a chair shot, knocking the Hall-of-Famer unconscious! Sweet revenge for KT Morris here tonight at Cyber Carnage. Donny Downfall is down and out, as is everyone else in the ring, as KT Morris drops the dented chair and grabs the ladder from the corner (the one Stef jumped off of) and KT pulls it to the center of the ring (underneath the hanging Slade Craven) and KT begins to climb up the ladder. “Big” Ben Little: KT’s going to try and grab that briefcase even with Slade Craven hanging from that hook. KT climbs up to the top of the ladder and by that time, “The Main Man” gets his feet onto the ladder and he steps off onto the ladder (no longer hanging from the hook). Slade then tries to unhook the briefcase but KT reaches the top in time and starts punching Craven in his ribcage. Owen Nelson: They’re now fighting at the top of that ladder… At the top of the ladder, Slade Craven jabs his thumb into KT Morris’ eye. Slade then hooks KT up for a Superplex off the top of the ladder. The crowd is standing. “Big” Ben Little: Something bad is going to happen here…I can just feel it… But before the bloody “Main Man” can connect with the move, KT elbows his way free. KT then steps over to Slade’s side of the ladder and he punches him hard right between the eyes. KT then carefully hoists Slade up over his shoulders, still at the top of the ladder, and KT Morris jumps off with Craven with the KT 187 OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Crowd: OOOHHH!!! Owen Nelson: Holy shit! No freakin’ way! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: That was amazing! KT Morris and the bloody Slade Craven are both down and out on the mat with the annihilated table broken around them. The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” Owen Nelson: Somehow, someway, KT Morris was able to hook Craven up and jump off the top of that ladder 10 feet below with the KT 187 through the table…indescribable. A replay is shown of the incredible maneuver. “Big” Ben Little: Geez. A few moments later, Aric Hart is back up and he staggers over to the ladder in the center of the ring and he begins to climb up it. Owen Nelson: With every man down, Triple A is going to give it a try now. Aric Hart is climbing up the ladder in the middle of the ring. “The Legendary” Aric Hart is about half-way up when Stef Morrus is back up and “Mr. Shotime” begins to climb up on the other side of the same ladder Aric Hart is climbing. “Big” Ben Little: This has now turned into a race as both men climb the same ladder. Aric Hart is up higher, however, as he is near the top of the ladder. Triple A reaches up and he is literally centimeters away from the briefcase, as he takes another step up higher and can now touch the briefcase but that is when Stef Morrus reaches up and rakes Aric in the eyes to prevent him from retrieving the “Golden Ticket” just yet. Owen Nelson: This is getting good… Stef Morrus then takes another step up and he is now level with his arch rival. At the top of the ladder, on opposite sides, the two enemies are exchanging blows to the face. “Big” Ben Little: One of these men could very well leave Madison Square Garden with the “Golden Ticket” World Title shot contract… Aric and Stef are hammering at each other’s faces, when suddenly, DONNY DOWNFALL PUSHES THE LADDER OVER AND THE LADDER TILTS OVER THE TOP ROPE AND ARIC AND STEF CRASH ON THE FLOOR AT RINGSIDE!!! Crowd: OOOHHH!!! Owen Nelson: Oh my God! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: Donny Downfall just pushed that ladder onto the top rope, and Hart and Morrus just crashed and burned all the way down to the floor at ringside. Ouch. Aric Hart and Stef Morrus are both down and out at ringside, near the announce tables. Owen Nelson: This match is so brutal. In the ring, Donny stands the ladder back up straight but before he can even begin to climb he is suddenly spun around by Hard Stone who goes for the Hard Drop on his fellow Hall-of-Famer but Donny counters and pulls “Da Man” to the mat and locks him in the DOWNFALL EXECUTION submission hold! Crowd reaction is mixed. “Big” Ben Little: Donny’s got the Downfall Execution applied on Hard Stone! Downfall can’t win this match by submission, but the damage will still be done. Hard Stone is screaming in pain. Hard Stone is reaching for the ropes, though it will do him no good. Owen Nelson: Donny Downfall is just torturing “The Best There Is” with this. Donny tightens the hold. Hard Stone is desperately trying to break free, but to no avail. Donny tightens the hold again, and the 6-Time Champion of the World is now beginning to cough violently. “Big” Ben Little: The choke hold-portion of the submission is starting to kick in. Hard Stone reaches for the ropes again, however useless that may be. Donny tightens the hold again and Hard Stone has stopped moving and he has appeared to have lost consciousness. Owen Nelson: Hard Stone is out, I think. Donny finally releases Hard Stone, and Stone’s head simply falls to the mat as Donny stands up and looks down at the motionless 6-Time World Champion, a look of satisfaction on Donny’s face. “Big” Ben Little: I don’t think we have to worry about Hard Stone for a while. Donny Downfall looks over and he picks up one of the many dented steel chairs in the ring. Donny looks at the chair and then turns around, and BAM! SLADE CRAVEN CLIQ KICKS THE CHAIR RIGHT BACK INTO THE FACE OF DONNY DOWNFALL, knocking Downfall out cold and busting him wide open! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh! The Cliq Kick right into that chair, right into Donny Downfall’s face, and now, like Craven, Downfall is a bloody mess. Slade Craven turns around and KT Morris is there and he hoists Craven up for the KT 187, but Slade escapes and comes down onto his feet and kicks KT below the belt! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: A very painful and very legal low blow. Slade then scoops KT up and BODY SLAMS HIM ONTO (one of) THE LADDERS! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Right onto one of the ladders! Owe. With KT Morris down on the ladder on his back, Slade Craven folds up the other ladder and he puts it on top of KT Morris, sandwiching him in-between the two ladders. It goes ladder, KT’s body, ladder. “Big” Ben Little: This is looking to be heinous… With KT sandwiched, Slade rolls out to ringside and grabs yet another ladder! Slade slides that ladder into the ring and then slides in himself. Owen Nelson: Another ladder??? In the ring, Slade Craven stands the third ladder up beside KT Morris’ ladder-sandwich body, and “The Main Man” begins to climb up the third ladder. “Big” Ben Little: What now? The crowd is on their feet as “The Main Man” reaches the top of his ladder. At the top, he looks down to see KT Morris still sandwiched between the two ladders. Owen Nelson: Don’t do something you’re gonna regret, Slade… Slade stands up and he flips off the audience before diving off with the FLY FLY OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER ONTO THE LADDER-SANDWICHED KT MORRIS!!! Crowd: OOOHHH!!! “Big” Ben Little: JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Owen Nelson: That was absolutely insane! Both men are down and out, KT still lying back-first on the first ladder but the ladder that was on top of him has slightly slid off due to the impact of the move. The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” “Big” Ben Little: Slade Craven just did the Fly Fly off the top of the ladder 10 feet below onto a ladder, onto KT Morris, onto another ladder…unreal. A replay is shown of the death-defying move. Owen Nelson: Unbelievable, man. A few moments later, the crowd beginning to settle down a bit, Stef Morrus has slid back into the ring. “Mr. Shotime: uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet, holding his back in pain. Stef Morrus kicks one of the folded ladders out of the ring and out of the way. “Mr. Shotime” then starts to climb up the ladder that Slade Craven jumped off of. “Big” Ben Little: Stef Morrus is back in the ring and he is climbing up that ladder, but does he even realize that that ladder is in the corner of the ring, when it needs to be in the middle? Stef Morrus is about half-way up to the top of the ladder as Aric Hart is moving up to his feet out at ringside. Owen Nelson: Stef, the ladder needs to be in the middle of the ring, not…there… “Mr. Shotime” pulls himself up to the top of the ladder, gritting his teeth in pain the whole time. At the top of the ladder, in the corner of the ring, Stef Morrus stands up. Stef looks over to the hanging briefcase at eye level with him, and then out at ringside to see Aric Hart using the ring apron to pull himself to his feet. “Big” Ben Little: What the hell is Stef doing here? Stef Morrus takes a deep breath, and HE DIVES OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER ALL THE WAY OUT TO RINGSIDE FOR THE SHO STOPPER BUT ARIC HART MOVES OUT OF THE WAY AND “MR. SHOTIME” CRASHES DOWN HARD ON THE RINGSIDE FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crowd: OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Owen Nelson: HOLY SHIT! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: I did NOT just see that! Aric Hart is leaning against the side of the ring, looking down in shock at Stef Morrus’ motionless, limp body on the ground. The crowd doesn’t let up one bit, “HOLY CRAP!” Owen Nelson: Stef Morrus, from inside the ring, dove off the very top of the ladder all the way out to ringside, at least 15 or so feet, for the Sho Stopper but Triple A dodged it and Stef landed back-first right on the floor at ringside…he could have broken his back for Christ sake! The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” “Big” Ben Little: I don’t know if I’m going to regret this decision or not, but…let’s see a replay of that. A replay is shown. Owen Nelson: God, that’s hard to watch. Another replay is shown, this time in slow motion. “Big” Ben Little: Stef Morrus will never ever be the same after that. Aric Hart finally snaps out of his state of shock and he turns away from the broken body of Stef Morrus on the ringside floor and Triple A slides into the ring. Owen Nelson: Aric Hart has a match to win here. In the ring, Aric Hart pulls KT Morris up to his feet and he tosses him over the top rope and out of the ring to ringside. “Big” Ben Little: Aric disposes of KT Morris, who has yet to move after that Fly Fly ladder sandwich. With KT at ringside, Aric Hart picks up the ladder that KT had been lying on, and Triple A stands the ladder up in the center of the ring. Owen Nelson: Aric Hart’s going to go for it right here, Ben. Aric gets about a step up the ladder when he is suddenly pulled down and spun around by the bloody Slade Craven who then goes for the Cliq Kick on Aric but Hart ducks and Slade Craven Cliq Kicks the ladder, knocking it over! “Big” Ben Little: Aric dodged it! Slade grabs onto his ankle in pain and then turns around and is kicked in the gut and then Aric knocks him down with a running knee lift to the face. Aric Hart then steps out to ringside, reaches underneath the ring, and pulls out a Table. Owen Nelson: The last thing we need at this point of this incredible match is more tables… Triple A slides the table into the ring and then slides in himself. In the ring, Aric Hart sets up the table and just as he does he is knocked down from behind by Slade Craven. Slade Craven pulls Aric Hart back up and he slams his face into the set-up table and then plops Triple A up onto the table, Slade then climbing up himself. “Big” Ben Little: “The Main Man” has got some evil intentions here… ON the table, Slade Craven sets Aric Hart up for his own Heart of Harts, but Aric low blows “The Main Man” to free himself! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Low blow by Aric Hart! Aric then stands and he sets Slade up and gives him the HEART OF HARTS THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Crowd: OOHH! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Heart of Harts through the table! Both men are down, Slade out and bloody, on the mat with the destroyed table around them. Owen Nelson: God. A moment later, Aric Hart is back up and he kicks parts of the broken table and then kicks Slade Craven out of the ring. With “The Main Man” out of the ring, Aric Hart starts to climb up the ladder when he is pulled off, turned around, lifted up and dropped with the KT 187 BY KT MORRIS!!! “Big” Ben Little: We forgot about KT Morris, who just gave Aric Hart the KT 187. KT stands up, holding his neck in pain. KT steps over Aric Hart’s body and he begins to climb up the ladder in the center of the ring, but as he does, the bloody Donny downfall begins to do the same on the other side of the same ladder. Owen Nelson: Its another race…the bloody Donny Downfall and KT Morris are racing to the top, and its very likely at this point that one of these two men will leave the grandest stage of em all, Cyber Carnage, with that “Golden Ticket.” KT Morris is about half-way up, and on the other side of that same ladder, Donny is but a step lower than Morris. “Big” Ben Little: This is close… Both men reach the top of the ladder. At the top of the ladder, KT Morris reaches up for the briefcase and he is cut off with a punch to the mouth by Donny Downfall. KT comes back with a right of his own to the crimson face of the Shadows of Agony member, blood flying off his face and KT getting Donny’s blood on his hand. Owen Nelson: It’s a slug fest at the top of the ladder. KT Morris is gaining the upper hand and he hits Donny hard in the temple and reaches up again for the briefcase but Donny gets a rib shot on KT, and then hooks him up. Donny Downfall then hit’s the SUPERPLEX OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER, KT GOING OVER THE TOP ROPE AND OUT TO THE RINGSIDE FLOOR WHILE DONNY CRASHES ON THE MAT NEAR THE ROPES IN THE RING!!!!!!!!!!!! Crowd: OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! “Big” Ben Little: OH! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Owen Nelson: Man! Donny just Superplexed KT off the top of the ladder all the way out to the floor at ringside. And Donny landed in the ring. That’s a 10-foot drop for Downfall but at least 15 feet, maybe more, for KT Morris, who landed near Stef Morrus at ringside. The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” “Big” Ben Little: This match is just so insane…I can’t even describe how insane this match is. And its all for that “Golden Ticket” in the briefcase hanging above the ring. Donny is down and out on the mat in the ring, KT down and out at ringside beside “Mr. Shotime.” Slade Craven, on the other side of the ring at ringside, is down and out, a bloody mess. Aric Hart and Hard Stone are down in the ring. Owen Nelson: Let’s see that one more time… A replay is shown of the amazing Superplex off the top of the ladder. “Big” Ben Little: Jesus…what a match. Everyone is down and out, Donny and Slade both bloody, chairs, broken tables, and ladders in and out of the ring. The four tables stacked on top of each other are still standing at the bottom of the ramp thanks to “The Main Man” earlier in the match. The only man moving is Hard Stone, who is crawling over to the ropes in the ring. Hard Stone uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet and he looks around at all of the carnage, then down at Aric Hart, who is unconscious at his feet. “Da Man” then begins to climb up the ladder in the middle of the ring, the crowd standing and the Hard Stone fans cheering. Owen nelson: Everyone’s down and this is the golden opportunity to gain the “Golden Ticket” for Hard Stone. Hard Stone has got this thing won as he climbs up the ladder scott-free. “Big” Ben Little: Its almost too easy… “Da Man” is now near the top and he looks around again, and no one is even close to being able to stop him. Owen Nelson: Hard Stone’s got it! Just grab the briefcase and you’re the winner, my friend… Hard Stone smiles and he takes one more step up and then starts to unhook the briefcase when STEPHAN SILVERSTONE runs down to the ring! The crowd’s cheers immediately convert to loud boos. “Big” Ben Little: Hey…here comes “The MVP” Stephan Silverstone, who just defeated and bloodied Nick before this match. “The MVP” slides into the ring just as Hard Stone is unhooking the briefcase and is about to win the match. Stephan Silverstone gets on the other side of the ladder, facing the stage/ramp, and STEPHAN PUSHES THE LADDER OVER AD HARD STONE FLIES OFF ALL THE WAY OUT TO RINGSIDE THROUGH THE FOUR STACKED TABLES!!! Crowd: OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Owen Nelson: OOOHHH!!! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: Stephan Silverstone just pushed that ladder over and Hard Stone fell at least 15 feet out to ringside through those four stacked tables that Slade Craven set up earlier! Hard Stone is down and out at ringside, the four tables annihilated and Stone is buried in destroyed table pieces. The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” Owen Nelson: Silverstone isn’t even in this match, and he may have just ended Hard Stone’s career with that one move…sickening. A replay is shown. “Big” Ben Little: What a fall. Stephan looks out at the carnage at ringside and laughs. “The MVP” then turns around and he is clotheslined over the top rope and out of the ring by Aric Hart! Owen Nelson: Aric Hart is back up and he sends Stephan Silverstone over the top rope and out of the ring. With “The MVP” down at ringside, Hard Stone down with the destroyed tables, Donny down and out in the corner of the ring, Stef and KT down near the announce tables at ringside, and Slade Craven down on the side of the ring, Aric Hart stands alone and he stands the ladder back up straight in the center of the ring and begins his climb. The entire sold-out audience is on their feet, half cheering/half booing. “Big” Ben Little: There’s no one to stop Triple A now… Everyone in the arena is yelling as Aric Hart climbs further and further up the ladder. Owen Nelson: He’s got it… Aric Hart reaches the top and he looks around at all of the carnage in and out of the ring. Triple A then reaches up and unhooks the briefcase! BELL RINGS!!! “Big” Ben Little: Aric wins! Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner of the “Golden Ticket,” thus earning an ECFW World Heavyweight Title Match anytime he chooses within the next 6 months, Aric Hart! The Aric Hart fans cheer. Owen Nelson: What an incredible match, and now Triple A has won the first-ever “Golden Ticket” here tonight at the granddaddy of em all, Cyber Carnage. Aric Hart falls from the top of the ladder and crashes down to the mat, briefcase still in-hand. “Big” Ben Little: What an insane match…these men’s careers and lives will never be the same. What an effort by all, but in the end, thanks to “The MVP” screwing Hard Stone over, Aric Hart goes 3-0 at Cyber Carnage. A few moments later, officials and Chris Hart make their way to the ring and they help “The Legendary” Aric Hart to his feet, who is dazed and can barely stand. Triple A looks at the briefcase in his hand and he smiles and holds it up high as the entire audience applauds not only Aric, but all six men involved in the match. Owen Nelson: You don’t see a match like that everyday, folks. Out at ringside, Stephan Silverstone is back up, holding the back of his head in pain. “The MVP” looks into the ring at Aric Hart, who has fallen to his knees in pain, and then down at the destroyed Hard Stone with all of the broken tables, and Stephan smiles as he backs up the ramp way. “Big” Ben Little: “The MVP” sends a message loud and clear to Hard Stone. Stephan nods in approval of what he has done as he makes his way to the back. Meanwhile, in the ring, Chris Hart raises Aric’s arm up in victory and Aric Hart then walks over and is now standing on the middle turnbuckle, holding the briefcase in the air as his fans and cousin cheer and officials aid to the other five men in and out of the ring. Owen Nelson: We won’t forget this match anytime soon… Backstage Segment We go backstage and Gladiator can be seen walking through the hallway. “The Icon” is in full wrestling gear as he pours a bottle of water over his head, takes a drink, and then tosses it off-view. Gladiator stretches his arms as he turns the corner and there stands Kyve Hart and Kurt Evans, and they both see Gladiator and they all smile. Kurt Evans: Glad… Gladiator: Put er there, Kurt. Gladiator extends his hand and Kurt Evans gladly shakes it as the crowd can be heard booing from inside the arena. Gladiator: Welcome to The Foundation, mate. Kurt Evans: Glad to be apart of it, Icon…I didn’t know if you would still have some hard feelings after what went down a few months back with the whole TNG thing, and… Gladiator: …No worries, mate. You’re one of us now, and you did good tonight. I don’t think we’ll be seeing Nick around here anytime soon. Kyve Hart: And now with you as the new GM, Kurt, The Foundation is in charge. After Kyve says that, Stephan Silverstone approaches. Stephan Silverstone: PLEASE tell me you guys saw what just happened out there… Kyve Hart: You betcha, Stephan. You pushed Hard Stone right off of that ladder through those tables…damndest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Stephan smiles. Kurt Evans: Hard Stone can join Nick in that ambulance after that. Gladiator pats Stephan on the back. Gladiator: Great job tonight…everyone. We have made this night our’s as we knew that we would, and up next… Gladiator reaches off-camera and when his hand returns he is holding a Sledge Hammer. Gladiator looks at the new Hammer and kisses it as the other three smile. Gladiator: …I end Jason Blade once and for all. Gladiator walks past his fellow stablemates with the Sledge Hammer as the Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: Sick. Those guys make me sick. But now that Kurt Evans, the new General Manager of ECFW, is a member of The Foundation of Success, what is in store for the ECFW’s future? “Big” Ben Little: I have no idea, but I do know its going to be an interesting ride the next couple of months. The crew is finishing up cleaning up the ring and ringside area of all of the tables, ladders, and chairs. Officials and EMTS have helped the men’s bodies out of the arena, Hard Stone being carried away on a stretcher. Owen Nelson: What a match that last contest was, but as good as it was, I can only imagine that our next contest will be that much greater. “Big” Ben Little: It’s the most personal and anticipated match in ECFW history,
hell, wrestling history…and its coming up next… GLADIATOR VS. JASON BLADE Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it will go to a finish. Introducing to the ring first, weighing 225 pounds, he hails from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and he is a member of the Shadows of Agony…JASON BLADE! (Crowd cheers) The lights go out and the countdown begins: 5...4...3...2...1! The pyros go off and the lights return as “Live For The Moment” begins to play and the sold-out crowd is on their feet as “The Loose Cannon” appears on the stage in his wrestling gear, his ribs taped up, his Tag Team Title Belt over his shoulder. Owen Nelson: This is quite possibly The Blademeister’s biggest match to date, Ben. “Big” Ben Little: Not to mention his last. Jason Blade walks down the long ramp way, the fans cheering. Jason Blade has a dead serious look on his face as he cracks his neck. Owen Nelson: This is the most anticipated match of all-time: Jason Blade vs. Gladiator, for the first time ever. Jason Blade steps into the ring where he raises his arms and the crowd cheers even louder. The Blademeister then puts all of his attention to the stage, awaiting the arrival of the man he hates most, Gladiator. Sam Jenkans: His opponent: he weighs 255 pounds, he is from London, England, he is the leader of The Foundation of Success…GLADIATOR! (Crowd boos) “My Way” hits as “The Icon” appears on the stage, the Sledge Hammer in his hand. “Big” Ben Little: There’s what this is all about: that deadly Sledge Hammer. Gladiator smirks as he looks into the ring at “The Loose Cannon,” Jason showing no emotion other than pure hatred. Gladiator starts his journey down the ramp. Owen Nelson: This is so personal. Gladiator has the Sledge Hammer over his shoulder as he walks down the ramp way, but half-way down the ramp, Jason Blade suddenly jumps out of the ring and he runs up to attack Gladiator on the ramp! The crowd is going nuts! “Big” Ben Little: Wait until he gets to the damn ring, Jason! Gladiator sees The Blademeister running at him and he swings the Sledge Hammer for Blade’s face but Jason ducks and kicks “The Icon” in the gut, causing him to drop the Hammer. Jason Blade starts hammering away at the face of Gladiator, staggering the Hall-of-Famer on the ramp. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade doesn’t want to wait for any bells! He is here for revenge. Jason Blade takes Gladiator and he leads him down the ramp way and they are now at ringside, where Jason Blade whips “The Icon” back-first into the barricade! “Big” Ben Little: This isn’t right! From the ring, referee Matthew Rice is yelling at the two to bring it in the ring, but Jason Blade ignores the official as he takes Gladiator by the head and slams his face into the steel ring steps! Owen Nelson: This match hasn’t even started yet! I’ve never seen Jason Blade so intense. Jason Blade punches Gladiator in the face repeatedly and he whips him back-first into the side of the ring, Gladiator arching his back in pain. Jason Blade takes Gladiator by his head and slams his face into the ring apron before finally rolling “The Icon” into the ring, Jason following. “Big” Ben Little: Finally! The two are now in the ring, and referee Matthew Rice calls for the bell. BELL RINGS!!! In the ring, Gladiator is crawling to the corner to get away form Jason Blade. Jason grabs Glad by his tights and pulls him up to his feet, where Jason yells in Glad’s face before knocking him to the mat with a big punch to the face! Owen Nelson: The match has now officially begun and the beat down continues. Gladiator is in the sitting position and he is pulling himself back, holding his hands up and begins Jason for mercy. Jason shakes his head as he kicks Gladiator in the face and then pulls him up to his feet and he whips him as hard as he can into the corner, the force bouncing Gladiator off the turnbuckles and right back down to the mat! “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator needs to find a way to get into this thing, Owen…and quick. Gladiator gets up, holding his back in pain, and The Blademeister takes his head and slams his face into the top turnbuckle. “The Icon” staggers out of the corner and “The Loose Cannon” then takes Gladiator right back down to the mat with a stiff clothesline! Owen Nelson: I must admit, I am really enjoying this match so far, Ben… “Big” Ben Little: You would. Gladiator gets up again and he falls to his knees and puts his hands together, begging Jason to have some sympathy, but Jason simply smiles and kicks Gladiator in the head again, knocking Glad back to the mat. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade isn’t going to have any mercy tonight, Icon. Gladiator climbs up to his feet, dazed, and Jason Blade drives his knee into Glad’s gut and then whips him into the ropes. Gladiator bounces back into a flying clothesline from Jason Blade! “Big” Ben Little: I can’t believe how one-sided this match has been so far. Gladiator uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet, holding his head in pain, and Jason Blade runs at Gladiator to attack but “The Icon” suddenly ducks down and lifts Jason over the top rope and out of the ring! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh! There’s the move Gladiator needed, and now perhaps he can get back into this thing. With The Blademeister down at ringside, Gladiator stays in the ring to regain his composure. “The Icon” shakes his cobwebs loose and checks his forehead for blood, not finding any. The leader of The Foundation of Success then steps out to ringside where Jason Blade is, and the referee follows as well. “Big” Ben Little: I don’t think the ref is gonna count these guys out, Owen. Out at ringside, Jason is on his hands and knees and Gladiator kicks Jason hard in his injured, taped up ribs! Owen Nelson: What a kick, right to those taped up ribs. Jason stands up, holding his ribs in pain, and Gladiator grabs Jason’s arm and whips him shoulder-first into the steel ring steps, dislodging them! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Separated shoulder, anyone? The ref yells at Gladiator to take it back into the ring, but Glad flips the referee off. Owen Nelson: Real classy, Icon. Jason Blade stands up to his feet and Gladiator kicks him in his stomach and then gives him a vertical suplex onto the thin ringside padding! “Big” Ben Little: Beautiful. Gladiator brings Jason Blade back up to his feet and he rolls him back into the ring, Gladiator and the referee following. Owen Nelson: Back into the ring we go. In the ring, Gladiator takes his time as he struts arrogantly in the ring. The crowd is booing. “Big” Ben Little: You’re looking at the greatest wrestler of all-time, people. “The Icon” has his back turned to Jason Blade, taunting the booing audience. Gladiator finally turns back around and he is speared to the mat by Jason Blade, who then punches the hell out of Gladiator’s face on the mat! The crowd is now cheering. Owen Nelson: You’re paying the price now, Gladiator! Jason punches Glad in the face again and again and again and again and again. Jason Blade finally gets off of “The Icon” and Gladiator scurries to his feet and goes for a quick clothesline but Jason Blade ducks and hit’s a neckbreaker from behind Gladiator! “Big” Ben Little: A neckbreaker! Gladiator crawls over to the ropes and he uses them up pull himself up to his feet and he leans against the ropes only to be clotheslined over the top rope and out of the ring by Jason Blade! Owen Nelson: Right back over the top rope! At ringside, Gladiator stands up to his feet, holding his neck in pain. In the ring, Jason Blade runs off the ropes and he comes back and DIVES OVER THE TOP ROPE WITH A MISSILE TO GLADAITOR AT RINGSIDE!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Holy shit! Both men are down at ringside, and the referee looks to be in shock as he watches from inside the squared circle. Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Owen Nelson: You don’t see that everyday! A few moments later, out at ringside, Jason Blade is back up. The Blademeister goes over and starts clearing off the English announce table. The crowd stands to their feet. “Big” Ben Little: Man, leave our table alone, Jason! Owen Nelson and Ben Little stand up from their chairs and back away from their now cleared-off announce table. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade’s got some evil intentions here, Ben. The English announce table has been cleared and Jason Blade pulls Gladiator up to his feet and he plops him up onto the table, and then climbs up himself. “Big” Ben Little: Somebody’s going to get hurt here… On the announce table, Jason Blade has Gladiator up. Jason sticks his middle finger in Glad’s face and then goes for the Blade Cutter on the table but “The Icon” PUSHES JASON OFF OF HIM AND OFF THE TABLE, OVER THE BARRICADE INTO THE FIRST ROW!!! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Oh no! Gladiator falls back down on the table and Jason Blade is down on the floor in the first row at ringside. “Big” Ben Little: What a counter by “The Icon!” Gladiator rolls off the announce table. Jason Blade uses the barricade to pull himself up to his feet in the first row. From ringside, Gladiator grabs Jason Blade and he suplexes him over the barricade back over to ringside! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: What an innovative and painful, way to bring “The Loose Cannon” back to ringside. At ringside, Gladiator pulls Jason Blade up to his feet and he drives his knee into Blade’s injured, tape dup ribcage. “The Icon” then brings The Blademeister over and rolls him back into the ring, Gladiator following. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator may be wanting to end it right here, Owen. In the ring, Gladiator watches with a smile as Jason Blade struggles up to his feet. Gladiator waves his hands, saying “its over,” as Jason stands. Gladiator kicks Jason in his gut and then positions him for the Union Jack, but Jason Blade reverses “The Icon” into a backbody drop! Owen Nelson: Oh! Its not over yet! Gladiator quickly stands back up, holding his back in pain, and Jason Blade runs at Glad for a clothesline but Gladiator ducks and Jason Blade accidentally knocks out referee Matthew Rice! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! There goes the referee! Jason Blade is shocked at his mistake He looks down at the unconscious referee. Owen Nelson: We’ve got no ref! Jason Blade then turns back around and Gladiator kicks him in the gut and goes for the Union Jack again, but Jason Blade reverses Gladiator into a backbody drop over the top rope and out of the ring! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Whoa! Jason Blade steps back out to ringside as well, the referee down and out in the middle of the ring. Out at ringside, Gladiator has crawled over to the timekeeper’s table and, on his stomach, he grabs a steel chair and folds it up, Jason Blade not realizing this. Owen Nelson: Gladiator’s got a chair and I don’t know if The Blademeister realizes it, Ben… Jason Blade grabs Gladiator and pulls him up to his feet, and Glad suddenly turns and CRACK! Gladiator nails Jason Blade over the skull with the steel chair, knocking Blade out cold and busting him wide open! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Good God! Jason Blade is down on his back on the ringside floor, blood flowing quickly from the top of his head. His face is covered in his own blood. Gladiator looks down and laughs as he drops the now-dented steel chair. Owen Nelson: The ref is down and Gladiator can’t be disqualified! And Jason Blade is losing a tremendous amount of blood. Gladiator drags the bloody Jason Blade up to his feet and he brings him over and rolls him back into the ring, Jason dripping blood everywhere. “The Icon” slides into the ring as well. “Big” Ben Little: This is getting ugly, and fast… In the ring, Jason Blade is completely helpless and doesn’t seem to know where he is, as he crawls on his hands and knees, blood flowing off his head onto the mat. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade already had a concussion going into this thing, Ben, and that vile chair shot did not help matters. Gladiator spits on Jason Blade as he watches Jason use all his strength to pull himself up to his feet. “Big” Ben Little: Jason Blade stands no chance now. Jason Blade is using the top rope to keep himself standing, and Gladiator gets in Jason’s bloody, crimson face and talks some trash. “The Icon” then slaps Jason across his red face and he goes for Jason Blade’s own Blade Cutter on the master himself but Jason suddenly drops to his knees and low blows “The Icon” from behind! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Oh! Yes! Gladiator clutches his groin and falls to his knees in pain. Jason Blade falls over and he rolls under the bottom rope and is lying on the ring apron. “Big” Ben Little: What a cheap move! A moment later, Gladiator is back up, holding himself in pain. Gladiator steps through the ropes and is now on the ring apron with Jason Blade. Jason uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. On the ring apron, Gladiator goes for a punch to the face of Jason Blade but Jason ducks and grabs Gladiator, jumping off the ring apron with the BLADE CUTTER OFF THE RING APRON TO THE FLOOR AT RINGSIDE!!! Crowd: OOOHHH!!! Owen Nelson: Jesus freaking Christ! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: No way, man! Both men are down and out on the floor at ringside. Jason is out on his back and Glad is face-down on the floor. Owen Nelson: That was sick! The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” “Big” Ben Little: I got to see that again… A replay is shown of the incredible move. Owen Nelson: That was like a Blade Cutter from 3 or 4 feet high, onto solid concrete. A few moments later, the bloody Jason Blade make sit to his knees. The Blademeister rolls Gladiator over onto his back to reveal a huge, nasty cut on Gladiator’s head, and “The Icon” is busted badly as blood runs down his face. Crowd gasps at the sick sight of the bloody “Icon.” “Big” Ben Little: That one busted “The Icon” wide open, and that cut may even be worse than Blade’s. Jason Blade climbs up to his feet and nearly falls over, but grabs onto the ring post to keep himself standing. Jason Blade reaches down and he pulls the bloody mess that is Gladiator up to his feet, blood dripping everywhere off of both men’s heads and faces. Owen Nelson: This is brutal. Jason Blade goes for a punch to the bloody face of “The Icon,” but Gladiator surprisingly blocks it and jabs his thumb into the eye of The Blademeister. Jason Blade grabs his eye and Gladiator nails him with a forearm to the back of the head, knocking Jason onto the ramp way. On the ramp, Gladiator kicks Jason in the head. “Big” Ben Little: A kick right to the head…the very bloody head of “The Loose Cannon.” The two are now half-way up the ramp way, past the Sledge Hammer, as Gladiator punches Jason in the head again, knocking him even further up the ramp way. Now near the top, near the stage, Gladiator goes for a clothesline but Jason Blade ducks and kicks Gladiator in his stomach and then whips Gladiator back-first into the steel stage setup! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Ouch. Now on the stage, Jason Blade knocks Gladiator down to the steel floor with a clothesline. “The Icon” stands back up, holding the back of his head in pain, and Jason Blade kicks Gladiator in his stomach and goes for the Blade Cutter on the steel stage floor but Gladiator PUSHES JASON OFF OF HIM AND OFF THE STAGE 15 FEET BELOW TTHROUGH 2 TABLES ON THE ARENA FLOOR BELOW THE STAGE!!! Crowd: OOOOHHHH!!!!! “Big” Ben Little: OH MY GOD!!! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Owen Nelson: That was at least 15 feet high! Gladiator has collapsed back down on the stage floor, as 15 feet below the stage, Jason Blade lie a bloody heap on the concrete arena floor, 2 tables collapsed underneath him. The crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” “Big” Ben Little: Jason Blade went for the Blade Cutter on the stage floor but “The Icon” shoved him right off the stage all the way down through 2 tables on the arena floor…amazing. Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Owen Nelson: God. A replay is shown. Owen Nelson: That is the very thing that put Gladiator out of action for 7 months over a year ago. The crowd starts to settle down a bit. One more replay is shown. “Big” Ben Little: This match may just have to be stopped after that, Owen. A few more moments later, Gladiator crawls over and looks down 15 feet below at the destroyed Jason Blade, and even “The Icon” looks to be in shock over what has just happened. Owen Nelson: I don’t even know if Gladiator meant to do that exactly, Ben. But then again, it IS Gladiator we’re talking about here… Gladiator gets up and he walks half-way down the ramp and he then climbs down about 6 or 7 feet to the arena floor. “The Icon” walks over to the scene where several officials are trying to get Jason Blade up. Gladiator shoves them all out of the way and knocks one out with a punch to the face. The crowd is booing. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator has no compassion, and that is why he’s so damn successful. “The Icon” pulls the lifeless, bloody Jason Blade up out of the destroyed table debris, and Gladiator drags Jason over to the bottom of the ramp way where he throws Jason onto the steel ramp. Gladiator steps up as well, and the two are now at the bottom of the ramp where the ramp meets the ringside area. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade needs some help here. He came into this match with several injuries to begin with…he’s in bad shape. Now at ringside, Gladiator has Jason Blade up, Gladiator holding him up, and “The Icon” brushes his hand on Jason’s bloody head, getting blood on his hand, and Gladiator rubs Jason’s blood on his (Gladiator’s) chest. “Big” Ben Little: Now finish him off, Icon. Gladiator knees Jason hard in his injured ribs and he then rolls him back into the ring. Gladiator rolls back in himself. In the ring, Gladiator stands up and he looks toward the stage and starts waving his hands, yelling for another referee. Owen Nelson: To win this match, Gladiator needs a ref, and the original referee, Matthew Rice, is still knocked out. A few moments later, REFEREE NATHAN GREENLAND runs down to the ring. “Big” Ben Little: Here comes Nathan Greenland. Gladiator drops to his knees and he covers the motionless, bloody Jason Blade as referee Nathan Greenland slides into the ring and counts the fall…1...2...Jason Blade just barely gets his shoulder up in time! Crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: What?! Jason Blade kicked out! Unbelievable! Gladiator is in shock, as is everyone in the arena. “The Icon” stands up and immediately shoves referee Nathan Greenland, yelling at him and holding up three fingers, but only get two in return from the official. “Big” Ben Little: That was three, ref, God damnit! Gladiator knocks the ref out with a right fist! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh! Gladiator just knocked out the referee! That isn’t right. The crowd is booing as Gladiator kicks the downed referee. “Big” Ben Little: We now have two referees out cold in the ring. Gladiator turns around and he is suddenly tripped to the mat with a double leg pickup and he is turned around into the HIGHLIGHTER submission hold by Jason Blade! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: The Blademeister is somehow, someway back up and he has The Highlighter applied on Gladiator! Gladiator is screaming in pain as blood runs down his face and onto the mat. Jason Blade has the move locked on tight, yelling in rage and focus, as blood also runs down his face. Both referees are down as Gladiator reaches for the ropes, but is in the center of the blood-stained ring. “Big” Ben Little: There’s no ref but the damage is still being done! Jason Blade leans back even further, applying yet even more pressure to the lower back of “The Icon.” Gladiator can’t take it anymore and he is tapping out! The crowd is cheering. Owen Nelson: He’s tapping! Gladiator is tapping out to The Highlighter, but thanks to Glad, we have no referee to signal for the bell. The crowd realizes this, and they start booing. “Big” Ben Little: Sucks for you, Jason. Jason Blade finally releases the hold, dropping Gladiator’s legs to the mat. Jason falls to his knees in weakness and in pain. Owen Nelson: What now? Jason stands up to his feet and wipes some blood from his eyes. Jason Blade looks around, and then looks on the ramp and he sees Gladiator’s Sledge Hammer lying there, and Jason gets a sick, sadistic smile on his bloody face. “Big” Ben Little: Don’t tell me he’s looking at the Sledge Hammer… The Blademeister stagers over to the ropes and steps through them out to ringside. Jason Blade walks half way up the ramp way and he bends over and picks up the Sledge Hammer. Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Jason Blade has got it, and with no referee, Gladiator is in big, big trouble! Jason walks back over and slides into the ring with the Sledge Hammer. In the ring, “The Loose Cannon” looks down at the bloody Gladiator and then he looks at the Sledge Hammer and smiles again. “Big” Ben Little: Is this really necessary? Owen Nelson: Was it necessary when Gladiator nearly ended Jason’s career six week ago with that very Hammer on Tuesday Night Terror? “Big” Ben Little: Well… Gladiator is using the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. Gladiator wipes some blood from his eyes and he looks forward at Jason Blade holding the Sledge Hammer and Gladiators immediately looks terrified as he drops to his knees, begging off Jason as Jason draws nearer with the deadly weapon. The huge sold-out audience is on their feet, cheering. Owen Nelson: You’re gonna get what you deserve, Gladiator! Jason Blade is now standing before the kneeling Gladiator, holding the Sledge Hammer high above his head, ready to nail Gladiator with it, when “The Icon” suddenly throws some white powder in Jason Blade’s eyes! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Yes! Brilliant! The powder is sticking to Jason’s face due to the blood as he drops the Hammer and immediately aids to his eyes as Gladiator laughs. Owen Nelson: Where in the hell did Gladiator get that powder from? “Big” Ben Little: Never come to a fight unprepared, Owen. Jason lade is leaning against the ropes, rubbing his eyes. Gladiator stands up and he kicks The Blademeister in his stomach and then drops him to the canvas with the UNION JACK! Crowd boos even louder. Owen Nelson: And now the Union Jack! Gladiator is on his knees and he looks over at the two fallen referees and Gladiator looks toward the stage and again calls for another official. “Big” Ben Little: Somebody, quick, get a ref down here! Gladiator’s got this
thing won! A moment later, REFEREE JOHNNY SMTH runs down to the ring! Owen Nelson: It can’t end this way! Johnny Smith slides into the ring as Gladiator covers Jason Blade…1...2...Jason Blade kicks out! Crowd erupts! “Big” Ben Little: NO! Can these referees not count to three?! Gladiator slams his fist on the mat in frustration. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade will not die! Gladiator stand sup to his feet and he kicks the bottom rope in frustration. “The Icon” gets in the referee’s, the third referee’s, face and yells “3!” but the ref shakes his head and holds up two fingers. “Big” Ben Little: These referees must be paid off or something… Gladiator grabs referee Johnny Smith by his shirt collar and he cocks his fist to punch the innocent ref in the face when Gladiator is suddenly spun around and hit with the BLADE CUTTER BY JASON BLADE!!! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Yes! Blade Cutter! The crowd is on their feet and cheering as Jason Blade makes the cover on the motionless “Icon” and Johnny Smith gladly gets down to count the fall…1...2...Gladiator barely kicks out before the three! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. “Big” Ben Little: Yes! Gladiator kicked out! I knew he could do it! The audience is now booing as Jason Blade buries his bloody face in the ring mat in disbelief and frustration. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade almost had this thing won there, and that may be the first time that anyone has ever kicked out of Jason Blade’s Blade Cutter. Jason Blade stands up to his feet, staggering. The Blademeister falls back to his knees in front of referee Johnny Smith, begins for the three. “Big” Ben Little: This match is taking so much out of both men, Owen. Jason Blade uses the referee’s shirt to pull himself up to his feet again. The ref holds Jason steady and he tells him “it was 2, Jason.” Owen Nelson: What will it take to keep either one of these Hall-of-Famers down??? “The Loose Cannon” turns back and looks down at Gladiator on the blood-stained mat. Jason Blade reaches down and he starts to pull Gladiator up to his feet, but as he is, “The Icon” suddenly low blows Jason Blade! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Oldest trick in the book! Jason Blade grabs his groin and falls over to the mat. Gladiator stands up and he looks at the referee, and suddenly kicks the ref in the gut and drops him with the UNION JACK! The crowd is shocked. Owen Nelson: Man, what the hell? Gladiator just gave the innocent referee the Union Jack! And why? Because Jason kicked out earlier? The sold-out audience is now booing as “The Icon” gets up again and yells at the unconfused, downed referee Johnny Smith. Gladiator then looks at the two other unconscious officials in the ring, Matthew Rice and Nathan Greenland. Gladiator laughs and shrugs. “Big” Ben Little: We’ve gone through three referees thus far, Owen. Gladiator looks down at the struggling Jason Blade, who is crawling to the ropes, and Gladiator steps out to ringside. Out at ringside, “The Icon” reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a bag. Owen Nelson: What is that? Gladiator smiles as he stares at the bag. Gladiator then brings the bag back into the ring with him. “Big” Ben Little: What the hell does “The Icon” got in that bag? In the ring, Jason Blade is using the ropes to pull himself up to his feet as Gladiator is untying the top of the bag. But before Gladiator can fully open his bag, he is suddenly knocked down from behind by Jason Blade! Owen Nelson: Gladiator took his attention off of The Blademeister for too long and he paid for it. Gladiator gets back up, dripping blood all over the place as he holds the back of his head in pain. Jason Blade then goes for the Blade Cutter, but Gladiator pushes Jason off and over the top rope out to ringside! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Right over the top rope! With Jason Blade down at ringside, Gladiator grabs his Sledge Hammer and goes out to ringside with it. The sold-out crowd is standing. Owen Nelson: Gladiator’s got the Sledge Hammer! Out at ringside, Jason Blade has his hands under the ring apron, Gladiator not knowing this. “The Icon” is standing over Jason Blade, Sledge Hammer in had, yelling at his bloody opponent to “get up!” “Big” Ben Little Its March 28th all over again...or at least its about to be. Gladiator is yelling at Jason to get up, ready to nail him with the deadly Sledge Hammer upon his standing. Jason Blade suddenly jumps to shi feet, with a 2X4 WRAPPED WITH BARBED WIRE in his hands! Before
Gladiator can even think about it…WHAM! Jason Blade swings the 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire across the bloody face of
“The Icon,” knocking the leader of The Foundation out and cutting his head open even more as even MORE blood gushes
form Gladiator’s head and face! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Holy shit, where did that come from?! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: Jason Blade grabbed that 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire form out of the ring and he may have just cut Gladiator’s face right off his skull! Gladiator is down and out, blood flowing off his face like never before seen in a wrestling match. The crowd gasps at the sight of the blood. Owen Nelson: That has got to be the bloodiest man I have ever seen in ECFW history! Jason himself even looks to be in shock at how much blood his opponent is losing. Jason Blade sets the 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire in the ring, under the bottom rope. Jason Blade then reaches down and he pulls the bloody, lifeless “Icon” up to his spaghetti legs and he rolls him back into the ring, Jason following. “Big” Ben Little: This is insanely violent… In the ring, Jason Blade holds Gladiator up in front of him, as Gladiator’s face is dripping blood like a faucet to the mat. Jason looks down at the blood stains on the canvas and then back up into Gladiator’s face and Jason smiles. Owen Nelson: This is what Jason Blade wanted to see all along. The Blademeister slaps Gladiator across the face and he then says, “goodbye” to Gladiator as Jason forces Gladiator’s crimson-covered head down in-between his legs and Jason Blade is setting Gladiator up for his own Union Jack, but Gladiator suddenly drops to his knees and grabs the 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire and GLADIATOR LOW BLOWS JASON WITH THE 2X4 WRAPPED WITH BARBED WIRE!!! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh my God! I don’t even want to think about that! Jason’s eye shoot wide open with pain and shock as he immediately clutches his groin and falls to the mat, withering around in pain. Owen Nelson: Gladiator just nailed Jason Blade below the belt with a 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire…it doesn’t get much more heinous than that! Gladiator has fallen back down to the mat, losing blood profusely, and both men are down, Jason withering in pain as he holds his groin. “Big” Ben Little: Both men are down…what a match. This is when REFEREE RED HAIRING runs down to the ring. Owen Nelson: And now here comes our fourth and hopefully final referee, Red Hairing, to call the rest of this match. Red Hairing slides into the ring and he helps referee Nathan Greenland out to ringside where some officials help him to the back. The same is done for referee Johnny Smith. “Big” Ben Little: Get those old refs out of here. But before Red Hairing can help the original referee, Matthew Rice, out of the ring, Red sees Gladiator drop his arm across the chest of Jason Blade and Red Hairing quickly gets down to count the fall…1...2...Jason Blade shoots his shoulder up off the canvas! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Jason kicks out at two! Gladiator pounds his fist on the mat in frustration. The bloody “Icon” staggers up to his feet, nearly losing his balance if not for the top rope. Gladiator starts yelling at the referee, backing him into the corner, the crowd booing. “Big” Ben Little: Take him out, too, Icon! Gladiator pins the referee against the corner, grabbing him by his shirt collar, before Gladiator is suddenly turned around and punched in the face by Jason Blade! Owen Nelson: Jason Blade is still in this thing and he saves referee Red Hairing from suffering the same fate as the past three officials in this contest. “The Loose Cannon” takes Gladiator by his arm and he Irish whips him into the opposite corner of the ring. “Big” Ben Little: Blade sends “The Icon” to the corner. In the corner, Jason Blade is punching Gladiator in the face before “The Icon” fights back with a poke to the eyes of his enemy. Gladiator then turns the tables and he pushes Jason into the corner and then drives his knee into Blade’s injured, taped up rib cage. Owen Nelson: Right into those ribs. Gladiator ducks down and picks Jason Blade up and sets him up onto the top turnbuckle. Gladiator climbs up as well. The audience is on their feet. “Big” Ben Little: They’re up on the top rope, and I don’t know if I like this… On the top rope, Gladiator starts setting Jason Blade up for a Superplex, but The Blademeister fights out of it with some body shots to the ribs of “The Icon.” Still on the top rope, Jason Blade stands up and he grabs Gladiator and hooks him up. Owen Nelson: What in the world… Jason Blade has Gladiator’s head and he JUMPS OFF THE TOP ROPE ALL THE WAY DOWN THROUGH THE ENGLISH ANNOUNCE TABLE WITH THE BLADE CUTTER, DESTROYING THE TABLE!!! Crowd: OOOHHH!!! “Big” Ben Little: OH MY FREAKING GOD! Crowd: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Etc. Owen Nelson: NO WAY! Both Jason Blade and Gladiator are down and out, both a bloody mess, within all of the destroyed table pieces, chairs and monitors covering their bodies as well from the impact. The sold-out crowd continues, “HOLY CRAP!” “Big” Ben Little: They landed right on top of us, almost! A replay is shown of the incredible move. Owen Nelson and Ben Little are now standing, a mere few feet away from the annihilated table and annihilated bodies. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade just leaped off of the top rope with Gladiator, giving him the Blade Cutter all the way from the top rope at least 10 feet below down here through our table. Indescribable! Another replay is shown. “Big” Ben Little: Jesus… The crowd continues still, “HOLY CRAP!” Owen Nelson: Only at Cyber Carnage… The crowd starts to settle down a bit, however neither man has moved since the move took place. In the ring, referee Red Hairing is standing in still shock over what he has just seen. “Big” Ben Little: Let’s look at this one last time. A slow-motion replay is shown. Owen Nelson: God. “Big” Ben Little: But what in Earth do we do now? Neither man has moved since. A few moments later, and referee Red Hairing is out at ringside. Red kicks some of the broken table pieces out of the way and moves the TV monitors off of the fallen bodies. Owen Nelson: Red Hairing is going to try and revive these men, but I don’t know if that is even possible after a move like that. Red Hairing bends over and tries to wake up Jason Blade, when that fails, Red tries to revive “The Icon.” “Big” Ben Little: God, I am still shocked… A few more moments pass by, and Jason Blade manages to move a little, as Red then kicks some more of the table out of the way, enabling Jason Blade to reach up and grab hold of the barricade and slowly pull himself up to his feet, clearly in agony as he grits his teeth in pain the whole time. Owen Nelson: Amazingly enough, “The Loose Cannon” is making his way back up to his feet, Ben. Jason Blade takes a few moments to regain his composure. Red Hairing asks The Blademeister if he wants to call it a night, and Jason pushes Red out of the way and starts dragging the lifeless Gladiator up out of the carnage. “Big” Ben Little: Haven’t you done enough tonight already, Jason? Jason Blade brings Gladiator over to the ring and he rolls him into the squared circle. Still at ringside, Jason Blade looks down and he sees the Sledge Hammer and he picks it up and stares at it. The crowd is cheering. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade wants to end this thing the way it started, with that Sledge Hammer! Referee Red Hairing slides back into the ring, and so does Jason Blade, armed with the Sledge Hammer. “Big” Ben Little: Get out of there, Icon… In the ring, Jason Blade looks down at the helpless “Icon” and he raises the Sledge Hammer high above his head, ready to bring it down on Gladiator, the crowd on their feet and cheering... Owen Nelson: Gladiator is about to get what he deserves… Jason is ready to bring the Hammer down when the Hammer is suddenly snatched out of Jason’s hands by the referee! Crowd boos loudly. “Big” Ben Little: Yes! We forgot that this match is NOT a HardCore Match! There IS disqualifications in this match, regardless of what all has happened so far with the referees being down, and Red Hairing is not going to allow Jason Blade to get himself disqualified. The audience is booing loudly as Jason Blade is irate and he yells at the ref, but the ref is trying to reason with “The Loose Cannon.” Owen Nelson: After all that we’ve seen so far, NOW this match is going to have disqualifications? (Sarcastically) Perfect timing, Red… Jason is yelling for Red to give him the Hammer back, and when Hairing does not, Jason Blade gives Red Hairing the BLADE CUTTER! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: HEY! You can’t do that to the referee! Owen Nelson: Why not? Gladiator dropped a ref earlier with the Union Jack. The Blademeister kicks the unconscious Red Hairing out of the ring. Jason then picks the Sledge Hammer back up, and he turns around to hit Gladiator with it but as he does…WHAM! Gladiator is back up and he swings the 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire across Jason Blade’s already-bloody face, cutting Blade open even more! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh, God! Jason Blade took his attention off of “The Icon” and he just got nailed in the face with a 2X4 wrapped with barbed wire because of it. Jason Blade is down and out on the blood-stained mat, blood flowing from his head and face. Gladiator drops the 2X4 in barbed wire and he collapses down on top of Jason Blade, covering him, just as the original referee, Matthew Rice, begins to regain consciousness. The crowd is booing. Owen Nelson: Matthew Rice is coming back to! Don’t count, Matt! Gladiator is on top of Jason Blade as the dazed Matthew Rice crawls over and slowly counts the fall in pain…………1.…………2.…………Jason Blade kicks out just in time! Crowd erupts! “Big” Ben Little: WHAT?! Crowd: BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! Etc. Owen Nelson: Jason Blade still manages to kick out. The crowd s still buzzing as the bloody “Icon” looks up in disbelief at the dazed referee Matthew Rice. “Big” Ben Little: That was supposed to be three, damnit! Gladiator slowly climbs up to his feet, losing a tremendous amount of blood. Gladiator yells at the ref and drops to his knees, too weak to stand for too long. Owen Nelson: We’ve had four referees in this match so far, and I fear “The Icon” may want to get to five… Gladiator stands up again and he wipes some blood from his eyes as he yells “THREE!” in the referee’s face. “Big” Ben Little: You should have just counted to three, Rice. Gladiator grabs Matthew Rice by his head and he pushes it down between his legs and hooks his arms, setting the innocent official up for the Union Jack, when Jason Blade grabs Gladiator from behind and turns him around and hooks him up for a Blade Cutter, but “The Icon” shoves Jason off of him and Blade goes face-first into Matthew Rice, knocking both men down, Rice out. Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: And just like that, Matthew Rice is down again. Jason Blade uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet again. The Blademeister is up and staggering around the ring. Gladiator stops Jason’s staggering with a stiff kick to the injured ribs. “The Icon” then stands Jason straight and looks him in the eye and tells him, “its all over.” Gladiator then kicks Jason again and hits Blade with his own BLADE CUTTER on the master himself! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Yeah, baby! Blade Cutter on the Blade Cutter’s inventor. Gladiator then covers the motionless Jason Blade, but there is no referee: Matthew Rice and Red
Hairing are both down and out on the mat, and referees Johnny Smith and Nathan Greenland have been taken out of the arena…but
alas, NATHAN GREENLAND runs back down to the ring! Owen Nelson: Here comes one of the previous referees, Nathan Greenland! He wants to be the one to finish this match. Nathan slides into the ring and counts Blade’s shoulders to the mat…1...2...Jason Blade kicks out! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: God damnit! Gladiator stands and yells in rage and frustration. Owen Nelson: This is the greatest match I’ve ever seen! “The Icon” wastes no time, instead, he aggressively pulls the bloody Jason Blade back up to his feet and he yells “why won’t you stay down!” in Jason’s face and Jason suddenly comes back with punches to the bloody face of “The Icon!” The crowd is cheering. “Big” Ben Little: Jason Blade is fighting back again! The Blademeister backs Gladiator into the corner and Jason goes for one last big shot to the face but Gladiator ducks and knees Jason in the back from behind, turning the tables and sending Blade to the corner. Owen Nelson: Gladiator gains the upper hand yet again. In the corner, Gladiator drives his knee hard into the abdomen of Jason Blade. Gladiator then picks Jason up and sets him up onto the top turnbuckle, Gladiator climbing up himself afterward. The crowd is on their feet. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator’s taking it up top… Jason Blade is sitting on the top turnbuckle, while Gladiator stands on the middle rope. Gladiator then ducks Jason’s bloody head down in-between his legs and hooks his arms, and Gladiator jumps back with the UNION JACK OFF THE TOP ROPE!!! Crowd: OOHH!! Owen Nelson: Oh! Oh no! The Union Jack off the top rope, and that is the move that put Gladiator away in last year’s Cyber Carnage main event! There is no way that even “The Loose Cannon” can kick out after that. Jason Blade is down and out face-down on the blood-stained canvas. It takes Gladiator a moment, but he manages to crawl over and turn Jason over onto his back and “The Icon” then falls on top of Jason Blade as referee Nathan Greenland counts the fall…1...2... …JASON BLADE GETS HIS SHOULDER UP JUST IN TIME! CROWD ERUPTS!!! “Big” Ben Little: WHAT?! NO! Crowd: BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! BLADE! Etc. Owen Nelson: I thought Jason Blade was finished! But even after all we’ve already seen, Jason Blade kicks out of the Union Jack off the top rope. I am convinced that Gladiator just can’t beat The Blademeister on this night! The crowd is still buzzing as Gladiator buries his bloody face in the mat in disbelief. Gladiator sits up and he looks like he is about to cry. “Big” Ben Little: What else can Gladiator do? This must be a dream or something! Owen Nelson: Its no dream, Ben. Its Cyber Carnage, and Jason Blade will not stay down for three. “The Icon” climbs up to his feet and he puts his face into the top turnbuckle in frustration. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator doesn’t know what to do. “The Icon” looks over at referee Nathan Greenland, and then down at the motionless Jason Blade on the mat, not moving a muscle. Gladiator is breathing hard with rage and he looks over at the bag that he brought into the ring several minutes before. Owen Nelson: I forgot about that bag…Gladiator brought it into the ring a little while ago, and perhaps that’s all that’s left for Gladiator to use. But what’s in the bag??? “The Icon” smirks a little through the blood on his face and he walks over and picks up the bag and he unties the top of it and pulls out a pair of HANDCUFFS! Crowd gasps and then boos “Big” Ben Little: Its handcuffs! Gladiator’s got handcuffs! Gladiator looks at the handcuffs and then back down at Jason Blade and “The Icon” walks over and grabs Jason’s limp hand but referee Nathan Greenland pulls the handcuffs out of Gladiator’s hands! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Though its hard to believe, with a referee in the ring, this match is NOT no disqualification! Gladiator can’t use those handcuffs. Gladiator is clearly upset and he turns and puts his hands up to the referee, claiming he wants no trouble, when bam! Gladiator suddenly pops the ref right in the face, knocking him out! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Haha. That’s what you get, ref. With the referee down again, Gladiator picks the handcuffs back up and he turns and Jason Blade is using the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. “The Icon” grabs Jason Blade and turns him around and Gladiator handcuffs Jason’s hands together behind his back! Crowd boos Owen Nelson: Damnit! This can’t happen. Jason’s hands are handcuffed behind his back! This is not right. “Big” Ben Little: Well there’s no referee to stop it, Owen. Gladiator laughs as he watches Jason stagger around with his hands cuffed behind his back. Jason is completely helpless and Gladiator sarcastically waves at him and then knocks him to the mat with a big right to the face. Owen Nelson: A shot right to the face. Jason Blade can’t do a damn thing here with his hands cuffed behind his back. Somebody needs to stop this crap. Jason Blade rolls around on the mat and he uses his legs only to stand back up and bam! Gladiator knocks him right back down with another punch to the face. “Big” Ben Little: I’m beginning to like this. Gladiator has a big smile on as Jason stands again, his hands useless, and Gladiator takes Jason’s head and walks him over and slams his bloody face into the top turnbuckle! Owen Nelson: I can’t watch much more of this… Gladiator takes Jason’s head and he slams his face into the top turnbuckle over and over and over and over and over again until Blade finally falls back down to the mat. Crowd: YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator’s got this thing in the bag now. Jason is rolling on the mat and Gladiator walks over and picks up his Sledge Hammer. The crowd is on their feet, booing. Owen Nelson: Oh no! With Jason Blade’s hands cuffed behind his back, Gladiator’s got that Sledge Hammer! Jason is in HUGE trouble here! Jason Blade uses his legs to stand again and he staggers around, blood dripping off his head and face. The Blademeister, hands cuffed behind his back, turns around and Gladiator is about to knock him out with the Sledge Hammer but Jason suddenly kicks Gladiator below the belt! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: Hey! You can’t do that! Gladiator drops the Hammer and falls over, holding his groin in pain. Jason Blade falls to his knees and hangs his head on the canvas. Owen Nelson: Its all he could do to save himself, and he did it. Referee Red Hairing has come back to, dazed. Red stands up and he looks down at Gladiator and then sees Jason Blade on his knees, hands cuffed behind his back. As the official, Red Hairing talks to Jason and Jason nods his heard toward the bag that contained the handcuffs. “Big” Ben Little: Get out of here, Red. You’re not even supposed to be the referee for this match. Red Hairing goes over, picks up the bag, reaches in and pulls out the keys to the handcuffs. Red Hairing then walks over and unlocks the handcuffs from Jason Blade’s wrists, freeing Blade! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Jason Blade is free! Maybe he does still have a chance after all. Jason Blade uses the referee to pull himself up to his feet, hanging on to the top rope to keep his balance. Jason Blade then grabs the handcuffs out of Gladiator’s hands and he is about to try and lock Gladiator in them himself but Red Hairing says “no” and steps in Jason’s way. The crowd begins to boo. “Big” Ben Little: That’s right, Jason…with a referee, this match still has disqualifications. Jason Blade wraps the handcuffs around his fist and BAM! Jason knocks Red Hairing out cold with the handcuffs! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh! Red is out again! This is NOT a good night to be a referee in ECFW. Jason Blade then looks back over at Gladiator, who is down against the ropes on the edge of the ring canvas. Jason looks down at the Sledge Hammer and Jason decides to drop the handcuffs. Jason Blade then picks up the Sledge Hammer and smiles. The crowd is on their feet. “Big” Ben Little: He’s going to forget the handcuffs and just punish Gladiator with the Sledge Hammer…we need a ref out here! Gladiator is at the very edge of the ring, and his hands are moving under the bottom rope, but the camera is at an angle that we cannot see what he is doing. Jason Blade walks over to Gladiator, Sledge Hammer in-hand, and he stands over “The Icon,” who has his back turned to Jason and Jason Blade raises the Hammer high above his head, ready to bring it down on Gladiator. Owen Nelson: Do it, Jason! But before Jason Blade can do it, Gladiator (on his knees at the edge of the ring) suddenly turns and reaches up…WHAM! Gladiator has A DIFFERENT Sledge Hammer in his hands and he knocks Jason Blade out with a shot to the jaw! Shocked crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Whoa! Where in the hell did that second Sledge Hammer come from?! The crowd is now booing as Jason Blade is down and out on his back on the mat. Gladiator drops his Hammer and crawls over and drops down on top of the unconscious Jason Blade. Owen Nelson: Gladiator pulled a second Sledge Hammer out seemingly from nowhere! He beat Blade to the punch and knocked him out cold with the second Hammer. Referee Matthew Rice is beginning to come to and, dazed, he crawls over to where Gladiator is lying on top of Jason Blade and Matthew Rice slowly counts the fall in pain……………..1.……………2.…………….3! BELL RINGS!!! “Big” Ben Little: Gladiator has done it! Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner, Gladiator! Crowd boos like never before. Owen Nelson: I can’t believe it! Gladiator is too weak to stand just yet and he just lie sprawled out over the motionless Blademeister. “Big” Ben Little: What an incredible match! We went through about five referees, 2X4s wrapped with barbed wire, chairs, tables, handcuffs, and ultimately, the Sledge Hammer. Matthew Rice is on his knees and he is trying to revive Gladiator. Owen Nelson: But I am still confused. Jason Blade was about to nail Gladiator with that Sledge Hammer, the one and only Hammer that was brought to the ring, but then Gladiator came from out of nowhere with a SECOND Hammer and he knocked Blade out with it to win the match from out of nowhere. Let’s see if we can get a clue as to where “The Icon” found that second Sledge Hammer… REPLAY: we get another angle of the ring, to where the camera is facing Gladiator instead of the way it was originally shown. At this angle, we can see Gladiator down at the edge of the ring canvas. Gladiator reaches under the bottom rope and he lifts up the top of the ring skirt/apron and under the ring apron on the mat is the second Sledge Hammer. We come back live and the crowd is booing. “Big” Ben Little: How brilliant is Gladiator! He hid a second Sledge Hammer under the ring apron on the mat. But even Gladiator is too weak to make his way back up to his feet. It is at this time that EMTS make their way down to the ring with two stretchers. Owen Nelson: Unquestionably, these men are going to need to be carried out of here on a stretcher. Who knows, perhaps BOTH men’s careers have just ended here tonight at Cyber Carnage V. The sold-out crowd is now standing and applauding both men as the EMTS load them both up on the stretchers. Meanwhile, a few other EMTS are helping the many referees out of the ring and to the back. “Big” Ben Little: This ;live, sold-out New York City crowd is showing their appreciation for these two men. Win or lose, it was one hell of a match that I know will never be forgotten. It was brutal, it was bloody, it was shocking, it was dramatic, and in the end, it was controversial. Both Gladiator and Jason Blade are being wheeled off in their own stretcher as the audience continues to applaud them both. Owen Nelson: Both these men gave it all they had, and thanks to Gladiator’s cheap tactics, he has won this dream match. It was the first time these two legendary performers ever met, and though I hate to say it, after the brutality of this match…it may be the ONLY time they ever face off as well. Backstage Segment We go backstage and we see Sam Wilde pacing around his dressing room like a caged animal. His sister, Paige Wilde, is sitting on the couch with a concerned look on her face as she watches her brother stress himself over his upcoming match. Paige Wilde: Sam…are you ready? Sam stops and looks at his sister. Sam Wilde: I am ready…you are not. Paige Wilde: What do you mean? Sam Wilde: I mean I’m going out there tonight alone. I don’t want ANY distractions. I don’t want to have to worry about you when I got the biggest match of my life at the biggest event of all-time to worry about as it is. Paige Wilde: But… Sam Wilde: …BUT NOTHING. This is very important to me, Paige, and… Paige Wilde: …I know its important, and I want to be out there to support you! Sam Wilde: NO! It is too dangerous out there or you tonight, and all my attention has to be focused on Bryan Fury and taking the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship. I’m sorry, sis, but tonight, you have to watch from back here. Paige sighs and falls back against the couch. Paige Wilde: Fine. Sam looks at the clock on the wall and then grabs his bottle of water and takes a long drink and then pours the rest over his head. Sam Wilde: I’m ready for this, Paige…I need to win this… Paige Wilde: You will. Don’t worry about it. You got Fury’s number and he knows it. Sam Wilde: Yes, I know. I just wan to go out there and make my dream come true and win the ECFW Championship at the biggest event of the year, and… Paige Wilde: …And you will. Tonight is your night, Sam, and no J-Dogg and no Bryan Fury is going to stop you from winning that Title…its your destiny. Sam smiles. Sam Wilde: Thanks, sis. Paige stands up from the couch and gives her brother a hug. Paige Wilde: Go show em what its like on the Wilde side, bro. Sam smiles and heads for the door, and, in the doorway… Sam Wilde: …The next time you see me I will be your ECFW World Heavyweight Champion! Sam storms out of the room, ready for anything as Paige takes a deep breath and sits back down on the couch, a bit of a nervous look on her face. Scene Fades. Owen Nelson: This is the biggest night of The Wildes’ lives. Its Bryan Fury vs. Sam Wilde for the ECFW Championship up next for the main event of Cyber Carnage V here live from Madison Square Garden in New York City. “Big” Ben Little: That match is coming up next, but Owen, how about that last match we just saw? Was that something or what? Owen Nelson: These matches tonight just keep on getting bigger and better…and more violent. How far will Wilde and Fury take it in tonight’s main event? The ring crew finishes up their cleaning up of the ring and ringside area. “Big” Ben Little: So now without any further ado, the match we’ve all been waiting for… ECFW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Special Guest Referee: J-Dogg BRYAN FURY VS. SAM WILDE Sam Jenkans: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our main event! Crowd cheers Sam Jenkans: This match is scheduled for one fall with no time limit, and it is for the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, the Special Guest Referee for this contest, he is a 2-Time former ECFW Champion and an ECFW Hall-of-Famer…J-DOGG! (Crowd cheers) “Ugly” hits as J-Dogg makes his way down to the ring in his referee’s shirt. Sam Jenkans: Now, for the participants. First, the challenger. He weighs 225 pounds and hails from Manchester, England…SAM WILDE! (Crowd cheers) Sam Wilde makes his way down to the ring with a determined look on his face. Sam Jenkans: His opponent, weighing in at 229 pounds, from Miami, Florida, he is the leader of Mental Abuse and the current ECFW World Heavyweight Champion…BRYAN FURY! (Crowd boos) “Take Me Out” begins to play as Bryan Fury walks down the ramp way with his Title Belt around his waist. Owen Nelson: This is the match we’ve all been waiting for, Ben. Bryan Fury enters the ring and he unstraps his Title Belt and holds it up into the air for all to see, the sold-out audience booing. Bryan and Sam lock eyes. J-Dogg asks for the Belt, and Bryan kisses it and takes a deep breath before handing it over to the referee, J-Dogg. J-Dogg looks at the Belt and then holds it high up in the air, signifying that this match is for the Title. J-Dogg hands the Belt over to a stagehand at ringside and then calls for the bell. BELL RINGS!!! Bryan Fury and Sam Wilde stand on opposite sides of the ring, J-Dogg (in his referee’s) shirt in the middle. Bryan and Sam’s eyes are locked, a dead serious look on both men’s faces. “Big” Ben Little: This is the biggest match in either man’s career, and its in the main event here at the grandest stage of em all, the fifth annual Cyber Carnage from the world’s most famous arena, the sold-out Madison Square Garden. Bryan and Sam, without saying a word, walk toward the center of the ring and they meet face-to-face, eye-to-eye, as J-Dogg stands back and watches. The sold-out crowd is on their feet, everyone yelling. Owen Nelson: This match is so important…these guys are just starring a hole through each other. Neither man is saying a word. Bryan turns away for a second, and then comes back and attempts a right to the face but Sam blocks it and comes back with a right of his own, and the two are now exchanging blows to the face! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: Bryan Fury tried a cheap shot, but it didn’t work, but in any event, this war for the ECFW Championship is now underway here at Cyber Carnage V. Sam Wilde gets the upper hand and he backs the longest-reigning ECFW Champion of all-time into the corner. Sam goes for one last big punch on the leader of Mental Abuse but Fury ducks and Sam turns around to be taken down by a Bryan Fury clothesline! Owen Nelson: A clothesline by the Champion. The former “Coca Boy” stands back up and Bryan Fury reels him with repeated blows to the head and face. Bryan Fury grabs Sam Wilde by his arm and uses it to Irish whip Wilde into the ropes. Sam Wilde bounces back and ducks an attempted clothesline from Bryan Fury and Sam bounces off the opposite ropes. Bryan Fury turns back around and Sam Wilde leap frogs over Bryan and Bryan turns around to be dropkicked in the face by Sam Wilde, knocking Fury off his feet. “Big” Ben Little: A leap frog followed by a standing dropkick to the face. What athleticism by the man formerly known as “Coca Boy.” Bryan Fury gets back up, holding his face in pain, and he goes for a quick clothesline on Sam Wilde but Sam ducks and tries for a back suplex from behind the ECFW Champion but Fury flips through and comes down on his feet and punches Wilde right in the spine! Wilde arches his back in pain and Bryan Fury then lifts him up and drops him with a back suplex! Owen Nelson: Excellent counter by Bryan Fury, a spine punch and then a picture-perfect suplex. Even J-Dogg looks impressed. Bryan Fury brings Sam Wilde back up to his feet and he whips him into the corner. Bryan Fury runs at the cornered Sam Wilde to attack but Sam gets his foot up, catching Fury in the jaw! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Bryan Fury staggers back and Sam Wilde runs at him to further the attack but Fury catches Wilde and picks him up into a Sidewalk Slam! Owen Nelson: Another beautiful counter by the ECFW Champion! Bryan Fury came prepared here tonight to New York City. Sam Wilde is down, holding his back in pain, and Bryan Fury stands up and brings Sam Wilde up with him. Bryan Fury executes a vertical suplex on Sam Wilde, and then covers him, hooking the outer leg… J-Dogg gets down to count the fall…1...2...Sam Wilde kicks out! “Big” Ben Little: Sam Wilde kicks out of the first pinfall of this match, and a fair count by J-Dogg. Bryan Fury stays focused and he turns Sam Wilde over onto his stomach and Fury then drops an elbow into the lower back/spine of the former “Coca Boy.” Bryan gets up and does this a second time. Owen Nelson: I think its safe to say that Bryan Fury is focusing on the back of Sam Wilde. Bryan drops his knee into the lower back of his challenger, and then pulls him up to his feet and Irish whips him into the ropes again. Sam Wilde bounces back to find that the longest-reigning ECFW Champion in history has lowered his head too early and Wilde takes advantage with a kick right to the face of Fury, staggering the Champion. “Big” Ben Little: Nice. Sam then runs at Fury but Fury catches Wilde in a tilt-a-whirl Powerslam! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Man! Beautiful! I am truly impressed with Bryan Fury here tonight at Cyber Carnage V. Bryan Fury doesn’t waste any time whatsoever as he brings Sam Wilde back up to his feet and he scoops him up for a body slam but Wilde slips down from behind and rolls the Champion up from behind into a schoolboy pin!…1...2...Bryan Fury kicks out! “Big” Ben Little: Now that was close! Both men jump up to their feet and Bryan takes Sam down immediately with a powerful clothesline! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Bryan Fury takes Sam Wilde down and stays on the offensive. Bryan Fury pulls Sam Wilde up again and he hooks him up for another suplex, but Sam reverses Fury into a Front Layout Suplex on the top rope, Fury’s gut getting hung up on the top rope! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Ouch! That cannot feel good at all. Bryan is teetering on the top rope and Sam kicks him hard in the face, sending Fury off the top rope, onto the ring apron, onto the floor at ringside. Owen Nelson: Sam Wilde delivers one hell of a kick, sending Bryan Fury out to ringside. Sam Wilde steps out to ringside as well. Out at ringside, Bryan Fury is back up and Sam Wilde tries to whip Bryan into the ring steps but Fury reverses and sends Wilde back-first into the steel ring steps! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Bryan Fury reversed it, and that’s not going to help Sam’s back. Sam Wilde is sitting against the steps, gritting his teeth in pain and one hand on his back. Bryan Fury pulls Wilde back up to his feet and he backs him back-first into the medal ring post! Owen Nelson: More assault to that lower back of Sam Wilde. Bryan backs up and does this a second time, ramming Wilde’s back into the ring post! “Big” Ben Little: You can just tell by watching that that hurts like hell. Bryan then scoops Sam up and is holding him side-ways and he rams Fury into the ring post again, back-first! Owen Nelson: Again! Bryan drops Sam onto the ringside floor and Sam is arching his back in pain. “Big” Ben Little: Bryan Fury has started this onslaught on the back of his opponent, and its very effective thus far. Bryan Fury pulls Sam Wilde up to his feet and he executes a vertical suplex on Sam Wilde, Sam’s back bouncing off the thin ringside padding! Owen Nelson: God, that hurts in the ring, imagine how it feels out here at ringside. Bryan pulls Sam up again and he slams his face into the ring apron and then rolls him into the ring, Fury following. “Big” Ben Little: The Champion is taking this fight back into the squared circle. In the ring, Bryan Fury lifts Sam up from behind into a back suplex! Bryan Fury covers Sam Wilde as J-Dogg gets down and counts…1...2...Sam Wilde gets his shoulder up off the canvas! Owen Nelson: Sam Wilde gets the shoulder up at two. Bryan Fury doesn’t lose his focus and he brings Sam Wilde up again and he lifts him up and drops him over his knee, a backbreaker! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: What a backbreaker by Bryan Fury! Bryan performs a second backbreaker on Sam Wilde, and then drops him to the mat and covers him again, hooking the leg…1...2...Sam Wilde kicks out! Owen Nelson: Sam Wilde kicks out again, but Bryan Fury is putting on a wrestling clinic here tonight at the biggest event of the year. Bryan Fury brings Sam Wilde up again and he executes a Side Russian Legsweep on Sam Wilde! Bryan Fury turns Wilde over onto his gut again and he rolls a knee onto Wilde’s lower back, Sam yelling out in pain. “Big” Ben Little: Bryan stays on the attack. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen the Champion so focused, Owen. Bryan Fury drops another knee onto Wilde’s back and he then brings him back up to his feet again and lifts him up into a third backbreaker! Owen Nelson: Another backbreaker?! Bryan drops Sam onto the mat and covers him yet again…1...2...Sam Wilde gets his shoulder up off the canvas! “Big” Ben Little: Sam Wilde keeps on kicking out, but Fury’s attack is so perfect here tonight, I don’t know how much longer even the 2006 King of Kings, Sam Wilde, can withstand. Bryan Fury sits Sam Wilde in a sitting position and he pulls his arms back at the same time that he digs his knee into Wilde’s back. This is a submission hold, and Sam is gritting his teeth in pain as Fury’s knee is driven into his injured spine. Owen Nelson: Bryan Fury now has this back submission applied on Sam Wilde, and this will wear Wilde’s back down even more. J-Dogg is watching for a submission, and Fury is pulling Sam’s arms back as far as he can, at the same time driving his knee into Sam’s spine. Sam is yelling out in pain as he tries to kick the bottom rope with his feet. “Big” Ben Little: Bryan Fury is in firm control so far here in this ECFW Championship Match. J-Dogg asks Sam if he wants to give up, but Sam shakes his head and yells “no!” Bryan Fury pulls back even further, applying more pressure to Sam’s injured back. Bryan yells at J-Dogg to “ring the bell!” Owen Nelson: Bryan Fury is determined to finish this match as soon as possible. His Gold is on the line. Sam begins to fight the hold and he stands to his feet and frees one arm and drives his elbow into Fury’s gut repeatedly, finally freeing himself. Sam then runs and bounces off the ropes but bounces back right into a huge, big-time clothesline by Bryan Fury, Sam’s body bouncing of the canvas! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Man. Wilde broke the hold but then ran right into one of the most hellacious clotheslines I have ever seen. Bryan Fury wipes some sweat form his face and flicks it down onto Sam Wilde’s body. Bryan pulls Sam back up to his feet, Sam holding his back in pain, and Bryan talks some trash in Sam’s face and then knees him in the mid-section and sets him up for a Powerbomb. Owen Nelson: Bryan Fury is going to go for a Powerbomb here, and if he can hit this on Sam’s injured back, its all over. The ECFW Champion is about to lift Sam Wilde up but as he does, Sam hooks his legs around Bryan’s neck and Sam executes the Hurricarana on Bryan Fury! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: Man, what a counter by Sam Wilde! He countered the Powerbomb in mid-air into a Hurricarana. Both men are down. Owen Nelson: And now both men are down. A few moments later, both men begin to move up to their feet, Bryan holding his head and Sam his back. “Big” Ben Little: They’re moving up… Bryan Fury goes for a punch to the face but Sam blocks it and comes back with some right fists of his own to the face of the Champion. Sam has Bryan Fury against the ropes, but Bryan fights back with a thumb to the eye of Sam Wilde. Crowd boos Owen Nelson: Right when the challenger was starting to build up some momentum, he gets a thumb to his eye by Bryan Fury. Bryan then comes off the ropes and he gets behind Wilde and gives him a German Suplex Pin!…1...2...Sam Wilde kicks out! “Big” Ben Little: But Wilde continues to kick out! He won’t stay down. Bryan Fury gets up and he gives the referee, J-Dogg, a look. Owen Nelson: I don’t think Bryan Fury liked that call. Bryan turns his attention back to Sam Wilde and he pulls him back up to his feet and he goes for another German Suplex but Sam flips backward in mid-air and comes down on his feet behind the Champion! Crowd gasps “Big” Ben Little: He just flipped out of it! Bryan Fury turns around, shocked, and he gets kicked in the gut and Sam sets him up for The Wilde Card, but Fury reverses Sam into a Northern Lights Suplex Pin!…1...2...Sam Wilde kicks out just in time! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: Great reversal by the Champion, but it was not enough to keep the former “Coca Boy” down for three. Both men jump up to their feet and Bryan Fury takes Wilde right back down with a vicious clothesline! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: There’s no slowing the Champion down here tonight at the grandest stage of em all. Bryan Fury stands up and he looks at J-Dogg and then down at Sam Wilde, and then up at the huge sold-out audience and he signals for the end. Owen Nelson: Fury wants to end it right here. Sam Wilde moves up to his feet, holding his back in pain, and Bryan Fury ducks down and trips Sam with a double leg pickup and he then turns Wilde over into the Boston Crab submission hold! “Big” Ben Little: This will do it right here! The Boston Crab! This pouts so much torque and pressure onto your lower back, and Sam Wilde’s back is already in bad shape here tonight. Bryan’s got this thing won. Sam Wilde is screaming in pain. J-Dogg is kneeling down, watching the hold closely. From Sam’s legs, Bryan is yelling at Sam to “give up!” Owen Nelson: I hate to say it, but I think Sam Wilde’s “fairy tale,” as Bryan Fury called it, is about to come to an end. Sam Wilde, desperate to free himself, reaches for the ropes, but they are too far away. Bryan Fury leans back even more, putting even more pressure on Sam’s injured lower back. Sam lets out another yell of agony. “Big” Ben Little: Just give up, Sam. Won’t be the first time and it won’t be the last…well, unless Bryan ends your career… J-Dogg asks Sam if he wants to give up, and Sam yells back “no!” Bryan Fury yells at J-Dogg, “ring the damn bell!” as he leans back even more. Crowd: WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! Etc. Owen Nelson: I don’t know how much more even Sam Wilde can take. He’s been through a lot in his career, but this is just too much considering everything we have already seen in this historic matchup. The former “Coca Boy” reaches for the ropes again but still can’t reach them. Sam starts to pull himself a little closer to the ropes, J-Dogg watching carefully. “Big” Ben Little: So close yet so far away. Sam yells out in pain as he uses all of his strength to inch himself just a little more closer to the ropes. Bryan tightens the hold again, momentarily preventing Sam from reaching any closer to the ring ropes. Owen Nelson: Its like a race now. Bryan is looking to becoming frustrated as he leans back as far as he can. Sam has tears in his eyes from the extreme amount of pain he is in, as he reaches one last time for the ropes, but is mere centimeters away. Crowd: WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! WILDE! Etc. “Big” Ben Little: How is Wilde doing this??? Bryan Fury tries to lean back even further, but Sam pulls himself just a little closer to the ropes, and he reaches out and…Sam Wilde grabs hold of the bottom rope! Crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: Yes! Sam reached the ropes! I can’t believe it! Sam Wilde is hanging on to the ropes but Bryan Fury refuses to break the hold. Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: That’s why he’s the Champ. J-Dogg starts the 5-count:…1...2...3...4...Bryan Fury finally releases the hold and drops Sam’s legs to the mat. Sam is yelling out in pain as he arches his back and holds it with one hand. Bryan Fury stands straight and grins in J-Dogg’s face. Owen Nelson: The Champion was nearly disqualified, and what a way that would have been to end the biggest event of the year. Bryan Fury turns back around and he looks at the artist formerly known as “Coca Boy” squirming around on the mat in pain. Bryan, smiling, pulls Sam Wilde back up to his feet and he holds him up and gets in his face, talking trash. Bryan slaps Sam across the face. “Big” Ben Little: Bryan Fury is just toying with Sam Wilde now. Bryan tells Sam, “its all over.” Bryan laughs and he drives his knee into the abdomen of Sam Wilde. Bryan then signals for the Run Like Hell. The sold-out crowd is standing. Owen Nelson: Bryan Fury wants to end it all right here and make the Number One Contender Run Like Hell. Sam is crouched over, holding his gut and back in pain. Bryan Fury bounces off the ropes and he comes back for the Run Like Hell but Sam ducks and Bryan sores and gets caught up on the top rope, straddling it! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh no! The crowd is cheering as you can clearly see the pain in Bryan’s face as he straddles the top rope, J-Dogg laughing. Owen Nelson: Bryan Fury went for it all and got nothing but an uncomfortable landing on the top rope. Sam Wilde takes a moment to regain his composure before taking a step back and then dropkicking Bryan Fury in the face, knocking Fury off of the top rope to the ring apron to the floor at ringside. Sam follows. “Big” Ben Little: Sam Wilde takes the leader of Mental Abuse out to ringside. And what an innovative way that he did it. Out at ringside, Sam Wilde has Bryan Fury up and he tires to slam Fury’s face into the barricade, but Fury blocks it and rakes Wilde in his eyes. Crowd boos Owen Nelson: Damn those fingers of the longest-reigning ECFW Champion of all-time. Bryan Fury then reaches over and snatches his Title Belt from the timekeeper’s table. Bryan turns and swings the Gold Belt for Sam’s face but Sam ducks and scoops Fury up into a Snake eyes face-first into the steel ring steps! Crowd: Oh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! What a move! Bryan Fury is down on his back beside the ring steps, holding his face and kicking his feet in pain. Sam Wilde, holding his back in pain, pulls the ECFW World Heavyweight Champion up to his feet and he knees him in the stomach and rolls him back into the ring, following himself afterward. Owen Nelson: I think Wilde wants to end it right here. In the ring, Sam Wilde yells at Bryan Fury, “get up!” A few moments later, the ECFW Champion climbs back up to his feet, holding his face in pain, and Sam Wilde kicks him in the mid-section and sets him up for The Wilde Card but Bryan counters and knees Wilde in the gut and then DDTs him! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: What a magnificent counter by the Champion! Bryan Fury drops his arm over the chest of the former “Coca Boy.”…1...2...Sam Wilde gets his shoulder up off the canvas! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. Owen Nelson: Oh, man! I would have bet money on that one. That’s as close as they come, folks. Bryan Fury slams his fist on the mat in frustration as he stands to his feet. The Mental Abuse leader yells “bullshit!” as he gets in J-Dogg’s face. “Big” Ben Little: The Champion did not like that call at all, Owen. J-Dogg is pointing to his referee’s shirt as Bryan Fury is in his face, arguing, and holding up three fingers. Owen Nelson: Keep your cool, Champ. Bryan Fury waves his hand in J-Dogg’s face as if to say, “forget you,” as he turns back around and he gets a dropkick to his face form out of nowhere by Sam Wilde! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: Whoa! Sam Wilde covers Bryan Fury, hooking the outer leg, as J-Dogg gladly gets down to count the fall…1...2...Bryan Fury kicks out! Owen Nelson: Ah! It still wasn’t enough to keep the longest-reigning ECFW Champion in history down for the three. J-Dogg cusses under his breath as he stands up. Sam Wilde gets up, walking awkwardly and holding his back in pain. “Big” Ben Little: You can just see how much pain the challenger is in right now, Owen. Sam Wilde, limping with one hand on his back, pulls Bryan Fury up to his feet and he tries to whip Fury into the ropes but Bryan bounces back and finds that Sam Wilde has lowered his head too early, and Bryan takes advantage with a kick right to the face of the 2006 King of Kings! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: Oh, what a kick! Sam Wilde is staggering and Bryan Fury bounces off the ropes and comes back for the Run Like Hell but Wilde ducks and Bryan ACCIDENTALLY KNOCKS OUT J-DOGG WITH THE RUN LIKE HELL!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh my God! No! Sam Wilde has collapsed to the canvas and Bryan stands up, shocked at his mistake, as he look down at the motionless guest referee, the legendary J-Dogg. The crowd is on their feet, clapping. Owen Nelson: Sam ducked and Fury caught J-Dogg with the Run Like Hell spinning heel kick to the face by accident. Bryan Fury finally shrugs and he stands up and turns around where he is met with a kick to the stomach and THE WILDE CARD BY SAM WILDE!!! Crowd cheers even louder. “Big” Ben Little: No! Not The Wilde Card! Sam Wilde has the unconscious Bryan Fury pinned, but the referee, J-Dogg, is still down and out. The sold-out audience begins to loudly boo. Owen Nelson: Thanks to Bryan Fury’s botched Run Like Hell, Sam Wilde should be the ECFW Champion right now! But J-Dogg is still down. Sam Wilde, frustrated, is on his knees and he is gritting his teeth in pain as he holds his back. Sam crawls over in pain to the motionless referee, J-Dogg, and he starts shaking him by his shirt, trying to wake him up. “Big” Ben Little: No ref, no pin, no winner. J-Dogg is out like a light and Sam stands up and kicks the bottom rope in frustration. Owen Nelson: There’s nothing for Sam to do now. He cant’ win the Title without J-Dogg. Sam Wilde turns around and he looks around, wondering what to do next. The former “Coca Boy” finally bends over and starts pulling Bryan Fury up to his feet, when Fury suddenly low blows Sam Wilde! Crowd boos “Big” Ben Little: Yeah! Low blow, baby. Sam falls to his knees, clutching his groin in pain, as Bryan Fury falls back down to the mat. Owen Nelson: A very cheap and very illegal move, but yet, very effective. A few moments later, the dazed ECFW Champion rolls out of the ring out to ringside and he grabs his ECFW World Heavyweight Title Belt and brings it back into the ring with him. The crowd is on their feet. “Big” Ben Little: With no referee, there’s no rules. Just look at the Gladiator/Blade match from earlier tonight. In the ring, Sam Wilde is making his way back up to his feet, holding his back with one hand and his groin with his other, and Bryan Fury runs at him and swings his Belt for Wilde’s face but Sam ducks. Owen Nelson: He ducked! Both men turn around and J-Dogg is back up and he runs full-speed, rage in his eyes, at Bryan Fury for a big boot to the face but Fury ducks and J-DOGG ACCIDENTALLY KNOCKS OUT SAM WILDE WITH A BIG BOOT TO THE FACE!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Ha! Yes! I love it, baby! Bryan Fury, on his knees, looks down at Sam and back up at J-Dogg and laughs. J-Dogg can’t believe what he has done as he stomps his foot in frustration with himself. Owen Nelson: J-Dogg was going for Bryan Fury after what Fury did to him moments ago, but Fury ducked, and J-Dogg took out Sam Wilde by accident. Bryan Fury then crawls over and covers Sam Wilde, yelling at J-Dogg, “you have to count!” The crowd is booing as J-Dogg looks upset. “Big” Ben Little: Get down there and count, J-Dogg! J-Dogg is looking down at Bryan Fury as he has Sam Wilde pinned, J-Dogg shaking his head in disbelief. Bryan yells again for him to get down and count, and reluctantly, J-Dogg cusses and gets down and counts the fall……1.…….2.……Sam Wilde just barely gets his shoulder up at the last second! Crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: Oh! Yes! Sam kicked out! This controversial war for the richest prize in the game will continue. J-Dogg shows a sign of relief as he holds up his two fingers. Bryan sits up and yells at J-Dogg in disbelief. “Big” Ben Little: How did Sam kick out after that running boot right to the face? He has to have a broken nose, Owen. Bryan stands up and he and J-Dogg begin arguing. J-Dogg shoves the Champion and the Champion shoves J-Dogg back. Owen Nelson: This match has become almost like a Triple Threat! Bryan and J-Dogg are in each other’s faces when Bryan is suddenly knocked down from behind by Sam Wilde! Sam then turns and kicks J-Dogg in the stomach and drops him with THE WILDE CARD! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: The Wilde Card on J-Dogg! Sam gets his retribution! The crowd is sending out a mixed reaction of cheers and boos as Sam looks down at the motionless J-Dogg (face-down on the mat) and he yells at him. Owen Nelson: This is crazy! Sam Wilde turns back around and BAM! THE RUN LIKE HELL right to the face by Bryan Fury! Another loud “Oohh” from the sold-out audience. “Big” Ben Little: Run Like Hell! He hit it! Bryan Fury covers the unconscious Sam Wilde, but the referee, J-Dogg, is down and out. The crowd is on their feet. Owen Nelson: J-Dogg is out cold, so there’s nobody to make the count. Now Bryan knows how Sam felt a few minutes ago when he had this match and the ECFW Championship won. Bryan yells in anger and frustration as he gets up and kicks the bottom rope over and over and over in frustration. “Big” Ben Little: Fury knows that he has this damn match won! Get up, J-Dogg, god damnit! Bryan drops to his knees and starts yelling in the out cold J-Dogg’s ear, trying to revive him, but Dogg ain’t moving. Owen Nelson: What a controversial match this is, Ben. “Big” Ben Little: And a damn good one at that. But Bryan Fury is being screwed right here and now as we speak! Bryan Fury is going on a rampage as he circles the ring like a caged animal, when finally, REFEREE JOSH PINTH runs down to the ring! Owen Nelson: It looks like we’ve got a new ref down here. The referee slides into the ring and Bryan, seeing him, quickly gets down and recovers Sam Wilde…1...2...Sam Wilde kicks out just in time! Crowd cheers “Big” Ben Little: NO! Bryan pounds his fist on the mat several times and yells out “bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!” over and over. Owen Nelson: Fury thought he had it right there! Bryan Fury gets up and yells in the referee’s face. The ECFW Champion then aggressively (frustrated) brings Sam Wilde back up to his feet again and he kicks Sam in the gut and goes for Wilde’s own Wilde Card on the master himself, but Sam suddenly reverses the Champion into a small package pin!…1...2...Bryan Fury barely kicks out in time! The crowd “Ooohhh”’s in how close the near fall was. “Big” Ben Little: He kicked out! Both men quickly jump up to their feet and Sam runs at Bryan but Bryan catches Wilde with the RUN LIKE HELL right to the face! Crowd: Oh! Owen Nelson: He hit it again! The Run Like Hell! The entire audience is on their feet as Bryan Fury quickly makes the cover on the motionless challenger, Sam Wilde…1...2... …Sam Wilde just barely gets his shoulder up in time! Crowd: Oooohhhh… “Big” Ben Little: What?! No freakin’ way, man! The entire sold-out crowd is cheering and applauding as Bryan Fury gets up and pulls at his hair in frustration and he shoves the referee and hold sup three fingers in the ref’s face, who shakes his head and holds up only two. Owen Nelson: Sam Wilde came to Madison Square Garden to win! I can’t believe he kicked out of that Run Like Hell, the second one he received in this match. Bryan is grabbing the referee by his shirt collar and he looks like he is about to punch his lights out when Fury is suddenly turned around, kicked in the gut, and dropped with THE WILDE CARD BY SAM WILDE!!! Crowd erupts! “Big” Ben Little: No! No! Don’t you count, ref! Sam Wilde covers the motionless Bryan Fury but as the referee is getting down to count the fall, he is suddenly pulled back up and lifted up into the DOGG POUND SLAM BY J-DOGG!!! Crowd: Ooohhh! Owen Nelson: Good God! J-Dogg is back up and he just took out referee Josh Pinth with the Dogg Pound Slam! J-Dogg then looks down and sees Sam pinning Fury and J-Dogg gets down and counts the fall as the crowd counts with him…1...2... …Bryan Fury just barely kicks out in time! Crowd: Ooohhh! “Big” Ben Little: Yes! Thank God! Fury kicked out! The entire crowd is shocked as is J-Dogg and Sam Wilde. Owen Nelson: No one has ever done that before, but Bryan Fury just did it! He kicked out of The Wilde Card. Sam Wilde uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet, one hand on his injured back. Sam looks down at the unconscious referee Josh Pinth and then up at J-Dogg in his referee’s shirt, upset. “Big” Ben Little: J-Dogg took out Josh Pinth. J-Dogg is the referee for this match, not Pinth, and J-Dogg said himself that it would be him and no one else that raised the winner’s hand. Owen Nelson: But Sam Wilde is still not happy about the call. Sam and J-Dogg are in each other’s faces. “Big” Ben Little: Sam thinks J-Dogg is trying to screw him over. Sam is clearly frustrated as he pushes J-Dogg, and J-Dogg pushes him back. Owen Nelson: These two might go at it right here, Ben. J-Dogg and Sam are in each other’s faces and Sam finally turns back around and WHAM! Bryan Fury knocks Sam Wilde out with the ECFW Title Belt! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Oh! Belt shot right to the head, and its got to be over here. And after the way Sam was just in J-Dogg’s face, I don’t think J-Dogg will be disqualifying Fury. Bryan Fury drops down on top of Sam Wilde as J-Dogg counts the fall…1...2...Sam Wilde kicks out! Crowd cheers Owen Nelson: Wilde kicks out again! This is unbelievable! Bryan Fury digs his head in the mat, pounding on the mat with his fists, all in frustration. “Big” Ben Little: What will it take for these men to put each other away. Bryan Fury stands up and he looks at J-Dogg and then down at Sam Wilde and Bryan gets an evil look in his eye. Owen Nelson: Bryan Fury has something left up his sleeve, it looks like, and its gonna take whatever that is for Fury to leave Cyber Carnage V with his Gold still intact. Bryan yells at J-Dogg, “get ready to raise my hand, bitch!” as Bryan drags Sam Wilde up to his feet and Bryan whips Sam into the corner. “Big” Ben Little: He sends him into the corner. In the corner, Bryan Fury kicks Sam Wilde in the sternum and he then ducks down and picks him up and places him on the top rope. Bryan Fury climbs up as well, J-Dogg standing back and watching in confusion and intrigue. Owen Nelson: What has the Champion got on his mind here??? On the top rope, Bryan Fury talks some trash in Sam’s face and he then starts to set Wilde up for his own Wilde Card off the top rope, but Sam suddenly escapes and pushes Fury off the top rope and Fury crashes down hard on the canvas! Crowd: Oohh! “Big” Ben Little: Hey, wait... You can’t do that. Bryan is down on his back on the mat as Sam Wilde is still at the top rope. On the top rope, Sam stands up to his feet and he looks all the way down at the motionless ECFW Champion on the mat. The former “Coca Boy” then looks around at the standing, cheering audience. Owen Nelson: Sam Wilde is standing on the top rope, and he looks like he’s got something on his mind. Sam points to all of the fans and he smiles as he looks down at Bryan again and Sam then pounds on his heart and we can read his lips saying, “Coca Cola.” “Big” Ben Little: Look at what Sam just said… Sam Wilde then dives off the top rope with the BOMBS AWAY on Bryan Fury! Crowd: Oohh! Owen Nelson: Yes! Sam Wilde’s own finisher as “Coca Boy,” the Bombs Away! Sam Wilde drops his arm across Bryan Fury’s chest as J-Dogg gets down and counts the fall…1...2...3! BELL RINGS!!! “Big” Ben Little: No! Sam Jenkans: Here is your winner and your NEW ECFW World Heavyweight Champion, Sam Wilde! Crowd erupts! Owen Nelson: New Champion! Sam Wilde sits up on his knees and he looks like he has tears in his eyes as he looks down at the motionless Bryan Fury. “Big” Ben Little: The 6-plus month reign of Bryan Fury has just come to an end, and I guess its fitting that it happened here at the biggest event of the year. Sam Wilde looks up and sees J-Dogg standing there in his referee’s shirt, holding the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt. Sam stands to his feet and he and J-Dogg are face-to-face, eye-to-eye. Owen Nelson: Sam and J-Dogg have definitely had their differences here tonight. J-Dogg looks at the ECFW Championship and he sighs and he hands it over to Sam Wilde and gives him a nod of respect. Sam offers his hand to J-Dogg and J-Dog shakes it and then raises Sam’s arm up high in victory. The crowd is standing and cheering. “Big” Ben Little: Amid all of their differences, they respect one another. J-Dogg has perhaps just passed the torch to Sam Wilde. Paige Wilde has made her way down the ramp and she excitedly steps into the ring and runs over and hugs her brother and they hug for several seconds. Owen Nelson: What a moment. What a 12 months for Sam Wilde. One year ago, he was Coca Boy and he and his partner Cola Boy won the Tag Team Titles at Cyber Carnage IV. One year later, after everything he’s been through, he is Sam Wilde, and he has won the World Championship in the main event of Cyber Carnage V. Dreams really do come true. J-Dogg gives Sam another nod of respect before the Hall-of-Famer steps out of the ring and makes his way to the back. Sam and Paige are admiring the ECFW World Title Belt when they look up and they see none other than COLA BOY pushing the wheelchair holding the one-legged BURT TWIDDLE down the ramp. The crowd cheers again as they are standing. “Big” Ben Little: Would you look at this…its Sam’s old partner, Cola Boy, and his old manager, Burt Twiddle. We haven’t seen either one of them in months. Cola Boy helps Burt Twiddle out of his wheelchair and he helps him into the ring and then Cola Boy steps in himself. In the ring, Cola Boy helps Burt stand as Cola and Sam Wilde hug and they both look to have tears in their eyes. Owen Nelson: Man, what a moment. Cola and “Coca” release and Sam then hugs Burt Twiddle as the tear-eyed Cola Boy and Paige Wilde clap for Sam and Burt. “Big” Ben Little: What a night for that young man. And his friends and family are congratulating him in the ring. Sam and Burt release and Sam holds up his newly won Championship again and the crowd, standing on their feet, yells and cheers yet again. Owen Nelson: There’s your new Champion, folks. Sam Wilde. Natasha Omega has made her way down to ringside and she pulls Bryan Fury out of the ring. At ringside, Natasha helps Bryan stand and the now-former ECFW Champion, holding his head in pain, looks Into the ring at the four as he and Natasha back up the ramp way. “Big” Ben Little: What a terrible night for Mental Abuse. First Max McCants lost the U.S. Title to Assassin, then Stef Morrus lost in the “Golden Ticket” TLC Match, and now Bryan Fury has lost the ECFW World Heavyweight Championship after over 6 months of holding it. Bryan and Natasha make their way up the ramp way together, as in the ring, Sam Wilde, Paige Wilde, Cola Boy, and Burt Twiddle stand tall, raising each other’s arms up high as the fans continue to applaud. Owen Nelson: This has been undoubtedly the greatest night in sports-entertainment history. I’m sure Mr. Wilde would agree with me on that one. Sam Wilde gets up on the middle rope and holds the ECFW Championship high above his head as Paige, Cola, and Burt stand behind him on the mat, clapping for him as Sam raises the Gold up high. “Big” Ben Little: This has been one hell of a night. This truly has been the grandest stage of em all here from Madison Square Garden. Sam comes back down to the mat and he falls to his knees and holds the Championship Belt against his face as the other three all clap for him still. Owen Nelson: Sam Wilde has proved that dreams really do come true here tonight at Cyber Carnage V. This has been the greatest Cyber Carnage of em all. We’ve seen blood, tables, ladders, chairs, Sledge Hammers, and a whole hell of a lot of heart. We’ve seen it all here tonight, and it was my privilege and honor to call it all for you folks at home. We get a close-up shot of just Sam Wilde’s face, tears in his eyes, as he kisses the Gold. “Big” Ben Little: You have just witnessed the greatest night in sports history. The only question is, if Cyber Carnage V was this great, how great is Cyber Carnage VI going to be next year??? Sam is hugging his friends and family again as the scene fades.
Get this video and more at MySpace.com Owen Nelson’s voice can be heard as the music plays, “It’s the grandest stage of em all,
THE biggest event of the year, and to date, the biggest event of all-time! This is the greatest extravaganza in sports, and
its history in the making as we speak! Its Cyber Carnage V.” We then cut to highlights of the show in order, as Kurt Cobain’s voice can now be heard. We see highlights of the Women’s Title Match, Nick announcing Kurt Evans as the new GM, Aric Hart winning
the TLC Match, etc. We see every major highlight of the show. “Hello, hello, hello, how low? The highlight video continues. From Kurt turning on Nick, to Wasted Youth’s missed moonsault off the
top of the cage, to Assassin winning the U.S. Title, to Gladiator’s controversial win over Jason lade. “Hello, hello, hello, how low? We see highlights of the major bumps in the TLC Match, we see Kyve Hart retaining the Intercontinental
Championship, we see The Caine’s defeating The Duma’s, we see Sam Wilde winning the ECFW Championship from Bryan
Fury. “A DENIAL! (Shows Alexis Knight holding up the
Women’s Title) All goes black. SHOW ENDS. |
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